Bai Jiansheng is indeed a good staff officer. He has been studying and understanding everything about the Pingyuan Army at the General Staff Headquarters for so long. Until today, many things are in his mind.

"En! The plan is good! After this battle, I will personally train for you!"

Han Ling expressed satisfaction with their work.

However, there was no smile on Bai Jiansheng's face.He knew it was just a plan now.

The changes on the battlefield are changing rapidly, who knows what will happen?

Time always flies, especially at this time.

The New Year's bell was about to strike. Han Ling looked at the clock on the wall and found that it was already half past eleven.

In half an hour it will be [-], and it has been three years since he came to this world.

Who would have thought that three years ago, he was just a small editor, and three years later he was the leader of a country. The world has changed like this.




Han Ling's index finger tapped the table regularly. It was already two o'clock in the morning.

At three o'clock in the morning, the intelligence personnel inside the little devil will send the detailed location on the left on time.

Starting at [-]:[-] in the morning, sixteen heavy bombing brigades and [-] heavy bombers will carry [-] tons of explosives to the little devil's homeland.

The [-] bombers have been loading aerial bombs since the early morning. After so long, the aerial bombs of all the heavy bombers have finally been installed.

Busan Field Airfield.

Although this is a field base, it should be said to be an aviation base of the Pingyuan Army on the Koryo Peninsula.

Two thousand planes are to be taken off this time, mainly from the Busan Field Airfield.

Of course, this is mainly the main take-off site for planes, and many planes will take off around Busan Field Airport.

"Tower! Tower! This is the [-]th Brigade of the Z Heavy Bombardment. We have finished preparations and request to take off! Request to take off! Repeat again, this is the [-]th Brigade of the Z Heavy Bombardment, we have already"

"This is the control tower! This is the control tower! The [-]th Brigade of the Z Heavy Bomber is allowed to take off! Repeat again, the [-]th Brigade of the Z Heavy Bombardment is allowed to take off."

Among the countless huge lights, heavy bombers began to fly into the dark sky with their heads high.

Although Han Ling's order was to fly to the little devil's homeland together.

But with [-] fighter planes, even with more than ten runways, it would take a long time to take off.

So they flew to the little devil's homeland almost in a brigade.

However, almost every brigade arrived at the little devil's homeland almost next to each other.

It can be said that this bombing is completely a continuous bombing.

Each brigade will spend no more than twenty minutes dropping bombs on the little devil's homeland.

In other words, from the start of the bombing to the end of the bombing, there is only [-] minutes for each correct answer.

Within twenty minutes, they would drop all the twelve tons of bombs in their magazines.

The weather in winter is cold. Even if it hasn't snowed for two days, it won't change the fact that the weather is cold for a long time.

Although the pilots in the plane are wearing thick clothes, they still feel very cold at such a height.

But everyone knew that Han Ling attached great importance to this battle.

And they are the vanguard, so they all endured the cold and continued to fly.

The straight-line distance from Busan to Kitakyushu is only more than two hundred kilometers. With the speed of the Type 29 heavy bomber, it only takes half an hour to get there.

At six o'clock in the morning, after flying for half an hour, the heavy bomber brigade that took off from the first echelon had reached the sky above Kitakyushu.

"Attention all planes! We will arrive in the sky over Kitakyushu in three minutes, please prepare for bombing! Remember, our bombing time is only [-] minutes, and we will destroy the twelve tons of aerial bombs in the cabin within [-] minutes All releases are completed! Return immediately after releases! Repeat again”

In the captain's command plane, he is giving the final order.

A heavy bomber fed back the received news.

At six o'clock in the morning in winter, some people have already woken up at this time, but most of them are still fast asleep at this time.

As the planes lowered their heights, the roar of heavy bombers' engines began to clearly reach the ears of those who had already woken up below.

"Is this the plane of the Empire? Why is it on duty before dawn?"

A man could not help but raise his head when he heard the roar above his head.

In the dark night, the man could not see the heavy bomber, but they could see the navigation lights on the plane.

The blinking navigation lights told the man that there was a large group of planes in the sky at this time.

"Why so many planes? What are they going to do?"

The man looked up at the sky and said with some doubts.

Then went back to doing his own thing.

And at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from above the sky.

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