Sir Belle, eighteenth Governor of Shannon.

At this time, he also held a telegram in his hand.

This was the ultimatum issued to him by the Huaxia government, asking them to surrender and return the incense before [-]:[-] this afternoon.

This made him very embarrassed, but he had already sent the telegram back to China for a ruling.

"Mr. Governor, General Rolt, please see me!"

One of Bei Lu's adjutants came in and said softly.

"Rolt? Let him in!"

Bei Lu put down the telegram in her hand and said softly.


"Mr. Governor! Here are some things our troops found on the front line. Take a look!"

As soon as Rolt came in, he went straight to the topic and passed the telegram to Bei Lu at the same time.

Bei Lu didn't speak, but quietly glanced at the telegram.

"Rolt, can you arrive with our more than [-] troops and the reinforcements from the navy who have stuck to our country?"

After a while, Bei Lu asked aloud.

"Do you think it possible, Monsieur Governor?"

Hearing Bei Lu's words, Luoert couldn't help asking with a wry smile.

Bei Lu was silent, he also knew the virtues of the troops below.

"Rolt, read this telegram!"

After being silent for a long time again, Bei Lu handed the ultimatum sent by Han Ling to Rolt.

"Thirty past three?"

"Yes! It's already half past two, and there's still an hour left!"

Rolt said lightly.

It's just that there is a bit of bitterness in my heart, he should be the last governor.

He knew the leader of the Huaxia government very well, and he was always known for his toughness.

You won't dare to attack because of the country behind you.

Didn't my country lose two battleships and many other ships because of them some time ago?

"Shall we send a telegram to the country?"

Rolt looked up at Bei Lu and said.

"Well! Naturally, I have sent a telegram to the country!"

"Have those John Bulls surrendered?"

In the headquarters of the Seventeenth Army, Huang Degang looked at a staff officer and asked.

"not yet!"

"Not yet? How much time is it?"

"It's three o'clock!"

A staff officer replied.

"Three o'clock? That means it's still half an hour away! Contact the nearest air force base and ask them to prepare to support us in combat!"


The nearby air force base quickly dispatched a squadron of planes to appear above Xiang's head.

At this time, Luo Erte and Bei Lu, who were in the Governor's Mansion, were riding a tiger and waiting for orders from the country.


"What's that sound?"

Hearing the voice from the sky outside, even though Bei Lu knew it, she couldn't help asking.

Luo Er opened the curtains and looked at the monoplane flying in the sky, with a flash of pain in his eyes.

"Mr. Governor! They are Huaxia's planes!"

The blood-red Chinese characters on the belly of the plane said everything.

"Report! Telegram from the front!"

At this moment, a staff officer said loudly at the door.

"What's going on, just tell me!"

"Yes! There is news from the front-line troops. Their heavy artillery seems to be adjusting their muzzles and preparing to shell. In addition, there are planes appearing above their heads!"

Silence, silence, and more silence.

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