Because of the ground support and aerial bombs required for this bombing.

So Han Ling dispatched a large number of ground crews from China to serve the bombers here.

It is divided into six levels in total.

In one of the echelons, they were responsible for topping up the ammunition and fuel of the [-] bombers at night.

When it's filled up, they get a full day's rest.

The other five echelons will enter the working state after [-]:[-].

The five echelons acted at the same time, and they added fuel and aerial bombs to the returning heavy bombers.

Five echelons of ground crews acted at the same time, and could fill the returning bomber with fuel and bombs in the shortest possible time, thus ensuring that the bombing continued.

In the pilot dormitory of Busan Field Airport, there are still a large number of pilots waiting.

They are all backup pilots.

The pilots of these heavy bombers will be forced to rest after flying two or three round trips, and then these spare pilots will go on.

And many of these backup pilots are clone pilots.

There are also some who have just graduated, and they were all transferred by Han Ling.

As the saying goes, the right training ground is the actual combat battlefield.

The little devil's air force can't threaten his side, so this bombing is the best training ground.

How could Han Ling be worthy of himself if he didn't train them well and train more pilots?

It was Han Ling's idea to maximize the benefits of this war.

And this war, Han Ling never wanted to end this war in a short time.



Not only the Air Force needs to practice, but the Army needs to practice.

The navy has to practice even more.

Otherwise, does Han Ling need to dispatch the two major fleets, the East China Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet at the same time?

If he wanted to land on the little devil's land, Han Ling didn't need to use the navy at all.

Are the cannons on the Koryo Peninsula just for a show?

The accuracy of those giant artillery groups is much higher than that of the battleship's main naval guns.

There are indeed quite a few battleships of the little devil in the world.

There are a lot of naval guns on it, but can you compare with giant guns?

And the reason why Han Ling pulled all the navy out was to practice his hands.

Let them have a joint actual combat to hone their ability to cooperate in all aspects.

After all, the last time the East China Sea Fleet cooperated with five battleships, this time nine battleships were required to cooperate in actual combat at the same time.

In addition, the Army's hands-on training.

Forty standing armies, this is an army of four million.

There are a lot of recruits here.

To maintain a strong combat effectiveness of an army, actual combat is undoubtedly the best choice.

Although the actual combat will kill people, but the survivors are the elite.

So Han Ling also chose to practice with the little devil.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the command hall of the military headquarters

"Master! It's daylight now, they've been bombing for an hour and a half!"

Last night, Mr. Zhan Ning also stayed up with Han Ling and the others.

"En! According to the plan, it's exactly one and a half hours. I guess it will become a piece of scorched earth!"

Han Ling looked at the time and said.

"One and a half hours! By the way, Commander, why don't you send a front-line commander for this landing operation, which will be more conducive to the landing operation of the troops!"

Mr. Zhan Ning has always been puzzled about this question. He doesn't believe that Han Ling is not clear about this question.After all, Han Ling is also a seasoned commander, how could he not understand this truth!

"Send a frontline commander? Mr. Zhan Ning, tell me about this landing battle, who should we send?"

Han Ling asked with a smile.

Mr. Zhan Ning was taken aback immediately after hearing this.

"Marshal, what do you mean? I don't understand?"

Mr. Zhan Ning really didn't understand. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Han Ling's wine gourd.

"Hehe! Forget it, I'll tell you!

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