And their air force, since its establishment, has always been a crushing advantage in the face of other countries.

Some countries estimate that China's air force may be the most advanced air force at present!

Chapter 337: Aid the Mustache

No matter how those western countries comment on China now, Han Ling has no time to take care of them now.

Because of some proactive attacks by Han Ling, the history of the world began to change.

For example, the mustache in the Germanic region.

Now he is jumping up and down with his power, and his arrogance is stronger than in history.

Why is this?

Because there is a mysterious force supporting them.

Since the reunification of the country, Han Ling sent clone spies secretly to Europe to find Mustache.

Han Ling will never forget the countries they blocked when he launched the unification war for the first time.

It was Weimar who was the first to be cut.

And there is a person under it who wants to replace it very much, and that is the mustache.

In order to let this country rise as soon as possible and contain other European countries, Han Ling couldn't help but began to help Mustache.

And by now the mustache is taking a bigger step than it has in history.

Historically, it was three or three years before he came to power and became the head of state.

But now it seems that it will not take three or three years, and it seems that he can become the head of state by the end of three or two years.

It seems that it will be about half a year faster than in history.

"What? Marshal, you said that you are secretly helping the leader of that faction, Mustache?"

November [-], [-].

While they were executed in Tellson, the others were sent back home.

However, Han Ling told Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing the news.

It was Zhang Hanqing who exclaimed just now.

"Hanqing, why are you making such a fuss? It's worth making a fuss! Two years ago, that guy in Weimar actually prevented me from unifying the country. How can I not cause him a little trouble now?

And even if I don't help Mustache, he will eventually ascend to the position of head of state, it's just a matter of time.

Our assistance to him to ascend to the position of head of state early is also very beneficial to our country's next global strategic plan. "

Seeing Zhang Hanqing's surprised expression, Han Ling blamed him.

"Isn't it worth my fuss? My handsome! You are so powerful! We don't know about this matter until now. If this matter is exposed, our country will become the target of public criticism!"

Secretly supporting opposition forces in other countries is not very glamorous.

"Come on! Don't worry! How could they know. And the current Weimar is indeed not in our interests. And most importantly, we need an ally in the world, a solid ally.

Looking around the world, it is estimated that there is only one person who can become our ally now.

The mustache I helped, he is an extreme racist, and most importantly, he has a good impression of Huaxia.If we can get him to the position of head of state, that will be a solid ally for us.These are some of his information, please take a look! "

Han Ling handed a stack of mustache materials to Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing.

The two of them really don't know much about Mustache who is thousands of miles away. If Mustache takes the position of head of state at this time, they will naturally know a little bit.

But at this time, the mustache hadn't taken the position of head of state, so of course they didn't know.

Mr. Zhan Ning and Zhang Hanqing looked at it slowly after receiving the information.

When Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing were reading the materials, they were in a quiet room in the German capital thousands of miles away.

When Huaxia was still past nine o'clock in the morning, it was still past two o'clock in the morning here.

At this time, people should be sleeping, but at this time, there is a white man and a Chinese man sitting opposite each other in this room.

There are countless people waiting here in the dark outside this room.

"Mr. Li! Is there anything you want to do with me this time?"

Mustache looked at the Chinese man in front of him who had been helping him during this time, feeling absolutely grateful in his heart.

At the same time, his favorability towards the Huaxia people has risen to another level.

When he couldn't survive in Vienna, it was a Chinese couple who assisted him and allowed him to survive, and gave him a sum of money when he moved out so that he could continue to live.

Unexpectedly, Huaxia helped him again at the most difficult time in his career.

According to some unofficial history records, there are two main reasons why the mustache has a good impression of Huaxia in history.

The first one is that Huaxia can sell him a lot of resources, which is absolutely helpful to his country.

The second reason is probably this.

"That's right! According to our Marshal's judgment on the current situation in your country, your time has come.

Now many strata in your country have begun to support you vigorously.The time is ripe to move towards the pinnacle of power grabs! "

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