The soldiers of the Seventh Army have already been extremely skilled in this kind of cleaning work.

Although there were more than [-] local corpses on the streets, with the help of a large number of bulldozers, trucks and other equipment, the number of corpses on the streets began to decrease rapidly.

Although the ground has been stained red with blood, there is no way to do it.

After all, where are so many corpses piling up.

The specific cleaning of the ground can only be done after the turmoil is over.

After all, the entire Surabaya locals participated in the unrest.

Only about a quarter of the natives are now executed.

Three-quarters of locals are still at large.

These people, Han Ling will not let them go.

There are about [-] overseas Chinese in Surabaya.

But how many are there now?

From the beginning of the turmoil to their rescue in the city, and finally to control the whole city.

During the three hours in between, more than [-] overseas Chinese died.

You said, could Zhao Tiezhu let these executioners go?

As night fell, the overseas Chinese who had suffered a day of fright during the day slowly recovered.Many people are looking for their loved ones everywhere, and if they find them, they are still alive.

This is naturally happy.

But what was found was only one corpse, and that was the one who cried bitterly all night.

Zhao Tiezhu held Lin Jing's hand and stood not far from the corpse, watching many overseas Chinese crying bitterly while hugging a corpse.

There was a murderous look in his eyes, and at the same time, he remembered what Han Ling told them before.

"Everyone! You are already middle and senior generals of our Pingyuan Army. What you hold in your hands is no longer military power, nor is it military strength.

It is the life safety and property safety of ordinary people.

The role of the military is to defend the country.Protect our people from innocent property damage and life threatening.

And as long as they are Chinese people, whether they are domestic or overseas Chinese, they are our people.

If overseas Chinese are bullied one day, don't look at them with insensitive eyes.

Although these overseas Chinese all live abroad, their contributions to the country are also great.We must do our best to protect every citizen!

This is a mission of our military! "

Zhao Tiezhu thought of this passage, and seemed to understand why Han Ling said that at the beginning.

Seeing these suffering overseas Chinese, Zhao Tiezhu also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Put it in the wash! I will definitely clean up the garbage and bury it for you!"

Chapter 334: Court [Four]

Zhao Tiezhu said that he would clean up the rubbish to avenge the overseas Chinese, and he did not break his promise.

For the next few days Zhao Tiezhu's [-]th Army has been cleaning up the locals who participated in the unrest.

Those trucks and bulldozers, they're all scarlet all over them these days.And some places on the street were not cleaned in time, and there were bursts of stench in some places.

In several places outside Surabaya, raging fires ignited every afternoon.

This is burning dead bodies to avoid diseases such as plague.

Dead bodies are burned in these places every day.

For this reason, Zhao Tiezhu specially asked people to dig many large and large pits in these places.

Since the corpses are burned here every day, layers of white ashes are piled up underneath.

No one knows how many corpses were burned, even Zhao Tiezhu didn't know until later.

Because there were too many people participating in the turmoil, he was not in the mood to take care of it.Just dispose of the trash that participated in the unrest.

On October [-], [-], when Zhao Tiezhu and you and the locals who participated in the turmoil in Surabaya were almost cleaned up, Tellson, the Dutch governor, started to disembark.

Because he got the news that there was no danger down there.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't have the mood and time to take care of this guy before.

Shen Chengzhang's East China Sea Fleet is also rescuing the injured overseas Chinese sent by Zhao Tiezhu, and has no time to take care of this guy.

But this guy is on the fleet, and he didn't dare to leave when he knew that the Huaxia East China Sea Fleet was on the sea in the port.

I didn't say anything, just left rashly like this, if I annoyed those Huaxia people and sunk myself, then what would I do!

So he didn't leave, now there is no danger, and it's time for him to come down and show himself.

"Commander! That Governor Tellson of the Dutchman wants to see you! See you?"

A staff officer walked up to Zhao Tiezhu with a telegram and asked.

It's also interesting to say that the staff officer actually asked if he had seen him.

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