In our Pingyuan Army, there are only a few generals who have landed operations.

But they are still too few.According to our current development, if we continue to develop like this, it will be unavoidable in future multi-faceted battles.

And our Pingyuan Army's current commander is talented, and there are only a few generals who command the troops to land and fight, which is definitely not enough.

Since it is not enough, we have to hurry up and cultivate it.

This time we sent the six armies of the first batch of troops.

Among the nineteenth group, the twentieth group, the twenty-first group, the twenty-second group, the twenty-third group, and the twenty-third group, Zhan Ninggong, which general do you think has the value of training? "

Han Ling looked at Mr. Zhan Ning and asked with a smile.

After hearing Han Ling's question, Mr. Zhan Ning couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After a while, he raised his head and said: "Among the six army commanders, I think the one with the most training value is the nineteenth army commander Zhang Jinchen. Although he is a surrendered general, he has experienced many battles before.

After taking refuge in our Pingyuan Army, he also experienced many battles.And now also forty-two years old.

There are many life experiences.Could it be that the Marshal wants to train him?Is he the frontline commander this time? "

Zhan Ninggong looked at Han Ling and said uncertainly.

"Yes and no! To be honest, this person does have the demeanor of a general. And I am more optimistic about him. However, whether he is the frontline commander in the initial stage of this war depends on his performance.

I am also paying attention to the other five army commanders.Anyway, the commander in the initial stage of the war will be produced among the six of them.

In the early stages of the war, the little devil must not be able to react.And the battle at this time will not be too tragic.They can be tempered. ,

In the future, it may not be a commander in chief who can sit on one side. "

Han Ling said with a smile.

"Hehe! You are handsome! You really want to maximize the interests of everything. I said why didn't you send a commander to the front line, so that's how it is!"

Master Zhan Ning laughed.

"That's right! To command this kind of landing operation, we also have quite a few people under our command.

A few of your students can do it.In addition, people like Zhao Tiezhu, Yang Qing, Zheng Daxing and others can also take over this task.

But we have to learn to cultivate ourselves!Otherwise, a bigger war will break out in the future, and we are likely to fall into a situation where no one is available! "

Hearing Han Ling's sighing tone, Mr. Zhan Ning couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This leader is not so easy to do. Everything must be considered in all aspects, and the future must also be considered.

Chapter 352: Landing

When Han Ling and Mr. Zhan Ning were talking about this at the headquarters, the bombing in the little devil's homeland was still going on.

And the scope of the bombing has also begun to shift, but the shift is not large, it's just shifted to the coast!

Since the little devils knew that Huaxia had mobilized land, sea and air forces on a large scale, they had built coastal fortifications in some places where they believed that Huaxia troops were most likely to land.

And the coast of Kitakyushu is one of them.

And this place has also become a place frequently bombed by heavy bombing brigades.

The heavy bombing brigades took off continuously and flew here to carry out heavy bombing.

And as the sky gradually brightened, the little devils also sent their air force to intercept these heavy bombers.

It's just that their Nakajima Type 91 fighters really can't compete with Huaxia's Type 28 and Type 29 fighters.

The fighter planes of the little devil kept falling into the void.

The bombing from above did not affect the bombing of the bombing group, and the reason is simple.

Because the little devil's interception can't affect them at all.Even the defense of the Air Force Division can't be torn apart, how can we fight?

And even if it is torn apart, the speed of the little devil's fighter plane can't even keep up with the speed of the Type 29 heavy bomber, how can it be intercepted?

In the palace of the little devil's capital.

This morning, the little devil who just woke up received a shocking news without even eating.

"Nani? What did you say? Huaxia launched a surprise attack on Kitakyushu this morning? Now Kitakyushu has been razed to the ground? The coastal fortifications in Kitakyushu have been destroyed? The fire burned overnight?"

Hearing the news from his uncle, the chief of the army's general staff, he asked with wide eyes in disbelief. [Because the real name cannot appear, sorry! 】

"Yes! Your Majesty! Huaxia is still bombing this area continuously, and the planes we sent can't intercept their bombers at all. Their fighter planes are so good that the empire's fighter planes can't compare with them!"

The chief of the army's general staff, the uncle of the little devil emperor, was also very depressed.

The Nakajima Type 91 fighter is an advanced fighter that has only been in service for two years, but it has not been able to fight back against the Huaxia Air Force several times.He didn't even know where Huaxia got these advanced fighters.

"Bastard! Damn Chinese people, they actually attacked today!"

The little devil emperor was very angry in his heart. He had never hated a country like he did today.

It is this country, three years ago, they had no power to fight back against the empire.Bully it how you want to bully it.

But three years later, the Koryo Peninsula of the empire was lost because of them.were also kicked out of the mainland.

And the battleship Mutsu, which the empire was proud of, was also sunk in their hands.

Up to now, it has been continuously bombed by others.

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