Although the gathering of hundreds of thousands of people was a great deterrent, it also gave Zhang Hansheng a chance.

As long as they are eliminated, Fukuoka and its surrounding areas will truly be quiet, and his [-]th Army can continue to march eastward to eliminate the little devils in other places.

Chapter 365: Before the Great War

When Zhang Hansheng's [-]th Army was in Fukuoka to wipe out those rebellious little devils, Wang Dayong's [-]th Army had already advanced from Jiama to Chaohui.

On January [-], [-], in the midst of heavy snowfall, the Fifth Army of the Pingyuan Army and the Second and Third Divisions of the Little Devils met between Changgu Mountain and Majian Mountain.

Because of this battle, Wang Dayong was going to defeat them in one fell swoop, so he asked his Fifth Army to defend first, and wait until the heavy snow passed.

But because the follow-up reinforcements have not all followed up, the little devil is also in a defensive posture, preparing to wait until their follow-up reinforcements arrive before going to war.

The little devil's front-line commander, He Hecao, felt the importance of this battle, and the last time he was eaten up by two reorganized standing divisions, the base camp sent a stern telegram of instructions.

Therefore, he did not set up the headquarters in Mine, but arrived at Fukuoka Island by boat, and set up his frontline headquarters in Oita.

"Your Excellency, Commander! According to the information we have received, the front-line commander sent by the Huaxia people this time is named Wang Dayong. He was the first general to follow the leader of Huaxia. According to our information, this time He is brave in battle and has a resolute character. Every battle is like a desperate Saburo.

And such a person has the ability to command.Some time ago, the Pingyuan Army's attack was slow, and even an infantry division was disabled by the empire and lost its combat effectiveness, so the Huaxia people sent him and his group army.

His Fifth Army is known as an elite force among the Pingyuan Army.Ranked fifth among the forty standing armies of the Huaxia people and the seventeen elite armies.And this group army also followed the leader of Huaxia to fight in the north and south, and has made countless military exploits.

The predecessor of this unit was the former Fifth Army of China, which was once part of the Quanzhou Support Army in the battle of China's unification.

They swept the hundreds of thousands of troops of the former National Congress with the strength of the three armies."

In Oita's Kawai operations headquarters, a staff officer is reporting to him the intelligence of the Fifth Army.

He Hecao didn't speak, but the more he listened, the more frightened he felt.

The Pingyuan Army has forty standing armies, seventeen of which are elite troops.

And among the seventeen elite troops, six group armies have the strongest combat effectiveness.

They are the original First Army to Sixth Army.

These six armies were the elite troops of the Pingyuan Army in the past, and they were also semi-mechanized troops established at the beginning.

After being changed into a group army now, the commanders of these six group armies, because of their seniority and great military exploits in the Pingyuan Army, and because of Han Ling's fancy, their abilities are also strong.

Therefore, when expanding into an army and adding new infantry divisions, the commanders of the six armies went down in person to select soldiers from the troops that had participated in the battle, and then filled them into their army.

It can be said that these six armies only accept elite veterans who have participated in battles.

They claim to be the trump card of the Pingyuan Army, and the position of these six army commanders among the forty standing army commanders is also a detached existence. The only ones who can compare with them are the few commanders of the rapid response mobile army. .

And this is also the reason why He Hecao's face became more gloomy the more he listened.

They have played against the Pingyuan Army many times, but they have never taken advantage of anything.

And the only time that the Pingyuan Army suffered heavy casualties was the last time.

The last time Tong Zeguang's [-]th Division lost more than half of the [-]th Division's combat troops, it was already the biggest loss since the Pingyuan Army fought against the little devil.

So now the little devil is very afraid of the combat power of the Pingyuan army.

Now comes a troop that claims to be the trump card of the Pingyuan Army. Do you think Hehe Cao can be alarmed?

"The above is the information we collected on the Fifth Army of China?"

After He Hecao finished listening, he said with a gloomy face.

"Yes! This is all their information!"

said the staff officer.

Kawachi said nothing more, but walked behind his desk, looked at the national flag on the wall, and removed the katana sword he had placed there himself.

Slowly pulling the samurai sword out of the scabbard, looking at the samurai sword with a flash of cold light, He Hecao's eyes also flashed a flash of brilliance.

"Elite? Then I will eat you as an elite. I believe those Chinese people will be hurt!"

Looking at the samurai sword in his hand, Kawai Cao muttered to himself.

"Have all our troops arrived?"

"Report to Your Excellency, Commander! There are still fourteenth divisions, sixteenth divisions and nineteenth divisions that have not arrived. It is estimated that they will arrive at the designated location on the twelfth, that is, tomorrow."

"Yoxi! The meteorological observation station has sent a message that the heavy snow will probably stop tomorrow. And our air force will also fly to the front line tomorrow. Let us have a decisive battle with the Huaxia people then!"

He Hecao said loudly, and then slowly thought in his heart: "Let this be a place to prove that He Hecao and I are brave!"

January [-]th, at two o'clock in the morning, Jiama, Pingyuan Army Front Headquarters

Originally, the frontline headquarters of the Pingyuan Army was in Kitakyushu, but Wang Dayong transferred the headquarters to Jiama two days ago in order to be able to command nearby.

The current frontline headquarters is still brightly lit.

In this underground bunker headquarters, next to Wang Dayong is a brazier burning with raging fire.

And in the distance are various staff officers in a busy state.

Around him were the three group army commanders, who were quietly waiting for Wang Dayong to speak.

It's just that Wang Dayong didn't seem to have any intention of speaking, he just sat there quietly, looking like an old god.

"Report to Mr. Wang! The four division commanders of the Fifth Army sent an inquiry telegram, asking when they will launch an attack!"

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