"I think it's an overseas Chinese! And it's in that room. Come on, let's go in and have a look! It's very likely that an overseas Chinese is asking for help!"

The company commander made a decision in less than five seconds.

"it is good!"

Then the company commander took a squad of soldiers to the door, ready to go in and have a look.

As soon as they walked to the door, they clearly heard your cries for help and cruel laughter.

"Go in! Save people!"

Before the company commander could finish speaking, a soldier kicked the door away, and then a black muzzle stuck in.

After entering, I saw a few locals, and without even thinking about it, I seemed to pull the trigger instinctively.




Those local people felt a strong kinetic energy entering their bodies before they could react.

Then I felt that my life was passing by quickly, and then one after another corpses fell to the ground like this.

They didn't know what happened until they died.

At this time, Goudan and the others had a clear view of the situation in the house.

A girl slowly struggled up from the ground, the clothes on her body could be described as ragged.

There were still tears on her face, and she could tell at a glance that she had suffered inhuman treatment earlier.

This made Goudan and the others feel a little better. Fortunately, they waited for someone to come in time.

If she was a few minutes late, she might become unlucky.

At this time, the young man covered in blood was still bleeding continuously from his body.

The blood stained the whole clothes red.

He stared blankly at the people in front of him.

Like myself, they all have yellow skin, black eyes, and black hair.

Looking at these people, Zhang Zihao suddenly felt so familiar and kind.

"Dog, bandage him up! In addition, notify the armored hospital vehicle and let them come over quickly. There is a seriously injured young man here!"

Looking at the blood on the young man's body, the company commander knew that he had lost a lot of blood.If the blood transfusion is not bandaged quickly, it will be fatal.

"it is good!"

Goudan took out his medical first aid kit, took out a hemostatic bandage and hemostatic medicine from it, and began to bandage Zhang Zihao.

"Thank you"

Zhang Zihao's blood-stained face showed a smile uglier than crying. As soon as he finished speaking, he passed out.

"Brother Zihao"

The girl threw herself on Zhang Zihao's body and shouted.

"Okay! Goudan, and you, send them to the rear!"

Now is the time to clean up those rioters. The company commander didn't have so much time to linger here, so he quickly gave the order and took the people out.

Surabaya's cleanup operations are continuing, and with previous experience, they are cleaning up much faster.

There are not a few rescued people like Zhang Zihao and the others.

However, there are also some overseas Chinese who did not have time to be rescued.

Surabaya, as the main city here in Indonesia, has a population larger than that of Jakarta.

There are also more Chinese than Jakarta, and of course, there are more locals than Jakarta.

The gunfire throughout Surabaya never stopped from morning to five in the afternoon.

Due to time constraints, countless corpses were piled up on the ground and no one cleaned them up.

"Commander! Today's cleanup work is basically completed! It's just that there are still many fish that slipped through the net.

Because the entire Surabaya locals participated in the turmoil, plus they were a little too crowded.

Many of them ran back to their homes during the chaos.So we have only cleaned up part of it now, and there are still many people who have not been cleaned up! "

A staff officer walked to Zhao Tiezhu's side and said softly.

"Well! First order the troops to clean the streets! Mainly to contain the corpses of overseas Chinese compatriots!

Let the bulldozers move over the corpses of those local people.

In addition, go to collect some gasoline and prepare to burn the corpse.The weather in Nanyang is a bit big.If it is not disposed of as soon as possible, it may cause plague and stench. "

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the sunset in the sky, and said lightly.


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