Nearly [-] people died in battle at once.What else can he say?

And his [-]th Army was transferred to two infantry divisions. As for whether to supplement or not, the military department has not yet said.It is also difficult for him to send a telegram to the military department to supplement.

As for Zhang Jinchen's [-]th Group Army, although the [-]th Division was separated out to form the temporary First Army, the military headquarters had already sent a telegram that two newly formed infantry divisions would be drawn from China to fill the [-]th Group Army.

In this way, the Nineteenth Army had one more infantry division.

And after this incident, none of the division commanders who fought in the little devil dared to think about the idea of ​​preserving their troops, and at the same time, no one was afraid of fighting.

They didn't dare, because the commanders of the [-]th Division and the [-]th Division were directly transferred to the reserve by Han Ling.

If there is no such tense military force, or the situation is very critical.

These two former teachers probably won't be used by Han Ling.

On January [-], [-], the [-]th Division began to retreat to the rear for repairs because of too much damage in the battle.

The [-]th and [-]th Divisions replaced the [-]th Division and began to attack the Little Devil's [-]th and [-]th Divisions.

The commanders of the [-]th Division and the [-]th Division were recalled to the country overnight after the military headquarters sent a telegram last night.

And their troops are under the command of Tong Zeguang, the current lieutenant general and temporarily commander of the First Army.

Tong Zeguang commanded the [-]th and [-]th Divisions and the [-]th and [-]th Divisions to jointly attack the two divisions of the little devil.

The two divisions of the little devil were originally divided into two.

After a day of fighting, the two old devils, Yoshino Fumisaburo and Sugiyama, were both cut open in their headquarters.

And when the day's battle was over, the little devil's Ninth Division and Tenth Division, the two divisions that came to reinforce them, were still about ten kilometers away from Gong Ruo.

Ten kilometers, not far to be honest.

But when the snow is so deep, and there is snow like goose feathers floating in the sky, it is unknown whether they can reach this point an hour away.

Mine, Kawai Operations Headquarters

"Baga! These hateful Chinese people!"

He Hecao pulled out his command saber, and slashed it on the table in front of him.

Then they started firing randomly at the headquarters.

After a long time, it is estimated that after calming down the anger in my heart, I turned around and said to the staff next to me: "Order the Ninth Division and the Tenth Division to march towards Xingqiao immediately, where the Eleventh Division will eat Huaxia army!

In addition, generate electricity to the base camp and ask them to send troops immediately.We are severely understrength! "


The little devil's capital base camp military headquarters.

Tonight, the little devil's army is extremely serious, because their emperor is here.

The old murloc came to the military headquarters wearing a suit.

Where did his uncle, who is now the chief of staff, receive him.

And Uehara Yusaku was tired of his old illness, so he didn't come to the military headquarters of the base camp during this period of time.

And the uncle of the little devil emperor naturally took over all the rights of the military department very quickly.

"Your Majesty! This is a telegram from His Excellency He He Cao asking for reinforcements!"

The little devil emperor's uncle handed over a telegram to the murloc.

And he accepted the telegram with a calm face.

"My lords, what do you think of the Chinese landing on the mainland of the empire?"

The little devil emperor looked at all the soldiers in the military department and asked.

Chapter 362: The Horn of Revenge [Seven]

"Your Majesty! Fight! We want to kill all these hateful Chinese people, they dare to attack the mainland of the empire!"

"Your Majesty, let's fight! The Chinese people are too arrogant!"

"Your Majesty, destroy the Huaxia people!"

After the little devil emperor finished asking, the generals below all roared loudly. ,

Anyway, that is what it means, that is to fight.

Regarding this point, the little devil emperor couldn't deny it, of course he wanted to fight, this kind of question was just a casual question.

"Uncle! The Chinese invaded the mainland of the empire. This is our shame.

Shame can only be washed away with blood.Although the economy of the empire is no longer working.But no matter what time it is, the empire cannot be messed with by the Chinese.

Immediately after you go down, the soldiers will be enlisted, and the empire will enter the period of military control from now on.Tell the people of the empire to sacrifice everything for the great cause of the empire.At the same time, in order to defeat the Huaxia people, all the supplies of the empire are allocated by the military department! "

It seems that the little devil emperor is also getting ruthless. This is obviously a wartime system.

But there is no way around it. Now that the kid's economy is collapsing, money has become like waste paper.

Many industries have even come to a standstill.

Massive numbers of people lose their jobs every day.

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