The answer of those John Bulls to this question is: the incense belongs to them forever.

After answering in this way, they also took out the "Special Articles on Expanding Fragrance Sites" signed in 1898.

They said that in 1898, the Chinese government at that time gave the incense to them forever.So, incense is their territory.

On the other hand, the devil government claimed that this was the territory that was compensated to them by the Chinese government at that time.This is their territory, and there is no reason for the current Chinese government to make such a request.

Facing the answers from the two countries, Han Ling was not surprised at all.He had already thought of this scene.

If these countries spit it out so easily, it's not them.

But Han Ling is not in a hurry, you guys don't want to spit it out?

Okay!Take the John Bull first.

Now the main force of the East China Sea Fleet has returned to China's territorial waters. Since you, John Bull, didn't get enough lessons last time, I will teach you a lesson this time.

Even if you have twice as many battleships as me this time, it won't help.

Fighting against the East China Sea Fleet on China's coastline, my cannons can make you feel terrified.

Immediately, Han Ling mobilized the nearby [-]th Army to go to where the Damao Mountain opposite Xiangxiang was stationed, and pulled out the heavy artillery division of the [-]th Army.

Seventeenth Army Command.

"Report to the commander, the heavy artillery division has sent a telegram, they have prepared everything and are ready to shell at any time!"

A staff officer came in and said loudly.

The commander of the Seventeenth Army is also an old man of the Pingyuan Army.

Huang Degang is also one of the first old people who followed Han Ling to start a family.

Now he serves as the commander of the Seventeenth Army, commanding the elite troops of the Pingyuan Army.

The original Pingyuan Army had a total of [-] standing divisions with more than [-] million people, and the heavy artillery division had more than [-] million people.

After reorganization, the first seventeen group armies are all elite troops in the standing group army.

"Well! Not bad! But you go tell the heavy artillery division, let them not shell, just show me the muzzle of the gun."

Huang Degang didn't look at the map anymore, but looked at the staff officer.

Huang Degang received the order from the military department.When it is not necessary, use force as much as possible without using force.

Not afraid of John Bull.

But once force is used, the heavy artillery and the air force must be the first to bomb.

At that time, it will be Huaxia's own people who will be bombed. It will hurt to blow up this own thing!

At this time, on the opposite side of the Seventeenth Army, an officer with the rank of major on his shoulders was looking at the opposite side with a telescope.

"Oh! God! Are these Chinese people going to blow up the incense into ruins?"

When he saw the heavy artillery unit of the [-]th Group Army standing in front of him, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The guns with the largest caliber at the front, the major can guarantee, are at least 205 caliber guns.

This kind of artillery is very powerful, and it can make you desperate as soon as you run down.

"No! I have to report this time to General Rolt as soon as possible!"

After looking at it, the major felt that it would be better to report to Rolt at this time.

Rolt, General in Hong Kong.He was one of the generals sent by John Bull to command land, sea and air.

To be honest, the land, sea and air forces here actually have nothing to command.

The army has more than [-] people, and the navy is just a few destroyers and cruisers.

As for the Air Force?Let's find out where those pilots spent the night again.

Generally, the commanders in charge of land, sea and air here are relatively leisurely.

One day is just drinking afternoon tea, and then having a party with a group of ladies and ladies or something.

It's not too busy anyway, so don't worry too much.

But at this moment, Rolt frowned tightly.

The reason was the telegram sent back from the frontline troops.

The telegram claimed that the Chinese had mobilized hundreds of cannons.

Among them, there are 205 caliber artillery,

This made Rolt worry. How could his more than [-] troops resist other people's heavy artillery and the [-] people?

He is well aware of the virtues of his subordinates.

One by one not only lacks training, but also lacks enough combat courage.

Their courage has long been in those women who have stumbled.

"No! I must tell the Governor-General about this!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Rolt decided to tell the governor about it.

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