"Mr. Sugishan, our situation is very bad. Now our four wings are surrounded by the rear of the Chinese army, and now our two wings are about to be broken through again.

On the frontal battlefield, the three alliances we invested are almost lost now!Sugiyama-kun!We are afraid that we are about to enter the final moment! "

Bunsaburo Yoshino looked at Sugiyama, the head of the Twelfth Division, and said.

"Hey! It's a fall short! I didn't expect the resistance of the Huaxia army to be so strong.

Our four regiments attacked the Huaxia army for more than two hours, but none of them broke through their positions, and the success fell short!If their reinforcements don't come so soon, the real victory of this war will be ours! "

The head of the twelfth division was a little annoyed and directed Dao Dao.

"Hey! Who would have thought it would be such a result?"

Hearing Sugiyama's words, Yoshino Funzaburo couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Forget it! It's going to be dark soon. According to my estimation, these Chinese troops will not attack again after dark. You go and order the frontline troops, and tear them down once it is dark. Don't fight those Chinese troops anymore .

In addition, I will send a report to Commander Hehecao, requesting that the Ninth and Tenth Divisions of Tiaotianchuan come to reinforce us, otherwise we will really be eaten by the Pingyuan Army! "

Sugiyama obviously didn't intend to just wait for death like this, and was still thinking about making a final struggle.


As night fell, the two regiments in front of the [-]th Division withdrew.

The little devil also withdrew.

Today they had a day of hand-to-hand combat, and both the little devil and the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army felt exhausted.

Every soldier who walked off the battlefield felt like he didn't want to move.

Everyone's body is painted.They slowly came down from the battlefield.

Tong Zeguang looked at the soldiers who came down, and he felt his heart was bleeding.

After fighting for a whole day today, the two infantry regiments I sent up, with more than [-] troops, now only have more than [-] people down.

In other words, his seventy-five division has been disabled. ,

More than [-] people were killed in battle, and those who came down were all wounded.

Although the little devil is not feeling well, there are less than [-] people in the troops of the three regiments with more than [-] people who can survive.

But Tong Zeguang also felt so uncomfortable that he was going to die.These are all his soldiers!

"Old Tong, don't be sad! This is a war, and death is a common thing!"

The commander of the [-]th Division who came to reinforce him walked up to Tong Zeguang, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Hey! I don't know. But today's battle is really useless. After our troops rushed up, they were entangled by the troops sent by the little devils. We wanted to withdraw, but in this weather How to withdraw it?

The little devil clung to it tenaciously.Our firepower advantage has not been brought into play at all!This battle was fought"

Tong Zeguang felt aggrieved to death.

After today's battle, his Seventy-fifth Division will probably be withdrawn to the country for repairs in the next time!

"Hehe! Don't complain! Although your division suffered heavy casualties in this battle! But in today's battle, it was almost one infantry division of yours that took down the two divisions of the little devils.

The [-]th Division and the [-]th Division typed out the word trash today.

These are all looked at above.It is estimated that after this time, your brother may be promoted.At that time, it may not be true that I will call you sir when I see you! "

The eighty-fifth division commander laughed.

"Forget it! Don't talk about this!"

The capital of China, Xiyuan, the command hall of the military headquarters.

"Hmph! The [-]th Division and the [-]th Division are two trash! An infantry division attacked the little devil's regiment, and they are beaten like this. I think they are light trash!"

When Han Ling received the battle report from the front line, he couldn't help cursing openly in the command hall of the military headquarters.

"Marshal! Calm your anger first! The two division commanders are afraid that the loss of troops will be too great!"

Seeing that Han Ling was angry, Mr. Zhan Ning couldn't help comforting him.

"Afraid of too much loss of troops? I think they want to preserve their strength! It sounds good to save troops, but it sounds bad to preserve strength."

Han Ling was not going to let the two of them go, and had the attitude of executing them.

"However, the [-]th Division fought well today. One infantry division beat the two divisions of the little devil! It is worthy of praise, Han Qing, you go and send a commendation telegram to that kid Tong Zeguang in the name of the military department! In addition, I decided to set up a flat The Yuan Army temporarily formed an army, under the jurisdiction of the [-]th Division, the [-]th Division, and the [-]th Division. Tong Zeguang was appointed as the commander of the army, and Tong Zeguang was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general! In addition, the commander of the [-]th Division and the [-]th Division The division commander is recalled, and the military department will send two more people to take over the [-]th and [-]th divisions!"

Han Ling paused here before continuing: "Tell the people below! If you fight well, I will reward you. If you don't fight well, then let me go home and pick up the child!"

Han Ling's words made Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing smile bitterly.

It is estimated that these two were transferred to the reserve service, but Tong Zeguang, who was originally from the Northwest Army, did have a bit of Northwest vigor in him.If you use it well in the future, I think it will be another fierce player!

Han Ling's recall of the commanders of the [-]th and [-]th divisions immediately spread to all the troops who landed on the little devil.

At the same time, the news of Tong Zeguang's promotion spread throughout the army.

The [-]th Army, the title of the Waste Army spread throughout the Pingyuan Army.

After Zhang Hansheng knew this, he could only smile wryly.This time he had nothing to say.

I didn't fight well, so that after the battle of the [-]th Division, the troops of the three infantry regiments with more than [-] troops were actually only [-] troops left.

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