Chapter 360: The Horn of Revenge [[-]]

"Three kilometers away? More than [-] people? Are you sure the security forces read it correctly?"

Tong Zeguang suddenly turned around, looked at the person running in and asked sharply.

"Master seat! It's absolutely true, there is indeed a large group of little devils attacking us three kilometers away, and their number is more than [-]. According to the report of the investigation team, the strength of the little devils is more than three regiments. Possibly even more!"

The words of the visitor made Tong Zeguang quickly look at the map.

"Three kilometers? In other words, this group of little devils is here now, Xiaozhu Town! More than three regiments? It seems that the little devils are really planning our division, sending reports to the [-]th and [-]th divisions, asking With their combat progress, when will they be able to take down the little devil's position!"

Tong Zeguang didn't panic because of the tens of thousands of little devils appearing behind him, instead he gave orders calmly.


"Master seat! Telegrams have come from the [-]th and [-]th divisions. They say that it is snowing and it is not easy for the troops to attack. In addition, the little devils are resolute in their resistance, so it is difficult for the little devils to break through their position for the time being!"

After a while, the staff officer came back, looked at Tong Zeguang and said.

"Difficult to break through? It seems that we can only generate electricity for Zhang Zhang."

Tong Zeguang couldn't help muttering to himself after hearing this.

Kitakyushu, Joint Command

"Today, our Seventy-sixth Division in Xingqiao was bombarded by the little devil's naval artillery, but fortunately, their squadron here only has one heavy cruiser, and the rest are destroyers. Our army's casualties are not very large. . But it affects morale.

At almost three o'clock in the afternoon, our Seventy-Sixth Division met the Little Devil's Eleventh Division, and it is estimated that a big battle will break out tomorrow.

In addition, our defense in Xiaguan is good, and the [-]rd and [-]th Divisions of the [-]th Army have a slight upper hand."

A staff officer was reporting the current situation to Zhang Jinchen and their four army commanders, and they were listening carefully.

"Old Wang, how is your [-]st Army Group doing now? The situation of our army can only be described as mediocre, and the fight between us and the little devils can be said to be inextricable, but this is the home of the little devils after all. If we If we don't end the battle as soon as possible, it will be difficult for us to fight back!"

Zhang Jinchen looked at Wang Wei, commander of the [-]st Army Group, and said.

"I can't help it either! The snow has been falling more and more since this morning. It is difficult for the troops to march in such heavy snow, let alone fighting. Now I don't understand why the commander-in-chief chooses to fight at this time, and so In the snowy weather, our army’s logistics supplies, even airships, have to be grounded, if it takes a long time, our logistics may have problems!”

Wang Wei said with a wry smile.

"It's nothing. Although the weather has caused a lot of trouble for our offensive. But this is also the time when the little devils are at their weakest. Their economy is withering and the domestic unemployment rate has risen sharply.

We can afford to delay this war, but the little devil may not be able to.If you wait until the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, the little devil may have another turning point! "

Zhang Jinchen understood these things clearly.

"Report! The [-]th Division has sent a telegram from the front line!"

Just when Zhang Jinchen finished speaking, the words of a staff officer sounded outside.

"Seventy-fifth Division? Tong Zeguang, this boy? Aren't they attacking the [-]th and [-]th Divisions of the little devils somewhere in Gongruo? Did something happen to them?"

Zhang Jinchen looked humanely.

"General Tong sent a message saying: Today, the little devil took advantage of the heavy snow to send at least three regiments of troops, from the gaps on both sides of their three infantry divisions, to the back of the [-]th division. A division is attacking the Seventy-Five Division from the front and back."

The visitor read the telegram played by Tong Zeguang.

In the telegram, Tong Zeguang also told Zhang Jinchen their current detailed situation.

"Surrounded? What about the [-]th and [-]th Divisions?"

Zhang Jinchen held back his anger and said.

He knew that the [-]th Division and the [-]th Division belonged to Zhang Hansheng's [-]th Army.If I am afraid that it will affect the relationship between them.

But the anger in Zhang Jinchen's words couldn't be concealed no matter what.

"Come on, go and send electricity to the [-]th and [-]th Divisions, and tell them that if they can't take down the little devil's position before four o'clock today, they will come to see you!"

Zhang Hansheng also felt ashamed.

An infantry division of my own attacked the defensive position formed by the little devil's regiment. After fighting for a long time, several hours, it still couldn't break through.

This would feel shameful on anyone's body.

Especially now that there are three other armies here.

You said that if an infantry division attacks a division, or even more than three infantry regiments, you will fight for half a day, and you will not be able to fight from morning to three in the afternoon.This is understandable.

But the opponent is only a regiment of more than [-] troops. You can't fight for a long time, and instead let the friendly army fall into a tight siege and be surrounded by the enemy.Who do you think is not going to get angry?

When this matter reaches Han Ling's ears, his position as the commander of the [-]th Army Group may not be secure.

The Pingyuan Army has always been able to go up and the incompetent to go down.

The fact that he sat in this position at the beginning is also the reason why he performed well in the previous few battles.

But now if Han Ling felt that he was incompetent, it would be of no use even if he was a student of Mr. Zhan Ning.

"Brother Xichen! Sorry! I didn't expect such a result!"

After his communication staff went out, Zhang Hansheng looked at Zhang Jinchen with a little embarrassment and said.

This incident really made him lose face.

"Forget it! This is the end of the matter, and it's useless to talk about it. Lao Guo, how are the four infantry divisions of your [-]nd Army now?"

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