At this time, Europe seems to refer to heroin as Maca.And because of its effects, many people are about to regard this stuff as a panacea.

After selling the little devil, go to sell Western countries, and then continue to make a lot of money.

Little devil's capital, inside the prime minister's residence

"Your Excellency, according to reports from various places, the biological virus has been basically contained. No more infected people have been found."

An official stood in front of the little devil Wakatsuki and said.

"Well! Not bad! This biological virus has finally been contained. The empire finally doesn't have to suffer from it anymore. Now I can report to His Majesty. His Majesty has been worried about this for a while!"

Wakatsuki said with a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, they were almost driven crazy by this virus.

First of all, the contagiousness of this biological virus is too strong.Many people didn't touch it, and they were actually infected.

After being infected, the person with the best health can persist for about ten days.

This is still the kind of people who exercise regularly and are in good health to last for so long.

The average person is about a week.

After that, unconsciousness began to appear in various parts of the body, and in the end it directly became a vegetative state.

Most of the time, they don't know how they got it.

The scientists of the little devil have been studying for so long and have also captured some eggs of this biological virus.

After a long period of research, they found that this biological virus can be completely killed at a high temperature of [-] degrees.

Or it can only be killed with the drug developed by Sakai Qingu.

Any other vaccines, insecticides, etc., are of no use to others.

Later, those scientists originally wanted to study Sakai Qingu's antidote formula.

It's just that somehow Sakai Qinggu found out about it.

Sakai Aoko said: If you research, I will not produce another antidote.

When Sakai Qinggu said this, they were helpless.

Because once Sakai Qinggu stops production, countless people will fall into a vegetable state.

And they research this antidote, it will take time!

Even if it is researched and then started to produce, it will take time.

In addition, it was the peak time of this kind of biological virus infection at that time, so they had to compromise at that time.

"This matter is thanks to Mr. Sakai. If Mr. Sakai hadn't researched the medicine to understand it, the empire would not know what kind of loss it would suffer!"

Thinking of Sakai Aogu, Wakatsuki sighed again.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister! Now that the biological virus has been successfully contained, shall we ask the research department to study Sakai-kun's antidote formula? This way we can also file it! Maybe it will come in handy in the future."

Seeing that Wakatsuki was in a good mood, the official couldn't help saying.

"No! Don't let the research department study it for the time being. Sakai-san has made great contributions to the empire this time. It is estimated that His Majesty will personally meet him and reward him. The outside media may also report on him within a period of time.

In addition, I heard that the army is very interested in this antidote from Sakai-kun, and they are going to buy a batch for backup, so as not to encounter the Chinese army using this kind of thing in the future.

If we ask Mr. Sakai to agree to our research at this time.I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction with His Majesty, the people, and the army. "

Wakatsuki is also very moved, but considering that the current Sakai Aoko is a red and purple character, he still forgets it.

Don't move Sakai Qinggu for the time being, the price of moving Sakai Qinggu is too high.

Moreover, Wakatsuki also heard that the army is planning to invite Sakai Aogu to go to the biology department to serve as the head of an epidemic prevention station.

Don't think that this epidemic prevention station is just an ordinary epidemic prevention station.

This kind of epidemic prevention station is said to be an epidemic prevention station on the surface, but in fact he is the notorious army starting with 7 in history.

And this kind of epidemic prevention station has a high internal status.

Wakatsuki reckoned that the people in the army had taken a fancy to the value of this biological virus.

Sakai Qinggu, as the only kid who has developed the antidote to this biological virus, must be familiar with some information about this biological virus, and the troops hope that he can produce this kind of thing.

While Wakatsuki, the old devil, was thinking about the future, he was in a basement in the little devil's capital.

Sakai Qinggu was reading a telegram, and there was a Chinese man sitting opposite him.

This person is not a clone, but a real human being.

He is an elite agent trained by the seventh office, and this trip of the little devil is to train him.

"Mr. Zeng, those real estate properties are a lot of wealth, so let me sell them before leaving!"

After Sakai Qinggu read the telegram, he thought that the real estate mentioned above was not needed, so he was still here.

Sakai Aogu felt pain in his flesh.

As a Sakai Qinggu who is used to living a poor life, he is not willing to throw away even a house.

Not to mention throwing away so many factories in his hands, and those companies he took the opportunity to make a fortune to acquire during this period of time, etc.

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