Hehe Cao frowned deeply.

The Sixth Division is a Class A division of the little devil. The whole division has four infantry regiments, one cavalry regiment, one artillery regiment each, and two field hospitals.

The whole division has a total of [-] people.

But now the Sixth Division actually has less than [-] people, which means that more than half of their entire division has been lost.

"Has the Eighth Division reached there?"

Hehe Cao forced himself to calm down and asked.

"Just now I sent a telegram that they have arrived at Ma Diliang Mountain, and now I am afraid they have already passed Madi Liang Mountain!"

The staff officer said cautiously.

"Madiliang Mountain? Although there is no heavy snowfall today, there is still a deep layer of snow on the ground. According to their marching speed in the snow, it means that it will take at least five hours for them to reach the frontline troops. !"

Hehe Cao said calmly.


"Order the Sixth Division and the Seventh Division to retreat immediately, and immediately retreat to Chaohui. At the same time, order the Eighth Division to also advance to Chaohui. Don't let the prospect of the Gongruo battle reappear!"

The battle of Gong Ruo can be said to be Hehe Cao's failure. If it weren't for his background and background, the emperor of the island country would have asked him to go home to fish.

In the first battle of Gong Ruo, [-] people died in the two divisions of the little devil, which became a shame for the little devil, and Hehe Cao was severely scolded by the instruction telegram from the base camp. Hehe Cao was absolutely unwilling to let Gong The scene of the Ruo battle reappears.


The little devil started to retreat. In this world, there are not many armies that can retreat in an orderly manner.

And Wang Dayong still remembers what Han Ling said at the beginning: Even the enemy we hate to the bone must have his merits.

And one saving grace of the Imps is their retreat.

The little devil's retreat is not like the armies of other countries.

Just like the old Maozi's army, it was extremely tenacious when it attacked, and it was extremely disorderly when it retreated.

There was an orderly attack just now, but the next second it was as chaotic as a group of lunatics discharged from the hospital.

After the Little Devil's Sixth Division and Seventh Division received He Hecao's order to retreat, they first left a regiment of troops to act as a blocking force.

No one complained, just bid farewell to friends in the army and waited for the arrival of the Fifth Army on the ground.

For the Pingyuan Army, the strength of a regiment cannot stop them for a long time.

In about half an hour, the four infantry regiments of the Fifth Army easily wiped out these little devils, and then the troops behind rushed up again, while the troops in front continued to pursue.

Whenever the people of the Fifth Army catch up to the little devil, they will automatically have wounded soldiers left to take on the sniper mission.

This gecko's tail-docking method of survival really prevented the Pingyuan Army from really biting them.

Finally, when night began to fall, the little devil still fled to Chaohui, but when they retreated, there were still [-] people in the Sixth Division, and [-] people in the Seventh Division.

But when they arrived at Chaohui, the Sixth Division still had about [-] troops left, and the Seventh Division still had [-] troops.

It was during these escapes that about [-] of their troops were swallowed up by the Pingyuan Army.

When the heads of the Sixth Division and the Seventh Division arrived at the Chaohui and began to clean up their troops, they almost got their livers ached.

They never dreamed that the fighting power of the Pingyuan Army was so amazing.

In just one day, the Pingyuan Army could say that the Sixth Division was about to lose its combat effectiveness, and the Seventh Division also lost about [-] troops.

Jia Ma, Wang Dayong headquarters.

"You let the little devil run away! It's just that if you run away, the monk can't escape the temple. So what if you escape to the court? I'll fight to the court and see where you want to escape!"

Wang Dayong took a cigarette in one hand, took a strong puff and said viciously.

"Mr. Wang, but after they fled to the court meeting, it will not be easy for us to eat them again. According to the information we have obtained, most of the little devil's troops are behind. In Kurume, the little devil has also hoarded two divisions regiment strength.

This afternoon, when our troops pursued to Chaohui, they found that there seemed to be another group of little devils entering the city. It should be the reinforcements of the little devils. I am afraid that our next battle will not be easy! "

Standing behind Wang Dayong, Zhang Jinchen said worriedly.

"Hmph! What are you afraid of? Isn't it just that there are more people? I, Wang Dayong, will be afraid of them? I admit that the fighting power of the little devils is indeed impatient, and their fighting will is also very tenacious. Today's time actually made my Fifth Army More than [-] people were killed.

My Fifth Army has never suffered so many casualties since the Fifth Army.

In the last national unification war, our fifth army was ordered to be incorporated into the Quanzhou support army. Our three armies had a strength of about [-]. Facing an enemy several times that number, our fifth army lost only a thousand dollars after fighting for several months. People up and down. "

When Wang Dayong talked about these past events, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Seeing this, Zhang Jinchen was a little crying and laughing. Many of the generals who followed Han Ling to start a family were a group of war madmen.

Chapter 369: Battle of Fukuoka [[-]]

"You three group armies plus the provisional first army, rush to the court meeting as soon as possible. There is news from the weather observation station that there will be no heavy snow on Fukuoka Island in the past few days, but a cold wave from the north is heading south. It is estimated that there will be no more snowfall. There will be a new round of heavy snowfall in Fukuoka this week.

At that time, our airship logistics force will not be able to use it.We need to hoard all kinds of materials as soon as possible during this time.Prepare for future war needs! "

Wang Dayong looked at the map and talked about where.

Zhang Jinchen and the others stood behind Wang Dayong and listened to what he was saying.

"Also, after going down, send electricity to the military department, and let them send the domestic criminals here as soon as possible! This time we are going to have a decisive battle with the little devils in the Kurume area. We may need a lot of cannon fodder troops by then. These criminals are just right for this operation!"

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