And what the Dutchman did has now angered this big eastern country and provoked their anger.

The Dutchman couldn't get it right, so he came to him. Do you think these John Bulls will help?

How can it be!

They had suffered heavy losses before, and they are still bandaging their wounds, so they don't care about your shit.

Your people get caught and get caught.

Not mine anyway.

Those soldiers captured by the East China Sea Fleet have already returned, so John Bull doesn't bother to care about you.If you do something wrong, take it on yourself!

The Huaxia of today is not the Huaxia of [-] years ago. With tens of thousands of people, they can reach their capital.

John Bull didn't care, and the Dutchman couldn't help it.

After thinking about it, I went to find those proud Gallic chickens again, but no one else is interested in taking care of your shit.

Although he has a colony in the east, and it is still very close to Huaxia.They also have some concerns.

But Huaxia didn't touch their cheese. They are also in an economic crisis now. Who cares about your shit, deal with it yourself!

If because of you, their piece of land in the east was taken by Huaxia, then the loss outweighs the gain.

The Dutchman, who had no other choice, went to the United States on the other side of the ocean for help.

It's just that their economic crisis is the worst, so who cares about your mess?

And now Han Ling's Qihang company is aggressively recruiting talents in the United States, and is also setting up factories there, preparing to use American resources to support itself.

Although this is a bit suspected of vampires, the United States can't control so much now, as long as they can solve their economic problems now!The most important employment issue, who is the uncle.

For you to offend Huaxia who helped you?

Oh!God, are you sure you took your medicine today?

To be honest, although those Americans know that Han Ling is using their resources and manpower to develop their own country.

But now they are willing, and no one said anything.

After all, there is almost no food left, so who cares about it?

Under such circumstances, on October [-], [-], after Zhao Tiezhu dealt with all the troubles in Surabaya City, and after the arrival of the domestic military court delegation, Zhao Tiezhu officially established the The Nanyang Court then formally opened the court.

"I invite the plaintiff, Mr. Chen Laochen, chairman of the Nanqiao Association!"

Following the voices in the courtroom, Mr. Chen and the group from the Nanqiao Association appeared in the plaintiff's seat in the courtroom with expressions of resentment.

"The accused Indonesian Governor-General Telsen and his subordinate soldier Weber and others are invited."

Tellson, Weber and others were wearing blue prison uniforms, with iron chains on their hands and dragging iron chains on their feet.His face was covered with dirt, and he appeared in the courtroom as if he hadn't washed his face for many days.

Zhao Tiezhu was wearing a boss suit, and the three shining stars on his shoulders indicated that he was the general of the Pingyuan Army, and he was Han Ling's capable general!He is also the general who has recently been called the executioner.

Sitting on the judge's seat, Zhao Tiezhu didn't have the slightest expression on his face.

Due to the recent killings, his body has always been filled with a tyrannical aura.

The people around did not dare to touch his brows in the face of this aura.

Only Shen Chengzhang felt the aura on Zhao Tiezhu's body, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

In this trial, Zhao Tiezhu interrogated [-] decision makers representing the turmoil, represented by Tellson and Weber.

Next, more than [-] executors who executed the riots were tried.

In court, Tellson and his defense lawyers were overseas Chinese lawyers who rushed over from Kuala Lumpur.They have a hatred from the bottom of their hearts for these Dutchmen who persecute overseas Chinese.

In court, they did not defend Tellson and the others. Instead, they continued to assist the plaintiff's lawyers in confirming the crimes of Tellson and his party.

In the end, forty-three decision makers represented by Tellson and Weber were sentenced to death.

More than [-] other enforcers were sentenced to life in prison.It's just that China is currently engaged in major construction, and what awaits them will be endless labor.

The court-martial trial lasted for more than a week, and the trial was completed at the end of October and the beginning of November.

The news shocked the world.

All countries in the world look at this Far Eastern power with admiration.It also showed great interest in their daring to do so.

You know, they are very likely to be opposed or even besieged by all Western countries in doing so.

Where did they get their courage?

With their continuous investigation, they found that this big eastern country has been advancing in a big stride since the establishment of Han Ling.

They reformed agriculture, paid attention to education, and developed industry.

Various transportation facilities have been built, and the living standards of the people are gradually improving.

And their strength is developing rapidly.

It only took them a few years to establish a three-army army, navy and air force that is at the forefront of the world.

Their ability to fight those John Bulls in the sea has already demonstrated their strength, and their army defeated the little devil first, and then the old man.

Immediately after the unification of the country, it has already shown that the strength of its army cannot be underestimated.

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