Wang Dayong didn't care about their expressions and just gave orders in a daze.

"In addition, let the air force take off fighter planes and dive bombers immediately. After the army attacks ten minutes later, I want to see the air force appear overhead!"

It was another order to go on, but it was in the tone of an order.

For Zhang Jinchen and the others, requesting air support can only talk to the Air Force in a negotiating tone.

But as the veteran of the Pingyuan Army, Wang Dayong told the Air Force in an orderly tone that he must come to support me!

No way, who makes other people's qualifications great!

Following Wang Dayong's order, the soldiers of the Fifth Army began to prepare in an orderly manner.

For other armies, if their commander can only give them a few minutes to make final preparations, they are afraid that they will be miserable.

But the Fifth Army, known as the trump card of the trump card, the quality of its soldiers is naturally unmatched by other army soldiers.

For Wang Dayong who only gave him a few minutes of preparation time, there was no surprise on their faces, and they didn't even complain.

And their movements were indeed swift, and after a few minutes, they began to pull up skirmishers to attack the little devil's position.

At this time, the artillery positions are also ready.

The artillery quality of the ace group army is different.

Ten minutes is too short for the heavy artillery divisions of other armies, and it is not enough at all.

But for them, ten minutes is enough for final preparations!

At [-]:[-], the heavy artillery division and artillery regiments fired on time.

The shells landed on the little devil's position with a whistling sound.

At this time, the frontline soldiers of the Fifth Army had indeed only reached four hundred meters in front of the little devil's position.

At this time, the little devil had just discovered the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army who came to attack.

When they were preparing to meet the Pingyuan Army's attack in the trench, who knew, a shell fell down.

Heavy artillery shells exploded on the little devil's position.

Bring countless snow and mud.

Along with them were the little devil soldiers who were thrown into the air.

The soldiers of the Fifth Army did not have the slightest surprise, nor did they stop walking.

Still moving forward.

When they reached two hundred meters in front of the position, the heavy artillery units began to extend their shelling.

After all, the heavy artillery is too powerful. If they explode again, they will hurt their own people.

However, the heavy artillery unit has extended its shelling, but the divisional artillery regiment has not yet extended its shelling.

The main artillery of the division artillery regiment is mainly [-]mm caliber field guns and [-]mm caliber howitzers.

So they haven't stopped shelling yet, and are still providing cover fire for ground troops.

However, when the soldiers of the Fifth Army reached about a hundred meters in front of the position, they also extended their shelling.

At this time, in the sky, a squadron of dive bombers flew out of the clouds.

Then it was time for them to perform.

Heavy aerial bombs were dropped on the little devil's position by them.

The main fire support point of those little devils suffered a devastating blow immediately.

And the mortars and other weapons in the Fifth Army also began to fire shells.

One after another, mortar shells and grenades fired from grenades continuously flew into the little devil's trench.

The soldiers of the Fifth Army never stopped from the beginning to the end, and kept advancing. Even if they were only a hundred meters away from the little devil's position, they were easily injured by their own division's artillery regiment and did not stop advancing.

This is a kind of belief, a kind of belief in one's own artillery unit.

They believed their artillery would not hurt them.

Soon, the soldiers of the Fifth Army rushed to the little devil's position.

The little devil had just been knocked out by a shell, and before he could react, he realized that the Pingyuan army had already entered his position.

The sharpness of the offensive and the coordination of the various arms are simply perfect.

Infantry coordination, step-fly coordination, real infantry coordination and step-fly coordination.

All the armies of the Pingyuan Army are practicing these tactics, but what they can really do can be counted on a pair of fingers.

To achieve such seamlessness, it takes battle-tested soldiers.

Not to mention anything else, just those soldiers who haven't been on the battlefield much.

Watching heavy artillery shells explode at a distance of [-] meters in front of them, can they withstand this pressure?

Watching the artillery shells of the division's artillery regiment explode a hundred meters in front of them, can they bear it?

Therefore, this kind of real infantry and artillery coordinated operations must be achieved by elite veterans, just like the elite veterans of the Fifth Army.

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