When the Pingyuan Army rushed to the little devil's position, they suddenly realized, and then began to pick up their weapons and rushed up to the soldiers of the Fifth Army, preparing to fight them hand-to-hand.

As the elite of the Pingyuan Army, what battles has the Fifth Army not experienced?

Afraid of your hand-to-hand combat?

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army had an advantage over the little devil in terms of physical conditions.

For the little devils with an average height of about [-] meters in this era, Ping Yuanjun's average height of about [-] meters is definitely something they look up to.

In terms of physical strength, the Fifth Army, as the elite of the Pingyuan Army, could be weaker in physical strength?

So the one-sided situation that Wang Dayong said appeared.

Countless little devils were killed to the ground.

For the bayonet stabbed by the little devil, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army used faster speed, stronger force, and more accurate precision to slam their bayonet away, and then stabbed them into their bodies, then pulled it out, and continued go ahead.


It really was a crushing battle!

He Hecao would never have imagined how powerful the real elites of the Pingyuan Army were.

The two regiments that the little devil placed on the first line were completely eaten up by the Fifth Army in less than an hour.

However, the Pingyuan Army's own casualties were extremely small, only a few hundred people!

The offensive continued, and as a veteran of the Pingyuan Army, Wang Dayong was well aware of the suddenness of the offensive.

The little devil never imagined that he could eat up their two alliances and take their first position in just one hour.

Chapter 367: Singing

"Order the troops not to stop, and continue to march towards the second line of defense! Today, we must teach the little devil a lesson he will never forget!"

After learning that the first line of defense had been breached, Wang Dayong ordered the troops to continue to attack.


Wang Dayong's order was issued, and the Fifth Army was indeed continuing to attack.

The Temporary First Army and the Nineteenth Army who followed him all felt that the Fifth Army was too strong?

In one of the little devil's positions, two entire regiments were placed on it, but the Fifth Army ate up others within an hour, while its own casualties were pitifully small.

But now they don't have the chance to think so much, because they still have to keep up with the Fifth Army's offensive.

The sharpness of the Fifth Army's offensive was indeed beyond their expectations. They never imagined that the elite army's attack would be so fast.

Oita, Kawai Operations Headquarters

"Your Excellency, Commander, the first line of defense defended by the Sixth Division has been captured by the Pingyuan Army. Now the Fifth Army of the Pingyuan Army is launching an attack on the Sixth Division!"

A staff officer quickly ran all the way to He Hecao and said loudly.

"Nani? The first line of defense was breached? I remember the first line of defense. The Sixth Division put two infantry regiments on it. How could it be swallowed by the Pingyuan Army so quickly?"

When He Hecao heard the news, he was immediately taken aback, and asked in a slightly unbelievable tone.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the Fifth Army of the Pingyuan Army is very elite, and their offensive is very sharp.

After the artillery bombardment, they rushed to the position of the Sixth Division in a very short time.

And their hand-to-hand combat ability is also very strong, the warriors of the empire are no match at all! "

The staff officer told the contents of the telegram in a precise manner.

It's just that He Hecao felt a coolness emanating from the bottom of his heart.

"Hand-to-hand combat is very strong? Isn't the imperial warrior an opponent?"

Hehe kept muttering this sentence in his mouth.

In his eyes, the little devil's own stabbing skills can be said to be very powerful, but now he is told that he is no match for the Pingyuan Army. How can you not surprise him?

"Report! The second line of defense has sent a telegram. The Pingyuan Army has already attacked their position, requesting tactical guidance!"


Just when He Hecao was surprised, another staff officer ran in, but the news he brought surprised He Hecao again.

"You said they attacked the second position again?"

"Hi! The situation in the Second Road is very critical now. The Sixth Division and the Seventh Division have sent telegrams, asking for tactical guidance!"

He Hecao didn't speak after hearing this, but walked to the map and looked at the map.

"The second line of defense is the joint defense of the Sixth and Seventh Divisions.

The main force of their two divisions is between the first line of defense and the third line of defense.

Their two divisions are also the main force of our current frontline. If they are also eaten by the Pingyuan Army, our next situation will be bad! "

Looking at the map, He He said with a frown.

"Where are our second and third divisions now?"

He Hecao looked at one of his staff officers before looking at the map and asked.

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