There have been many stab wounds on his body.

There were teasing smiles in the eyes of those thugs, and they seemed to like looking at them very much.

And the blades in their hands were covered with blood.

Some belonged to Zhang Zihao, while others belonged to other overseas Chinese.

Since the riots began, they have broken down countless homes and killed countless overseas Chinese.

When they entered this room just now and found the man and woman hiding in the closet, they immediately paid attention to the playfulness.

"Bastards! You bastards! I won't let you go!"

Zhang Zihao's face was covered with blood, and he didn't know whose it was. He looked at the local people around him with a kind of hatred.

"These vampires should be treated like this."

A local man looked at Zhang Zihao and said in local dialect.

Zhang Zihao was born and raised here, so he can naturally understand what they say.

Only now he can't do anything about it.

The thug riding on the girl watched the girl's resistance.

The heat in his eyes intensified.

Feeling the girl's resistance, this seemed to arouse his interest.

Looking at the layer of tulle on the girl, he seemed to see what kind of feeling he would get from her.

"You vampires have absorbed so much of our wealth, now it's time for you to repay us!"

The thug was laughing ragingly, while trying to remove the last layer of defense from the girl.




Just when the thug was about to make the next move, countless gunshots were heard on the street.

With the sound of gunfire, there was also the sound of trucks.

"What's going on? Are those white people back?"

One of the thugs looked at Yiren with some trepidation.

"Impossible! There are so many of us, they don't dare to control. I guess some guy opened the arsenal of those white people, we don't care. Continue!"

The native didn't think white people would do anything to them.At the same time, I also think that with so many people, I should have resisted their rule long ago.

So I still called another person to continue.

"it is good!"

The thug who was riding on the girl thought so deeply, and started to attack again.

"We are the Seventh Group Army of the Huaxia Pingyuan Army. All overseas Chinese compatriots who heard the broadcast, please immediately go to the streets to seek military protection, and we will provide you with security guarantees!

I repeat again, all overseas Chinese compatriots, we are the Seventh Army of the Huaxia Pingyuan Army, and we are your compatriots.

All compatriots who hear the broadcast are asked to seek military protection on the streets!Our army has spread all over the streets of Surabaya, we will provide you with security! "

A radio broadcast began to sound, and they advertised to the whole city.

While the Pingyuan Army is propagating, it is also eliminating those rioters.

"Motherland! The army of the motherland has arrived! The army of the motherland has arrived, and we are saved!"

Zhang Zihao was stunned for a moment, then muttered to himself.Then he opened his throat and shouted: "We are here! Help! Help!"

"Bastard! Quick! Hack him!"

These locals were also stunned, they did not expect that there would be Chinese people coming.However, they were not sure if it was true. To be on the safe side, he planned to hack these two people to death.

Go out and see if it's true.

"Oh help!"

The girl's shrill voice also began to sound.



At this time, there was a group of soldiers outside who were clearing away the locals who kept attacking them on the street.

Suddenly hearing two calls for help, a company commander outside froze for a moment.

"Goudan, do you hear any voices calling for help?"

Chapter 333: Court [[-]]

"Help? I really wanted to hear something vaguely, but the gunshots were too loud, and I'm not sure!"

Goudan scratched his head and said uncertainly.

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