Generally speaking, the staff will only say the first sentence, but will not ask the last few words.

But the staff officer asked, which meant that the staff officer was not very friendly to Tellson.

In fact, it's normal to be unfriendly. They all know that this Dutchman provoked the turmoil.

Moreover, the army had issued an order before, asking them to set up a military court and let Zhao Tiezhu serve as a military judge to try these people.

Do you think they might want to see Tellson?

"See what? Go tell them no see.

In addition, send a report to Commander Shen.Just tell him to keep an eye out for these Dutchmen, beware of them escaping! "


Zhao Tiezhu will not see them, see you?

If you really want to see you, you have to go to court.As for now!

You should bother Shen Chengzhang.He didn't like their stuff anyway.

In the port of Surabaya, the command room of Huashan.

"Report to Commander. Commander Zhao sent a telegram telling us to pay attention to Tellson and be careful of his escape. Commander Zhao also said that he refused Tellson's meeting."


Shen Chengzhang was stunned for a moment before he understood.

"This Zhao Tiezhu really has the same temperament as the commander-in-chief. Forget it! You inform me. If Tellson comes to ask for an interview, you can directly bring them to me!"

Shen Chengzhang shook his head and said to the staff officer next to him.


But at this time, outside the city of Surabaya, there was a person whose face turned white and blue.

It is almost catching up with the face-changing of Sichuan Opera.

"Mr. Governor, what should we do now? This Chinese general doesn't want to see us."

Major General Weber looked at Tellson and said with a worried expression on his face.

"Damn! Have they forgotten that we haven't given Indonesia to them yet? Do they think Indonesia is theirs now?"

Listening to Tellson's gnashing of teeth, Weber next to him didn't speak.

In fact, he did not say a word, and now Indonesia is indeed China's.

With their [-] to [-] people here, they can easily win the whole of Indonesia.

Just his own army of more than [-] troops is not enough for others to look at.

"Forget it! Let's go see their naval commander!"

After a while, Tellson calmed down the anger in his heart and said to Weber.

"Well! I'm going to prepare now."

After a while, Tellson and his party arrived outside the port of Surabaya in a car.

"Stop, who are you? Who are you looking for here?"

Soldiers at the intersection stopped Tellson and the others.

"We are the Governor General of the Netherlands in Indonesia. Now we want to see the Commander of your Sea Fleet!"

Tellson's men still spoke to the soldiers in the same haughty tone as before.

Originally, the soldier had been ordered before that if these Dutchmen came, he would take them in directly.

It's just that after hearing their haughty tone, these soldiers changed their minds.Decided to cool him off first.

"You guys wait here, let's go in and make an announcement!"

After the soldier finished speaking, he ran back with a person.

The others continued to stop Tellson and the others here.

"they they"

Tellson looked at the two Huaxia soldiers running away, and couldn't help pointing at them speechless.

Originally, Tellson didn't mind reporting them. This is a normal procedure after all!

But he clearly saw a black phone hanging over the outpost, but now he wanted to run to notify him, and he felt that he was being tricked.

"Don't you have a phone? Why do you run to notify?"

An official from Governor Tellson looked at the soldiers standing there and asked in Chinese.

"Sorry, this is confidential, I have nothing to say!"

The soldier had an expression I couldn't tell, and he swallowed Tellson and the others half to death.

Others have said that this is classified, what else can you say?

Tellson and the others stood under the sun, sweating, while the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army stood guard in the small house of the outpost.It was as if they hadn't seen Tellson and the others basking in the sun.

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