Although Han Ling has no shortage of resources, but Goldfinger has it himself, they don't have it!

Their development is inseparable from various resources, especially rubber, oil and other resources.

As for resources such as oil, as far as the current time and space are concerned, the number of discoveries and exploitations is limited.

Although Han Ling's behavior is a bit suspected of occupying the latrine and not shitting, but he can't have too much of this kind of thing.I would rather put it there by myself than use it by others!

Chapter 331: Court [[-]]

"Marshal! Judging from the series of arrangements you have made in Nanyang during this period, are you planning to arrange Nanyang?"

After listening to Han Ling's words, Zhang Hanqing looked at him and said.

Judging from Han Ling's layout during this period of time, it seems that he is starting to plot Nanyang.

"You can understand it this way! However, we are just taking this opportunity to intervene now. It is too early to really plan for Nanyang. But we can prepare now. Our country has been a hegemony in this land since ancient times. .

It's just that since modern times, the national power has shown weakness, and the former vassal states have all been lost one by one.We have also lost our rightful place as the overlord.

Now that our country has been unified again after more than [-] years, we naturally want to restore the past traditions.

I don't want others to get my hands on this land yet.But this time we just found the right moment.Countries all over the world are busy with various things.

If it hadn't been for this period, our attack on Nanyang would have aroused their strong reaction long ago. "

Han Ling had a clear understanding of this operation. At the same time, Han Ling was not dazzled by the victory of this operation. His mind was very clear.

Ever since he came to this time and space, Han Ling kept telling himself that he must not get carried away by a little victory.

Don't be too proud of your achievements.There is still a long way to go to revive Huaxia.

"Hey! Marshal, I always feel that there is a feeling of trepidation in such a way among these big countries.

It was a war with Lao Maozi before.This later played with those proud John Bulls.Now it is targeting the Dutchmen in Nanyang.And the little devils in the east have long been messed with.I really have a feeling of dread now! "

Zhang Hanqing smiled wryly.

"These are nothing! In fact, there is no need to look at those countries so tall. They are nothing. You can look at them more simply, that is, education is more advanced than ours, and the level of industry is higher than ours.

As long as we develop education well, we can catch up in a few years! "

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. By the way, Commander! Now Zhao Tiezhu's Seventh Army has solved the problem of Jakarta. Although he said that Jakarta will be the center and radiate all around, but I guess the Seventh Army The [-] to [-] people, they can solve it in less than five days.

The next step is to go to Surabaya.What are you going to do with those Dutchmen? "

The problem Zhang Hanqing mentioned is also a problem that he thinks is relatively difficult.

First of all, this time this small country in Europe made a move that shocked the world.

That is, it gave them their country's only overseas colony.And also said that they were unable to manage and develop this piece of land, so they were handed over to Huaxia.

Although those Dutchmen say so, all countries in the world know it.

The Dutchmen were pressured to hand it over.

If they don't hand it over, then their few people will become captives of others.

A Dutchman of the twentieth century was not a sea coachman of the seventeenth century.Now their national power is very weak.

There are not many troops.

Now their [-] troops and several destroyers plus a heavy cruiser are already an important force for them.

Especially this heavy cruiser plus those destroyers, this is already more than three-fifths of their sea power.

There are only two heavy cruisers in their entire country's seas. Although they are relatively old and backward compared to the Huaxia Sea and the British Sea, they are already very good for them.

So for these reasons, the Dutch had to surrender their only piece of overseas land.

"What to do? What can be done? Because they incited the hatred of the local Indonesians towards the overseas Chinese and caused the death of a large number of overseas Chinese. Shouldn't they bear these responsibilities?

It is said that doing something wrong needs to be punished.These Dutchmen don't think that if Indonesia is handed over to me, it can be done like this?There is no such simple thing.Even if they don't hand it over, I can take it myself.

Later, you will transfer some of the young men's staff and officials from the army, let them form the Nanyang military court, let Zhao Tiezhu be the judge, Shen Chengzhang be the deputy judge, and openly try those criminals in Surabaya! "

For a long time, Han Ling's foreign wars were of the type of tit for tat.

How the old Maozi treats his own people, Han Ling treats their people.

No matter how the little devil treats the Chinese people, he will pay back twice as much.

As for these western countries, Han Ling hadn't been so extreme before.

But blame them themselves.It was beyond Han Ling's tolerance for those local Indonesians to hate the overseas Chinese and cause such huge casualties and economic losses.

That being the case, how could Han Ling let them go.

"Form a Nanyang military court?"

Zhang Hanqing frowned, it seemed that the commander-in-chief was not going to let these people go.

"En! Not bad! You should handle this matter as soon as possible. I estimate that Zhao Tiezhu will go to Surabaya in a while, so you should move faster!"

"Okay! No problem, just leave it to me!"

Han Ling was right, Zhao Tiezhu's movements were indeed fast enough.

Originally, Han Ling thought that Zhao Tiezhu would need seven days a week.Who knew that Zhao Tiezhu's speed exceeded Han Ling's expectations.

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