The bombing in the middle of [-] not only caused heavy economic losses to the empire, but also broke out a rare plague a few days after the bombing.

The senior officials of the little devils have guessed, and finally concluded that the great plague was caused by the Chinese people.

The most obvious of these is that after the outbreak of their great plague, Huaxia immediately sent troops south to launch a unified war.

At that time, the little devil was powerless to prevent the unification of China, so he could only watch the unification of China.

And now, China is bombing them again.

According to the previous developments between Han Ling and Huaxia, the little devil emperor knew that this time Huaxia's dialect was going to land in their native land.

This really made the little devil emperor very angry.

Originally thought that even if they wanted to fight, they would have to wait until the next year, who knows, today.

On the day of Chinese New Year's Day, they actually did it.

The little devil emperor was also terrified while being angry.

Now the little devil's economy can be said to have completely collapsed.

It was originally the time when the economic crisis was at its worst, and the unemployment rate in the country was already high.

The previous great plague completely emptied the little devil's economy.

"Your Majesty, what shall we do now?"

The chief of staff looked at the little devil emperor and asked in a deep voice.

"Uncle! Did your general staff analyze anything?"

The little devil emperor looked at the chief of staff and said.

"We don't have much information so far, but based on the existing information, we conclude that they should conduct a landing operation today.

It's just that we don't have many troops in Kitakyushu now, and such a big bombing may cause heavy losses to the defensive troops there.

If they land today, we may not have much power to fight back! "

The Army Chief of Staff was also a little helpless.

Huaxia's attack came as soon as it was said, and it was completely sudden.

They also did not expect that Huaxia would attack them in such a heavy snow day.

"Let the First Division rush over to support them! They must not be allowed to cut off the passage from Shimonoseki, Kitakyushu to Fukuoka Island. Otherwise, they will easily take Fukuoka Island.

Moreover, the great plague some time ago mainly spread in Fukuoka Island, where the defense force is not tight now! "

The little devil emperor thought for a while and decided to let the first division pass.

The First Division, known as one of the seven divisions with the strongest combat effectiveness, is their ace unit.


The little devil emperor and the others got the news and responded, but the reaction could not be made within an hour or two.

Especially the mobilization of troops.

It was eight thirty in the morning on January [-], [-].

It was full daylight.

But the bombing was not over.

With so many heavy bombers assembled by Han Ling, the bombing would definitely not be over in an hour or two.

Gathering so many heavy bombers and preparing so many pilots must be for long-term bombing.

At this time, in the [-]th Group Army, Zhang Jinchen was constantly looking at the military watch issued by the military department on his wrist.

"Eight forty! We're leaving soon!"

Looking at the time on his wrist, Zhang Jinchen couldn't help muttering to himself.

Their group army was the first batch of troops to land on the little devil's homeland.

They will officially set off at nine o'clock sharp, and then under the escort of heavy cruisers and destroyers, they will arrive in Kitakyushu after more than three hours of sailing and land in Kitakyushu.

The second batch of landing troops will start at half past nine.

At this time in Kitakyushu, you can no longer see that it was once a prosperous city.

As a key passage connecting Kyushu Island and Fukuoka Island, Kitakyushu is still very prosperous.

But after a big bombing, this bustling city was completely destroyed.

The fire has been burning for more than two hours since the fire started at six o'clock.

Until now, the fire is still burning. In this cold winter, the surroundings of Kitakyushu are like a big furnace.

There is also a burst of meaty smell inside.

People who don't know think it's a barbecue, and those who know it may feel like vomiting.

Under such circumstances, groups of little devils in shit-yellow military uniforms appeared.

They were walking outside Kitakyushu, looking at the raging fire, they couldn't help gnashing their teeth and yelling.

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