Among these little devils, there are all kinds of weapons.

Of course, there is no shortage of guns here.

They are like waves of waves, constantly hitting the troops of the [-]th Army.

On the opposite side, a unit of the [-]th Army simply built fortifications with sandbags and then set up heavy machine guns and general-purpose machine guns to shoot and kill the little devils in front.

The bullets carried the heat when they came out of the chamber and flew towards the little devils rushing forward.

The ground was covered with golden bullet casings.

And a wisp of gunpowder smoke also appeared in the sky.

The little devils kept falling to the ground one by one, and the crowd behind kept trampling on these corpses.

But in the face of the situation, the little devils still did not stop in the slightest, and they continued to attack the [-]th Army.

The two divisions of the [-]th Army were in Fukuoka, blocking seven or eight intersections on the main street, and then sent people to block those alleys, Zhang Hansheng was in the middle.

Hearing the constant roars and gunshots outside, Zhang Hansheng sat on his chair, tapped his index finger on the table lightly, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Commander! Is it okay that we cause so much killing?"

A staff officer hesitated for a long time and came over to ask.

"Cause killing? I ask you, did we take the initiative to kill them? No! They came to attack our troops, they wanted to kill us. We are just defending, we just want to live! Major, remember Stop, don't talk nonsense, be careful that you will be in the newspaper when the time comes!"

Zhang Hansheng looked at him and said lightly.


The major's staff also seemed to feel that this should not be said indiscriminately, so he went to busy with his own affairs.

Zhang Han raised his head, looked at the snow outside the window, and heard the gunshots outside, he couldn't help shaking his head, and took a cup of tea.

"Commander! Military telegram!"

At this moment, a communications staff officer came over and handed him a telegram.

Putting down the teacup, he took the telegram from the communication staff officer and read it.

"Do you want to do that?"

After reading the telegram, Zhang Hansheng frowned.

He seemed to be struggling in his heart, or thinking about something!

It took a while before he seemed to make up his mind.

"Come on! Go and send electricity to the heavy artillery units and artillery regiments of each division outside the city, and let them prepare for shelling! In addition, send the coordinates of the [-] meters in front of our infantry divisions to the heavy artillery units and artillery regiments of each division. "

Just now, the military department sent a telegram.

It is said that in order to quell the turmoil as soon as possible and bring their ruled area into a stable state, he is required to use artillery to deal with these rebels in batches.

It would be a big deal to use artillery units.

Once the artillery units are used, large-scale casualties will be caused, and the casualties of the little devils will rise in a straight line.

The killing done by troops on defense and the killing done by artillery units are two different things.

Zhang Hansheng decided to use the artillery after much thought.

He felt that what the leader said had some truth.

Now the Pingyuan Army is preparing for a large-scale battle with the little devil.

This time is when there is an urgent shortage of troops, although Wang Dayong gave him the task of destroying these rebels.

But Wang Dayong did not say where it was eliminated.

Is it the one who wiped out Fukuoka, or all the rebels on Fukuoka Island want him to wipe out?

Zhang Hansheng felt that this was a test given to him by Wang Dayong and the military.

If he was just a little devil who started in Fukuoka, the military might not say anything, and Wang Dayong might not say anything either.

It's just that after this war is over, those people are afraid that they will be promoted, and he may still stay where he is.

So he decided to characterize this mission as all the rebels on Fukuoka Island being handled by him.

The rumbling sound of the cannon rang out, and the shells fell into the crowd of little devils with a whistling sound.

Countless little devils fell under the shells.

And when the explosion of the shells sounded, the little devil finally panicked.

They no longer had the madness they had just now, and began to flee frantically, looking for hiding places everywhere.

"Pass me an order to search the whole city after the shelling is over with the battalion company as the unit. Except for my guard regiment and non-combatants, all other personnel take up weapons and search the whole city, as long as they are rebels , not one left!"

This time Zhang Hansheng is ready to take the initiative.It is no longer purely defensive.

He knew that these hundreds of thousands of crazy little devils gathered together, and they couldn't kill their resistance with a single shell.

Only by striking out with a heavy blow and killing them in one fell swoop, will the place of Fukuoka be completely quiet.

This time the little devils can be said to be truly crazy. The little devils in Fukuoka City and the surrounding areas of Fukuoka all gathered together. Hundreds of thousands of little devils are preparing to attack the [-]th Army.

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