To what extent has the value of money depreciated?

In the past, to buy a bag of rice, you only need to take two coins.

Now to buy a bag of rice, two bags of money are not enough.

This is the dire consequence of the economic collapse, and many factories are starting to close and go bankrupt.

The little devil's industry is inherently full of water, and there are many small workshops among his industrial capabilities.

Now the small workshops are almost closed down.

After the little devil emperor, it can't go on like this.

If this continues, no one needs to fight, and they can completely collapse on their own.At that time, they can't afford the army, let alone the navy, and they will quickly take turns to become a third-rate country in this area.

This is not allowed by the little devil emperor.

To carry out such a war this time, you can only use your wartime physique.

Otherwise, if it continues as it is now, without the need for others to fight, after two years, the little devil's industry will wither to an appallingly low level.

This is what the little devil emperor had to do.

The news that the little devil was going to recruit soldiers into the army was soon on Han Ling's desk.

"It seems that the little devil is going to do his best this time. But with his wartime physique, it seems that this old devil wants to take advantage of this opportunity to adjust the economy! But have you adjusted?"

After Han Ling finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Come here! Send me an order to escort all the death row criminals, life sentence criminals, and criminals who have been sentenced to more than ten years in prison to Jiaodong Peninsula.

In addition, a message will be issued to all the criminals in prison: Anyone who fights against the little devils and makes meritorious service to the country can be released immediately, and he will not be held accountable for any crimes.At the same time he can do whatever he wants in Little Devil!

All criminals who want to join the army, all gather in Jiaodong Peninsula!Waiting for the next step notification from the military! "


Just now, after Han Ling knew that the little devil emperor was going to conscript soldiers to fight against his army, Han Ling knew that the little devil was going to fight desperately.

It is inevitable that there will be heavy casualties at that time.

And Han Ling also thought of a way at this time.

He remembered that old Maozi's great emperor back then, in order to expand his territory and conquer the land of the East, he exiled those criminals to the East to fight for their country.

Han Ling was thinking, why didn't he use this method?

Gather those criminals and let them fight against the little devils.

It's just that these criminals are fierce, but they have not been trained.

In order to allow them to exert their full combat power, a policy will be opened at this time.

You guys can do what you want in the little devils, believe that then these criminals will have other ideas, and as far as cruelty

It's not your own people, you can do whatever you want, anyway, as long as you can kill those little devils and kill yourself, everything is up to you.

The little devil emperor conscripted people into the army to fight in his own country.

And Han Ling began to concentrate criminals across the country.

To be honest, there are quite a few criminals nowadays.

A lot of people are former bandits or something.

The Pingyuan Army's garrison area suppressed the bandits, they surrendered, and were imprisoned without a hitch.

Before the whole country was unified, China was relatively chaotic.

Among them, under the rule of the original Nanjing, it was even more chaotic.

I believe that everyone knows this, and the whole country is unified, law and order is implemented, and bandits are suppressed.

A large number of criminals appeared.

Especially those bandits and so on, they can go to the little devils as soon as they hear it, and they can do whatever they want.

Immediately murmured to go.These bandits, who are used to freedom, are now locked in prison, and they feel almost suffocated.

Sometimes even if you are released, you still have something to do, not for you to come out to play.

Well, Han Ling's order caused an uproar in the country.

Those criminals want to go, and some people want to go.

For example, those Manchu veterans who are repairing the railway.

Up to now, among the elders of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, those who can survive to the present must be young and strong.

As for those old and frail people, how could they survive in such a cruel environment?

It is not something that ordinary people can persist in such a physically demanding task as repairing the railway.

In just over a year, quite a few young people died because they couldn't stand this crime.

Well, these young and strong Manchu Qing elders want to go.

Han Ling rejected it in one gulp.

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