You go ass!

You are gone, who will repair the railway for me?Go back by yourself and obediently repair the railway for me.

To Han Ling's surprise, another group of people who built the railway were those old captives.

Didn't they capture hundreds of thousands of old men before?

These old men are young, strong and tall, and they are the best candidates for the labor force.

Now they also ask themselves to fight for Huaxia!

As for the reason why they chose this way, it is not the two conditions inside.

Those who do whatever they want and do meritorious deeds can be released immediately.

Lao Maozi is not a good thing in the first place, which can be known from the original history.

And releasing this is what ultimately appeals to them.

They have been repairing the railway since they were captured here, and they don't know when it will end.

Now that there is such an opportunity, who cares, let's talk about it when we get it!

Go, and you can be released after you come back alive.

Well, Han Ling agreed to these old men's proposals, yes!

You want to be cannon fodder for this handsome?sure!no problem!

These guys are trained.

So a mighty recruiting operation in China began.

At this time, the domestic war situation in the little devil has begun to heat up.

Due to the continuous heavy snow, the air force of the Pingyuan Army has been unable to dispatch to provide ground cover for the army during this period.

And now the time is January [-]th.

So far, all six armies of the Pingyuan Army have landed in the little devil's homeland.

But the war has reached a fever pitch.

Now the little devil's [-]th Division is still fighting in Xiaguan and the two infantry divisions of the [-]th Group Army of the Pingyuan Army.

The twelfth and twentieth divisions were eaten up.

That is to say, there are only three divisions left on Fukuoka Island, the Ninth Division, the Tenth Division, and the Eleventh Division.

But the little devil was recruited again later.

The little devil emperor felt that if he didn't mobilize most of his troops, the battle would be difficult to fight, and he might even have the Pingyuan Army mobilize troops from their own country to support them.

So this time the little devil has transferred the second division, the third division, the sixth division, the seventh division, the eighth division, the fourteenth division, the sixteenth division, and the nineteenth division , eight divisions and if other troops are added, there will be almost [-] troops.

This time the little devil emperor can be said to be bleeding heavily.

First of all, there are seventeen standing divisions. Except for the Guards Division, which has not yet been used, all other divisions have been used.

In addition, the little devil emperor also used the preparations and supplements of each division to form a division after one hundred.

For example, the reserve supplementary force of the first division formed the [-]st division, and the reserve supplementary force of the second division formed the [-]nd division.

And the [-]st and [-]nd Divisions in history were indeed born in this way.

They were formed with supplementary forces from the standing divisions.

Their combat effectiveness is also second only to the standing division.

The establishment of these divisions is similar to that of the standing divisions.

Only something has changed.

For example, the standing division includes a cavalry regiment and an engineering artillery regiment.

In the [-]st Division, there are generally cavalry brigades, and their other configuration is the Artillery and Air Corps, which is one less unit than the Standing Division.

However, the infantry regiment is still four infantry regiments, and this has not changed.

And the [-]-year-old divisions of these components are still being formed. I believe that they will be formed in a week or half a month soon, and then go to Fukuoka Island to fight against the Pingyuan Army.

The little devils are constantly adding troops to Fukuoka Island, and Han Ling is not afraid. Although the criminal troops have not been fully assembled, Han Ling still decides to send other troops to go there.

For example, Wang Dayong's Fifth Army.

This is an elite group army in the Pingyuan Army, and the significance of dispatching such an elite group army cannot be compared to dispatching two group armies with serial numbers after the seventeenth.

And their combat effectiveness is beyond doubt.Not to mention Wang Dayong's Fifth Army.

Wang Dayong, as his name suggests, is brave in battle and dares to fight. This is why Han Ling entrusted an elite force to him.

"Come on! Give me an order to set up a frontline command immediately. Wang Dayong will be the frontline commander, and Zhang Jinchen will be the deputy commander. They will direct all battles on the frontline!"

An order was issued from the Huaxia Military Headquarters.

Then Wang Dayong, who had just arrived, immediately became the commander-in-chief of the front line.

And today is January [-]th!

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