At a far corner, two soldiers were sitting under the shade of a tree smoking a cigarette.

"Squad leader, isn't it good for us to do this? Commander Shen ordered that they be brought in when they come. But we just left them there."

"What are you afraid of! Don't forget, although we are standing guard on the sea, we are still soldiers of the Seventh Army, and Commander Shen can't control us. And we just want to cool off, have you driven them away? .

If they do leave, our commander can kill them.Now the commander is trying to clean up the garbage in the city, and he doesn't care about killing a few more people who provoked this turmoil! "

The squad leader, they did not disobey the military order, they just told them to wait, they went to report that's all.

As for Shen Chengzhang, if they pursue it at that time, they will forget the order they gave before.

Even if Shen Chengzhang is angry, he can't deal with them.

Because they are soldiers of Zhao Tiezhu, the Seventh Army of the Pingyuan Army.

Chapter 335: Court [Five]

When Tellson felt uncomfortable in the sun, as if his clothes were completely soaked in sweat, the two soldiers came.

"Go in! Commander Shen agrees to see you!"

Hearing this, Tellson and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the two soldiers led Tellson and his group to the trucks and jeeps listening nearby.

"You guys get on the truck and sit down!"

After a soldier finished speaking, he said to several drivers sitting in the woods: "Come here and drive alone!"

"Really! It's so hot, can't you let us have a good rest?"

One driver had to stand up and complain because the car that Tellson's men got into was his.

"I also take this kind of car?"

Tellson pointed to the truck lane in front of him.

"Of course! Otherwise what do you think?"

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army said as a matter of course.

"You hum!"

Originally, Tellson wanted to say something, but considering his current situation, he decided to forget it.

The two soldiers shrugged and boarded a jeep next to them, inserted the keys and started the ignition, and then led the way, leading Tellson and the others to the Huashan.

After a while they reached the port.

When Tellson and the others got off the car, they saw the super battleship moored in the port.


"Is this the world's number one super battleship?"

Looking at the super battleships in front of him, Weber couldn't help swallowing.

At the same time, thinking of the largest fleet at sea, in front of other battleships at sea, I'm afraid it's nothing.

"Come with me! Don't wander around!"

Two Pingyuan Army soldiers led the way after speaking.

And Tellson was thinking about how to get Shen Chengzhang to let him and others leave.

Now Tellson doesn't even know if Shen Chengzhang knows that he evacuated all the warehouses in Surabaya.

If he knew, it would be difficult for him and others to leave. If he didn't know, the chance of leaving would be higher.

Huashan, in the restaurant of the fleet

Because it is inside a battleship, there must be no living room.

So Shen Chengzhang met Tellson here.

"Respected Admiral Shen Chengzhang, I welcome you on behalf of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and all the people of Indonesia, as well as the [-] troops in Indonesia and the sea!"

At the very beginning, Tellson told Shen Chengzhang that there was still a country standing behind him, and told him not to go too far.

The treatment he suffered just now was something he had never encountered since he came to the Far East.

He has always lived like an emperor, and no one has ever dared to treat him like this.

"Hehe! You can represent the country behind you, but you can't represent Indonesia! You don't have to welcome me. I come here, and the overseas Chinese in my country welcome me!"

Shen Chengzhang showed great hostility from the very beginning, which surprised Tellson who had a certain understanding of Chinese people.

In his impression, Chinese people are good at the golden mean, even if they are hostile to you, they will not show it.

But this time, Shen Chengzhang showed great hostility towards him from the very beginning, which was a great contrast in his impression!

"Dear Commander Shen, what do you mean?"

Tellson frowned, looked at Shen Chengzhang and asked cautiously.

"Hehe! Don't Mr. Governor have any impression of what he did some time ago? Tens of thousands of overseas Chinese in our country have been persecuted, so Mr. Governor has nothing to say?"

Shen Chengzhang looked at Tellson and asked with a half smile.

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