"The Second and Third Divisions are currently on standby in Kurume!"

"Kurume? Which division are we in Hita?"

"It's the Eighth Division!"

"Eighth Division? Order the Eighth Division to go to Chaohui immediately, and then drive from Chaohui to the front line. This time, we must hold on, otherwise, once the Chinese army crosses Chaohui, they will try their best to capture Kurume!"

Not only Wang Dayong took a fancy to Kurume's important position, but Hehecao also knew the important position of Kurume. Once Kurume changed hands to Pingyuan Army, they would be restrained strategically by Pingyuan Army.


Started to move, the little devil started to move again.

At this time, it was on the battlefield between Majian Mountain and Changgu Mountain.

The Fifth Army has successfully attacked the second line of defense defended by the Little Devil's Sixth and Seventh Divisions.

When the Fifth Army attacked the second line of defense and the first line of defense, it used infantry and artillery to coordinate operations.

This trick is indeed very effective, and at the same time the suddenness of the Fifth Army has not disappeared.

Although the little devil knew that the Pingyuan army had already launched an attack on them.

But they don't think that the Pingyuan Army can break through the first line in a short period of time. No matter how the first line of defense army can stop the Pingyuan Army for two days!

Who knew that let alone blocking for two days, even less than two hours, only less than an hour, the little devil above was eaten by Ping Yuan's army.

Less than half an hour later, the Pingyuan Army appeared in front of their second line of defense.

This time they were fooled, and those little devils on the second line of defense were indeed fooled.

Did these Pingyuan troops eat the first line of defense?

But isn't there two entire regiments of troops on it?

Although the little devils didn't want to believe it, in fact they couldn't tolerate it.

And then, they finally understood why the troops on the first line of defense were eaten up by the Pingyuan Army so quickly.

The infantry and artillery cooperate to fight together, and the degree of coordination is difficult even for them.

It didn't take long for the Pingyuan Army to attack their position again.

But this time the Fifth Army encountered a hard stubble.

Because the second line of defense is the position defended by the Sixth and Seventh Divisions.

Seeing the critical situation, the Sixth Division immediately dispatched all the cavalry regiments and engineering regiments in the division to serve as infantry.

In order to defend the second line of defense, the Seventh Division also transferred the two infantry regiments it placed there to the third line of defense back to the second line of defense.

Now they seem to feel that this Pingyuan Army is different from the previous Pingyuan Army, and its combat effectiveness is unexpectedly strong.

If the second line of defense is breached, relying on the two alliances on the third line of defense seems unbearable.

Therefore, the Seventh Division simply did not intend to guard the third line of defense, but guarded the second line of defense.

Those people in the Sixth Division, whether they were combatants or non-combatants, were all sent to the battlefield by him to fight against the Pingyuan Army.

The purpose of doing this is to cause a little trouble to the Fifth Army in a short period of time because the troops behind the Fifth Army have not yet come up.

But as the battle continued and the arrival of the follow-up troops of the Fifth Army, the battlefield began to reverse again!

Chapter 368: The little devil has retreated

In modern warfare, the advantage of numbers is not great.

Just like now, there are nearly [-] people left in the Sixth Division.

The Fifth Army is just three infantry regiments within an infantry division.

That is nearly [-] people, but the Sixth Division was retreating steadily, without the slightest resistance.

At this time, the Seventh Division quickly sent two regiments to support the Sixth Division.

Then an infantry division of the Fifth Army sent out another infantry regiment, making a total of four infantry regiments.

The four infantry regiments, but the [-] little devils who could fight, couldn't stand it.

The fight goes on, the death goes on.

Since the First Sino-Japanese War, in the eyes of the little devils, Huaxia is no longer worthy of being their opponent, but now Huaxia is coming to their homeland.

Oita, Kawai operation headquarters!

"Your Excellency, Commander! The Sixth Division and the Seventh Division jointly sent a telegram. They are almost unable to withstand the attack of the Huaxia Army.

Their offensive is too fierce, and the warriors of the empire are no match for them! "

"Nani? Didn't they say to concentrate all the strength of the two divisions earlier? How long has it been? In less than four hours, they said they couldn't resist it?"

He Hecao turned around and looked at the staff officer angrily.

"China's Fifth Army is too elite. They seem to be more ferocious than the imperial army in every aspect. The Sixth Division and the Seventh Division sent a message saying that the Fifth Army is like a beast. Now the Sixth Division There are less than [-] people left in the regiment! The Seventh Division has also lost a regiment of troops!"

The staff officer also said with some heartache.

"[-] people? Lost a wing?"

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