In fact, Chen Houfu still didn't say anything. Han Ling said back then: Shen Chengzhang has become a hob meat.For the sake of battleships and naval sailors, it can be said that he often plays tricks in front of him!

Of course, Chen Houfu, who was dressed in aristocratic etiquette, would not say this.

"Hey! This is the commander-in-chief's absurd praise. Come on, come on, sit down. Staff officer Zhang, why don't you go and serve tea to our Commander Chen? What are you still doing here?"

Shen Chengzhang stared and said.

"Hey, right away!"

Staff Officer Zhang was a little helpless. Judging by his appearance as the commander, he should be asking Chen Houfu for something!

"Brother Chengzhang, you must have something to do! You just say it, I'm not used to it!"

Chen Houfu smiled wryly.

"Actually, it's nothing! I heard from the commander-in-chief some time ago that we are building an aircraft carrier. It is estimated that an aircraft carrier will be equipped soon.

And Brother Houfu, you are an aircraft carrier expert in China.

In the future, your Pacific Fleet will definitely be dominated by aircraft carriers.

I don't think about it, you are an aircraft carrier expert, and you will also command aircraft carrier operations in the future.Where are the battleships and battleship sailors placed on you, isn't it a bit useless!

You see, we are both serving the country, and I lack battleships and personnel in my hands. When the commander distributes your aircraft carrier, how about you give me the battleship in your hand? "

Chen Houfu looked at the ingratiating smile on Shen Chengzhang's face, and then at the tea handed to him, he had the urge to laugh.

This Shen Chengzhang has really become a hob meat.

"Brother Chengzhang, I really can't decide this matter. You know this kind of thing, and the commander-in-chief probably will intervene. Even if I want to give it to you, the commander-in-chief probably won't. Our Pacific Fleet also needs battleship escorts ,You should know!"

Chen Houfu smiled wryly.

"What? Battleship escort? Brother Houfu! This battleship escort is too extravagant. I think it would be good to use a heavy cruiser!"

However, Shen Chengzhang said so, but he also understood that Chen Houfu could not decide on this matter.

"Forget it! After this sea battle is over, I will go to the commander-in-chief again!"

Finally, Shen Chengzhang waved his hand helplessly.

"Come on! Brother Chengzhang, you now have eight battleships. It is said that there are still five battleships under repair in the dock. When the five battleships are repaired, you will have thirteen battleships in your hands.

With this strength, it is ranked number one in the world! "

"No! Although these five battleships were sent to the shipyard for maintenance, they can all be said to be new battleships. Now we have inserted another nail in Nanyang.

I guess the next step is to set up the Nanyang Fleet.In order to maintain sufficient deterrence against Nanyang, a battleship will be on the side of Malacca.The remaining four battleships belong to the Nanyang Fleet.

It is estimated that I will not add many battleships here.

But you, Brother Houfu, now I think our ship manufacturing ability seems to be very strong. According to the general's temper, it may be really possible to have a battleship escort!

And your Pacific Fleet, you can tell from the name, the future goal is the Pacific Ocean, it is estimated that your fleet will become the main focus of the commander in the future! "

What Shen Chengzhang said makes sense. Han Ling's next step is to focus on the Pacific Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet. In a short time, Han Ling will not increase their strength.

After all, after killing the little devil, their focus will begin to shift.

Want to transfer to the Pacific Ocean.

"That's right! How sure are you about tomorrow's naval battle?"

Chen Houfu couldn't help asking when he thought about tomorrow's naval battle.

"Sure! To be honest, I don't know about such a naval battle. Although the little devil's aircraft carrier will be restricted by our air force, their strength is still good.

And wars are full of variables.

But in terms of winning percentage, I think our victory is bigger.

Among the battleships of the little devil, there is now a 410mm main naval gun on the Nagato.

The rest of their battleships are not enough to threaten our battleships! "

Chapter 356: The Horn of Revenge [[-]]

"En! In terms of battleships, you have more right to speak than I do, and you have also experienced naval battles in the battleship mode, so I won't say anything superfluous! This battle is a battle of shame, but if you can use me, Chen Houfu Yes, you're welcome!"

When it comes to revenge, no matter Shen Chengzhang or Chen Houfu, this is the shame of all China. It is a great shame to say that a great country was defeated by a small country!

As night fell, the Pingyuan Army in the direction of Gongruo also stopped attacking.

Tong Zeguang also ordered the troops to stop the attack and prepare to rest for the night.After all, the soldiers under him have been fighting all afternoon this afternoon.

The shelling started at [-]:[-] this afternoon and the fighting ended at [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

That is about two hours.

But it was in these two hours that Tong Zeguang's Seventy-fifth Division abruptly ate up the strength of the little devil's regiment.

This does not include the little devil who was killed in the shelling.

If you add the little devils who were killed in the shelling, this time it took two hours, and the number of little devils killed in battle was at least [-], and not much more.

The power of the automatic fire was beyond the little devil's expectation.

At the same time, the sudden attack by Tong Zeguang's [-]th Division was beyond the expectations of the little devils. They did not expect that the Pingyuan Army would attack as soon as it said it would attack.

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