Later, Zhao Tiezhu directly fought all the way.

For those who are unfriendly and hostile, we will all get rid of them.

Every afternoon, plumes of smoke rise from places around Jakarta.

It was the smoke of burning corpses.After all, in Indonesia, in this tropical area, there has never been a winter and a summer, only a rainy season and a dry season.

The temperature is higher than sixteen degrees throughout the year.

At such a temperature, if the corpse is not disposed of as soon as possible, it will produce plague and other things.

And those bulldozers, now they've diverted.

Instead of pushing dirt, push meat instead.Still a lot of meat.

Every day, large piles of meat are collected, loaded into trucks, and transported to designated locations for incineration.

And no country in the world knows what happened here.

Because Zhao Tiezhu absolutely blocked the news, this kind of thing.

Although there is a reason for the incident, the overseas Chinese are also victims.But the spread is too wide, and speaking out will also have a certain impact on Huaxia's positive image, so he absolutely blocked the news.

At this speed, Zhao Tiezhu cleaned up Jakarta and its surroundings in just four days!

Chapter 332: Court [[-]]

After Zhao Tiezhu dealt with the matter in Jakarta, he started to head towards Surabaya.

On October [-], [-], Zhao Tiezhu, commander of the Seventh Group Army of the Huaxia Pingyuan Army, led all the personnel of the group army from land to Surabaya.

On October [-], [-], the army led by Zhao Tiezhu arrived outside the city of Surabaya, and at the same time Shen Chengzhang also appeared on the sea at the port of Surabaya with the East China Sea Fleet.

At this time, after half a month of ban, the sky in Surabaya has changed.

Now the locals in Surabaya are also rioting.

The governor, Tellson, was transferred to the ship when everything was almost moved. After all, it was dangerous to take power on land.

Before he stayed on land, it was because he had to direct people to move those important financial items.

Now it's almost all moved, and Surabaya has started a complete riot.

For his own safety, he naturally wanted to withdraw to the fleet, so that he felt safe.

Um!Tellson withdrew to the fleet, and even most of his own army retreated to the transport ships.

But the overseas Chinese in Surabaya suffered.

The target of those locals is the overseas Chinese, and now there is no one to protect them.

Immediately, bloodshed began to occur, and countless gangsters rushed into the homes and shops of overseas Chinese.

At this moment, they seem to have turned into a group of wild beasts, robbing all the property of the overseas Chinese.

To them, a pair of bowls and chopsticks in the homes of overseas Chinese are extremely exquisite treasures.

After the robbery is the loss of humanity.

These people seem to be dazzled by countless wealth and various things. After they rob, they start killing and setting fire, etc., doing everything they can.

"Commander! From eight o'clock this morning, the whole of Surabaya started to riot. Those locals started to enter the homes of overseas Chinese and do everything they can!"

The battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion ran to Zhao Tiezhu and said anxiously.

"What did you say? Where are the Dutchmen?"

Zhao Tiezhu grabbed the scout battalion commander's collar and said.

"I didn't see anyone! I guess they evacuated!"

Seeing the blood red in Zhao Tiezhu's eyes, the reconnaissance battalion commander couldn't help swallowing.

He naturally guessed in his mind the reason why Zhao Tiezhu was like this, probably because he remembered the scene in Jakarta some time ago.

In fact, it was indeed the case. Zhao Tiezhu thought of the scene he saw in Jakarta some time ago, and felt a surge of anger rushing straight to his forehead.

"Withdrawn? These damned Dutchmen! Come here, pass my order, all troops will enter the city immediately to rescue our compatriots! If you find rioters on the street, shoot them immediately!"

Zhao Tiezhu stared at a pair of blood red eyes and ordered.

He has killed too many people during this period of time, it can be said that millions of people died in his hands.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu didn't care about these lives.

All he wants is to rescue his fellow man!Rescue fellow countrymen!

Following Zhao Tiezhu's order, the soldiers of the Seventh Army began to enter the city.

"Brother Zihao, save me! Ah!"

In a private house, a girl is suffering, but on her body is a thug who is tearing his clothes.

There are three or four thugs around them looking at them with hideous smiles.

Zihao, whom the girl spoke of, was currently wrestling with several other thugs with a wooden stick.

Although the performance is brave enough, but two fists are no match for four hands.

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