It can be said that all of their brigades in the position were killed, and then the wing that urgently formed a defensive line behind was also completely lost.

Later, Tong Zeguang was going to send a regiment of troops to detour from the right flank to copy the back of these little devils. If it weren't for the twelfth division of the little devils, even if they arrived from the flank, they might really be flattened. The army took the back road.

The winter night always comes quickly, and soon, the Pingyuan Army's position is full of burning fires.

And some soldiers are holding weapons and roasting canned pork or some other things.

On such a cold night, even if you wear a lot of clothes, if you don’t eat something to supplement your calories and don’t have a fire, the night will be very sad.

In Tong Zeguang's headquarters, he was quietly listening to the report of the staff.

"According to the information reported by the following ministries, our staff department sorted out the casualties of this afternoon's troops!

This afternoon our army killed more than [-] people and injured more than [-] people.

Among them, there were only more than a hundred seriously injured, and most of the rest were slightly injured, and belonged to the type that still had combat effectiveness!However, the advice given by the field hospital is to let them rest.

As for the deaths of the little devils, according to our estimates, which of their regiments this afternoon had more than [-] people, all of which were eaten by us in one bite. We don't know about the little devils on the first defensive position.

Because the heavy artillery and air force bombed too thoroughly, we couldn't count the results of the battle at all. "

A staff officer stood in front of Tong Zeguang holding a blue folder and whispered.

And Tong Zeguang lit a cigarette and smoked it slowly.

"It seems that the fighting power of the little devils really should not be underestimated. We have the advantage of weapons and equipment, and there is air force support in the sky at any time. In addition, we suddenly launched an attack and caught them by surprise. In such a situation We still have more than a thousand casualties! It seems that there are still more to fight!"

Tong Zeguang shook his head, this battle is indeed difficult.At the same time, the little devil's will to fight also exceeded his expectations.

Originally, Tong Zeguang thought that under the premise of having various advantages, he could defeat the little devil like a crush, but who knew the result was not like this! "

"Send a report to the Army Command! Just say we lack enough troops and ask the Army Command to send us reinforcements!"

But in terms of numbers, Tong Zeguang's [-]th division is indeed a bit weak.

On the opposite side, there are two standing divisions of the little devils, and the total army has more than [-] people.

Even if the loss exceeds [-] this afternoon, there are more than [-] people.

But how many people are there in the Seventy-Five Division?There are only more than [-] people.

This gap in the number of people is not a star and a half.

Although it is said that in modern warfare, the number of people no longer plays a big role, but at least it still has an effect.

Kitakyushu, inside the Joint Command!

At this time, the commanders of the four group armies, Zhang Jinchen, were planning tomorrow's attack plan.

In one afternoon today, all the personnel and materials of the [-]st and [-]nd Army have been transported ashore, and they are now camping to rest at night, preparing to start moving tomorrow morning.

"Reporting to the commander, General Tong Zeguang, the commander of the [-]th Division, sent a telegram asking for help, hoping to send them reinforcements.

He said that if the enemy army had two divisions in the palace, with a strength of more than [-] people, the strength of his infantry division alone would be a bit weak. "

A communications staff officer ran in and said loudly.

Zhang Jinchen didn't speak after hearing this, but looked at the map.

"Brother Han Sheng! Now the closest to Zhifang and Gong Ruo are your [-]th Division and [-]th Division.

Tomorrow we will have [-] troops at our disposal, and we have enough troops, so we don't have to be afraid of little devils.

Do you think your two infantry divisions can go forward to support the [-]th Division? "

Because these group armies belong to a cooperative relationship, not a subordinate relationship, Zhang Jinchen asked in a discussing tone.

"No problem! Where have these two infantry divisions been looking at the scenery for so long, it is indeed time to move now!"

Zhang Hansheng did not object, but agreed.

On January [-], [-], the three infantry divisions of the Pingyuan Army, namely the [-]th Division, the [-]th Division, and the [-]th Division, joined forces to attack the [-]th and [-]th Division of the Little Devils on the opposite side. The Twelfth Division launched an attack.

Only this time it wasn't the Air Force that was dispatched.

Because last night, the world began to snow and fall, so the plane cannot be dispatched for the time being.

But heavy artillery is no obstacle.

The Pingyuan Army once again launched their cannon doctrine.

First of all, the heavy artillery division of the [-]th Army Group and the artillery regiments of the three infantry divisions began to speak.

A total of more than [-] artillery pieces began to bombard the little devil's position in turn.

Last night, the temporary defensive position that the little devil built overnight began to become a pile of ruins under the bombardment of heavy artillery.

What I have to say is that the little devils' fighting will is indeed very strong. Under such circumstances, the little devils did not collapse. Come out and fight back.

Chapter 357: The Horn of Revenge [[-]]

"boom boom"

Explosions sounded beside the group of little devils.

A group of little devils lie on the ground, using snow, trees and other things to disguise themselves.

And the shells exploded beside them.

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