A staff officer walked up to Wang Dayong.

"What's the hurry? These little bastards are just impatient! It's still two o'clock in the morning, and there are still several hours. Let them go down to rest, and light a fire to cook at six o'clock. When to attack, let them listen to the sound of the cannon. After the sound of the cannon , they are going to attack!"

Zhang Jinchen and the others felt a little helpless listening to Wang Dayong's words. Wang Dayong didn't tell them the specific attack time at all, not even the commander of the infantry division under him, just let them get ready!

"Commander! We're going to attack soon, at least tell us when to attack! Only then can we make preparations!"

Wang Wei, commander of the [-]st Army, looked at Wang Dayong and said anxiously.

"Prepare? If you all look prepared, the little devil will probably know when we attack! A few days ago, my scouting team told me that the little devil has been observing the movements of our troops.

If we have issued an accurate attack time, you will definitely go down and order the troops to make all preparations. By then, the little devils will find out a little clue, and they will probably guess our attack!Instead of this, it's better to be ready every moment, so that the little devil can't judge when we will attack.As for the specific attack time, don't worry about it, you will know when the time comes! "

Chapter 366: The Real Elite

Hearing what Wang Dayong said, they were helpless.

It's just that half of them agree with Wang Dayong's words, and half don't agree with them.

They believe that such a sudden attack can catch the enemy by surprise, but their own troops will also be confused!

"Hehe! I know your doubts. Do you want to know why I ordered the troops to prepare since I don't want to scare the snakes? Doesn't this make the little devils vigilant?

In fact, this is easy to understand. When we started preparing, the little devil was indeed very vigilant at that time.If there is any trouble, they will strictly investigate.

But people's vigilance always has a time.Even if their officers asked them to be vigilant.But after a long time, their hearts will automatically start to relax, forming a situation of tightness on the outside and looseness on the inside.This is human nature.

Do you have any questions now? "

Wang Dayong looked at the three army commanders and smiled.

"I see!"

Zhang Jinchen and the three of them looked at each other. It turned out that this was the case. No wonder Wang Dayong refused to tell them the real and accurate attack time.

If Wang Dayong told them, their three armies would definitely make more or less preparations by then.

The final preparations before the attack and the preparations for the attack are two different concepts.

When the little devil discovers the abnormality, the suddenness that Wang Dayong needs will be gone.

After Wang Dayong finished speaking, he also entered his lounge to rest for a few hours.

In the next day or two, he didn't have much time to rest.

He woke up at [-]:[-] in the morning, asked the orderly to bring in a basin of hot water, and after a brief wash, he walked into the headquarters.

"Sir Wang, you're awake!"

Seeing Wang Dayong walk into the headquarters, Zhang Jinchen and the others shouted with a look of fatigue on their faces.

"Xin Chen, have you guys been up all night?"

Seeing the exhaustion and serious bloodshot on their faces, Wang Dayong was taken aback.

"That's not true, it's just that I can't sleep!"

A wry smile appeared on Zhang Jinchen's face.

How could they sleep in this situation.

So I didn't have a good night's rest!

"How can you do this? Forget it!"

Wang Dayong waved his hand.

After a few people had a simple breakfast, it was already ten past seven!

"Go and send electricity to ask the troops, are the soldiers ready?"

Wang Dayong had dinner, wiped his mouth, and said to a staff officer.

The staff officer came back after a while.

"Report to Mr. Wang! The division commanders sent telegrams saying that they are ready!"

"Well! Very good, order the heavy artillery division to start shelling in ten minutes! The infantry divisions will start attacking the little devil's position in five minutes!"

Zhang Jinchen and the others looked at Wang Dayong in shock.

Did they hear it right?

The artillery units fired ten minutes later?The infantry attack after five minutes?

Is the Fifth Army really so elite?

Although they have been prepared before, even they will give the soldiers half an hour for the final preparation.

But in Wang Dayong's place, it was only a few minutes, and the artillery unit was only ten minutes.

Moreover, Wang Dayong's combat method, the infantry unit began to attack after five minutes, and the artillery unit bombarded after ten minutes.

That is to say, the infantry units started the attack first, and then the artillery began to shell a few minutes later.

In this way, doesn't it mean that the artillery will start shelling in a hurry when the infantry reaches [-] meters in front of the little devil's position, which means that the artillery can't bombard many shells, and the infantry can arrive.

In this way, the troops are prone to heavy casualties!

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