Chapter 363: The Horn of Revenge [Eight]

"Everyone, this time the commander-in-chief transferred me to be the commander-in-chief of the front line, and I hope that all colleagues will cooperate!"

In the forward headquarters of Kitakyushu, Wang Dayong was looking at the four army commanders below with a smile on his face.

Although Wang Dayong was talking with a smile, none of the people below thought that Wang Dayong was a good talker.

Since Han Ling raised his army, no one who could be trained by him from the beginning was easy to talk to.

This includes Wang Dayong.

Han Ling can be said to be extremely ruthless in his approach to the enemy, but who can talk to Han Ling?

Especially people like Wang Dayong who are in charge of the elite group army of the Pingyuan Army.

"Sir Wang, you're being polite! If you have anything to do, just tell me directly!"

Zhang Jinchen looked at Wang Dayong and said with a smile.

When he learned that the military department would send Wang Dayong here to command the battle, Zhang Jinchen breathed a sigh of relief.

It used to be the joint headquarters, but the military department asked him to command the front-line battles, and he really felt a little frightened.

After all, he really didn't have any experience in this kind of large-scale corps combat.

Now seeing Wang Dayong coming, he felt like he had let go of a burden in his heart.

"Well! I won't talk nonsense. This time the military department sent me here. I believe everyone knows that I was sent by Wang Dayong to fight the war. I didn't come to visit the mountains and rivers. I have nothing to say.

Who will tell me about the current situation now? "

This time Wang Dayong looked at the four army commanders with a serious face and said.

Seeing Wang Dayong's expression, the expressions of the few of them are considered normal, and I feel that this is Wang Dayong's real expression.

"Let me do the talking! After all, I was the one who planned it before!"

Zhang Jinchen stood up and smiled.

Then he picked up the baton and began to explain on the map.

"Now let me start with Fukuoka Island. Some time ago we ate up the twelfth and twentieth divisions of the little devils in Gongruo, leaving only three little devils on Fukuoka island." division.

And their three divisions are also grouped together in and around Xingqiao.

Because they have the support of the naval fleet's naval guns, and our air force cannot take off due to heavy snow, our troops can only conduct small-scale contact operations and defenses with the little devils in the Xingqiao area.

But later, because our [-]st Army was near Xingqiao, the little devils didn't dare to act presumptuously, and we also had to confront them because of the support of the little devils' naval guns.

But things have really changed these days.

The standing division that the little devils have drawn from their Kyushu island has already landed in Zhongjin and other places.According to the information we have obtained so far, the reinforcements that the little devil has arrived now include five divisions, the Second Division, the Third Division, the Sixth Division, the Seventh Division, and the Eighth Division.

However, intelligence shows that in the next two days, their [-]th Division, [-]th Division, and [-]th Division will also arrive within the next two days.So the next thing we have to face is the eleven divisions of the little devil, with a strength of nearly [-] troops.

In addition, here in Xiaguan in the north of our country, the first division, the fourth division, and the fifth division of the little devil are still attacking Xiaguan, which is defended by our [-]th Army.

However, because of our strong firepower and the support of our naval squadron on this side, it is impossible for the little devil to conquer here for the time being."

Standing in front of the map, Zhang Jinchen slowly explained the current situation to Wang Dayong, and Wang Dayong was also listening carefully.

"Hmm! In other words, the location we occupy now is the northern area of ​​Fukuoka Island, and the west of Fukuoka Island is a blank area?"

Wang Dayong is indeed a person who has experienced countless wars. Although he has not been in the army for a long time, he has been engaged in wars since he joined the army. His combat experience is no less than that of a veteran like Zhang Jinchen.

"You can say this, but you can't say that! Because we have received news that in the western area of ​​Fukuoka Island, such as Fukuoka, the little devils there have established a National Guard under the organization of the little devil government.

They drafted many young men into the National Guard, ready to fight us! "

Zhang Jinchen nodded and said.

This is also the reason why they have never marched to these places, although the combat effectiveness of these people may not be good.But the point is that there are a lot of them.

I'm fighting against the little devils now, so I don't have so much energy to take care of these things!

"Hehe! The National Guard is just a bunch of rabble! But it doesn't matter, our task is not to deal with them, we will deal with them.

Now our top priority is to deal with the big troops that the little devils came to reinforce.Now the little devil has rushed to the reinforcements: the second division, the third division, the sixth division, the seventh division, the eighth division, these five divisions, where are they now? "

Wang Dayong looked at Zhang Jinchen again and asked.

"it's here!"

Zhang Jinchen placed the baton between Hita and Chaohui on Fukuoka Island on the map.

"Hita? Chaohui?"

Wang Dayong frowned.

"Yes! Now the forefront of our army is in Guichuan and Jiama!"

Zhang Jinchen said.

Wang Dayong nodded after hearing this and stopped talking, but looked at the map somewhere!

"Kurume! We must occupy Kurume! This is the central area of ​​northern Fukuoka Island. Only by occupying it can we grasp the strategic initiative, otherwise we will be trapped in the northern area of ​​Fukuoka Island!"

Wang Dayong's vision is indeed very poisonous, and he can see the important position of Kurume at a glance.

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