These are the most basic, but just looking at the combat wing that can immediately join the battle, more than [-] of them have disappeared.

So where did these more than [-] people go?Anyway, Tong Zeguang knew that it was impossible for them to go to the farming party.

"Ah! Commander, I said it was your fault that you had to send one of the infantry regiments in your hand, so it was because of this!"

The staff officer said in surprise.

"Nonsense! The little devil really thinks we are all fools?"

Tong Zeguang said with a cold snort.

Then he asked again: "That's right! Just now I asked you to send a scout battalion to scout around. Have they sent back any news now?"

"No! Master, you know it. The snow is so heavy. Even if they passed by, with the degree of snow, it will not take long to bury their footprints. The reconnaissance battalion has no way to find any clues !"

The staff officer also said helplessly that the snow not only brought difficulties to the battle, but even the investigation became difficult.

In such heavy snow weather, even if a large group of people passed by a place, not long after they left, the heavy snow would automatically clean up the traces for them.

"En! Forget it, if this is the case, let's change the method. Let's first assume that the little devil sent four infantry regiments to come to our rear to attack us.

And this is the territory we occupy now.It is snowing heavily now, and the troops marching in such snowy weather must not be able to speed up.

Moreover, it is impossible for them to bring too much luggage, and they cannot take it with them if there is too much luggage.

And they set off from their own camp"

Tong Zeguang was stunned when he said this, and then asked: "How wide is the gap between us and the [-]th and [-]th divisions?"

"Now! It's about seven or eight kilometers away!"

The staff officer didn't understand why Tong Zeguang asked such a question, and asked with some uncertainty.

"Seven kilometers now?"

Tong Zeguang muttered to himself, then picked up a pencil and began to draw on the map on the table in front of him.

After a while, Tong Zeguang got up and looked at the lines he had drawn on the map.

After looking carefully for a while, the staff officer discovered that this was the outline map of their three infantry divisions marching.

The distance between them and the right-wing [-]th Division was only three kilometers, and the distance between them and the left-wing [-]th Division was only four kilometers.

"Master, this is you"

"If I didn't guess, the little devil should want to eat us!"

Before the staff officer finished speaking, Tong Zeguang spoke first.

"Huh? Eat us? The little devil wants to eat us? How is this possible?"

The staff officer couldn't believe it!

"Hmph! Impossible? There's nothing impossible about it. You see, this is the outline map I just drew of our three infantry divisions marching.

The closest distance between us is three kilometers.

And the little devil is interspersed in this gap in such heavy snow weather, as long as we are careful, it is difficult for us to find it.

If it's sunny, three kilometers, the little devil will pass through here, and the distance from us is about [-] kilometers.

At this distance, we can easily find them on a sunny day.

But now it's snowing heavily, not to mention the bad sight, the heavy snow can easily hide their whereabouts.

And at this distance, they only need to stay still, and after we pass by for a while, they will naturally be able to successfully avoid us.

And they can quietly follow us after we leave.

In such heavy snow weather, this is not such a difficult thing.As long as our retreat is blocked, and they used three infantry regiments to hold back our main force.

The more than [-] people behind them will pose a great threat to us.

Even if there is still an infantry regiment in our hands that has not been used, the same is true.

If we are the veteran elite army like the First Army, naturally we don't have to be afraid.But our soldiers are still very young.

Facing the onslaught of more than [-] little devils, it's hard to defend! "

The more Tong Zeguang said this, the more he believed in his heart that the little devil might really do this, otherwise he couldn't explain why he had been fighting for almost a day, and why the little devil didn't send reinforcements up.The little devil is not stupid, he is not the kind of guy who doesn't know how to send reinforcements.

"Master, if this is the case, what should we do?"

Tong Zeguang's staff officer said anxiously.

"What are you in a hurry for? The [-]th Division on our right wing is only six kilometers away from us. The [-]th Division on our left wing is only seven kilometers away from us.

But it's snowing now, and it's estimated that they will have to walk for about an hour for this distance.Possibly even longer.

But even if it is an hour, can't we even keep it for an hour? "

Tong Zeguang snorted coldly, and then said again: "Go and let the third regiment prepare to defend against the possible enemies behind us.

In addition, let the artillery positions turn their muzzles. Since our artillery can't support the battle ahead, they can guard against the battle behind! "

Tong Zeguang thought for a while and said.

"Master, it's not good! We found a brigade of little devils three kilometers behind us. According to the estimates of the rear security forces, there should be more than [-] people!"

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