

There was a sound of aerial bombs being dropped, and the sound of friction with the air sounded.


"boom boom"

In the man's bewildered eyes, in the continuous voice.

An explosion began to sound.

Winter is a relatively dry season.

And the little devil's buildings are mostly made of wood.

After several heavy aerial bombs exploded in succession, the fire began to spread.

But that's just the beginning.

Next, countless aerial bombs began to fall on the ground like hail.

Countless explosions shattered the peaceful night.

Many little devils who were sleeping soundly went to see their god Amaterasu before they understood what was going on.

"Air Strike"

A roar came from Kitakyushu.

Then the long, high-pitched air raid sirens began to sound.

The air-raid sirens here have hardly sounded since they were installed.

So much so that many little devils who were woken up by the sound of explosions and air raid sirens still haven't figured out what's going on.

But when they opened the window and watched the flames constantly exploding outside, they understood.

It's been bombed here, it's been bombed in the homeland of their empire.

But what if they understand?

Now that the sky is not clear, their fighter planes simply cannot take off to intercept them.

But even if the sky is already bright, it is useless for their fighter planes to take off, and the four air divisions of the Pingyuan Army are not vegetarians.

Wave after wave of bombers flew from Pusan ​​to Kitakyushu.

Heavy aerial bombs are still here.

The originally prosperous Kitakyushu was turned into ruins under the constant bombing.

There are burning fires everywhere, and the fires illuminate the originally dark night.

These little devils, when they were thinking about how to step on Huaxia's corpse to reach the pinnacle of the world, they had already committed countless murders.

Think about those Chinese people who died under the iron hooves of the little devils, how could there be no crimes committed by these little devils and common people?

It was they who supported the war, and it was they who sent their sons, husbands, elder brothers, and younger brothers into the army to support them in launching a war against China.

So countless people in China died because of them.

As the saying goes, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It’s not that the time has not yet come!

Today is the time for them to pay back the crimes committed by the little devils.

In the dark night illuminated by the fire, screams, pain, shouting and other sounds resounded in this land.

The sins they committed in the past are also repaid on them today.

Wave after wave of bombers dropped bombs on them like locusts.

Kitakyushu, illuminated by the fire, is like a bright light in the dark night.

They are guiding the flight direction for the pilots of the Pingyuan Army.

As the bombing continued, the heavy bomber brigade behind began to shift targets.

They looked at the center of the city, which had become a sea of ​​flames, and stopped dropping bombs there. They thought that throwing bombs inside would not have much effect.

So they began to spread the range of the bombs.

Centering on the place where the fire was burning, it began to slowly spread to the surroundings.

As a result of this, the fire started to spread.

Slowly, a sea of ​​flames surrounded this place.

On this Chinese New Year's Day, Han Ling gave the little devil a big gift.

It was a great gift. Han Ling thought it was a hardship for them to live in winter, so he sent them some warm things.

The bombing started from six o'clock to dawn at eight o'clock, and there was no stop in between.

Wave after wave of bombers flew directly over Kitakyushu and its surroundings.

The ground crew has also been changed.

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