"No! The big boss said that money and funds can be transferred to the account of Huamei Company in the United States immediately. But the real estate must not be moved.

Once you sell real estate at this point, even an idiot will know you have a problem. "

This Mr. Zeng, as an elite agent, no one knows his name.

Mr. Zeng is just his code name, and now he is looking at Sakai Qinggu and said sternly.

Now Sakai Qinggu is a popular and purple figure in the little devil. At this time, he took the opportunity to acquire the company and expand the Sakura Co., Ltd., which is not surprising.

No one will doubt him. After all, he has made so much money now, and he also has a lot of influence within the little devil. Isn't it normal to expand the size of his company?

But it would be abnormal for him to sell his company and factory at this time.

Anyone who is normal can understand that this Sakai Qinggu must be weird.

"All right!"

Sakai Qinggu said with some frustration.

"Okay! Now the money you earn, according to the agreement, we will share your share with you.

With this money, you can live your life comfortably.Even if it's your nephew, it's okay to gamble! "

Chapter 341: Level [-] Offshore Manufacturing Base

"Fine! I hope so!"

Sakai Qinggu's expression was not very good, he felt heartbroken when he thought about throwing away the real estate.

"These little devils! They really have no vision!"

Seeing Sakai Qinggu's appearance, Mr. Zeng couldn't help cursing inwardly, but he knew that this person was still useful.

As for the specific use, he doesn't know.He just received an order from his boss, and he must take this person out of the little devil, and return to China after traveling through the United States.

In the days that followed, Sakai Qinggu continued to carry out his daily work, and it seemed that there was no accident at all.

And he was frequently interviewed and accepted questions from many reporters.

All this seems so normal, but under this normality, the funds in the hands of Sakai Qinggu are being secretly transferred to the account of Huamei Company, a branch of Qihang Company.

On the evening of November [-], [-].

At the end of [-], when it was about to enter [-], Sakai Qinggu secretly hid under a transport ship under Huamei Company one night and headed for the United States.

And all of this was done without anyone knowing about it.

The next day, that is, the afternoon of the [-]st, many reporters wanted to interview Sakai Qinggu again, but found that they could not find anyone else.

There is no one in Sakai Qingu's house, no one in his company, and no one in his factory.

It was as if the world had evaporated.

No one was found for the next two days.

As a celebrity, the disappearance of Sakai Qinggu soon led the police to intervene in the investigation.

But after investigating, after investigating, they found nothing.

Later, because of the disappearance of Sakai Qinggu, his factory also stopped production.

After all, the boss is gone, and they produce, who will pay them?

The factory stopped production, and the antidote produced by Sakai Aogu began to run out on the market.

There is no source of goods to sell, and those merchants who cooperate with Sakai Qingu are very anxious.

But there are more anxious than them.

That's the ones who got invaded by biological virus and got better again.

After they were cured, they were told that because the biological virus was too powerful, they would have to take this medicine for about six months to a year after they were cured.

It is said that this is a sequelae. If they don't eat it, they will fall into the crisis of biological viruses again.

These people didn't take it seriously, thinking that this virus is indeed powerful and can turn a person into a vegetable.

What kind of side effects are there.

And this kind of medicine, they are also required to take every day.

Now that I haven't seen Sakai Aogu for so many days, the factory has stopped production, and the medicines on the market have been sold out.

And the medicine in their hands was also eaten up.

Without the medicine, they feel uncomfortable. This feeling is like the feeling that you can't live but you can't die.

This happens to many people, to millions of people.

And this sequela was considered a sequela at the beginning.

But some people found that something was wrong. This is not like a sequelae, it is like a drug addict attack!

Then people from the little devil's government quickly intervened and found that their appearance was indeed the appearance of an addict.

After learning that this was the case without the medicine produced by Sakai Qingu, they immediately felt that this seemed to be the problem of the antidote produced by Sakai Qingu.

After a search, a remaining antidote was finally found, and it was immediately sent to the research department for research.

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