The little devil is mobilizing troops to places around Kurume one after another, and in Kurume, in addition to the second and third divisions at the beginning, the [-]st and [-]nd divisions were later transferred Regiment, two second-class divisions came to Kurume for defense.

The rest of the troops fought against the Pingyuan Army around Kurume.

"Mr. Wang, the front-line troops have sent a telegram. At the court meeting, the little devils currently have the sixth division, the seventh division, the eighth division, and the [-]rd division, a total of four divisions. This morning They even organized a counter-charge, but we beat them back!

In addition, in Dazaifu, our [-]st Army was also attacked by the [-]th Division, the [-]th Division, and the [-]th Division of the Little Devil.It is currently in a stalemate.

Our [-]nd Army also encountered the Hita Defense Line and the Little Devil's [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th Divisions.At present, it is also difficult to distinguish! "

Zhang Jinchen stood behind Wang Dayong, looked at Wang Dayong and said.

"Hehe! The little devils are really interesting, look at their line of defense.

Dazaifu, Asahi, Hita!They are trying to keep us out of Kurume! "

Wang Dayong looked at the line defended by the little devil with a sneer.

But then he said: "But they forgot that Fukuoka is in our hands now. By the way, where is the [-]th Army?"

Wang Dayong looked at the map and asked.

"They are implementing the cleanup plan in Xiaodao City, and it should be almost over now!"

Zhang Jinchen thought for a while and said.

"Kojima City? Well! That's right, tell the [-]rd Army not to stay in Guichuan, let him immediately pass through Fukuoka, rush to Kojima City, and join the [-]th Army there.

Although the [-]th Army has only two infantry divisions, the entire Army still has more than [-] people including other troops.Their two armies of more than [-] people went straight to Saga City behind the little devil along this route.

At that time, we can attack the little devil.I believe this battle will be over soon! "

Looking at the map of Fukuoka Island, Wang Dayong couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Mr. Wang, this road is not easy to walk! You see, most of the areas that this road will pass through are mountainous areas, and it is winter now. I am afraid their march will be very difficult. And the most important thing is that even if they reach Zuo He Shi, but they are also very likely to be surrounded.

Now the little devil still has a lot of power in Kurume and its surrounding areas! "

Zhang Jinchen said with some worry.

"Don't worry! There are more than [-] troops, and the little devil still lacks a good set of teeth if he wants to deal with them. I just want them to attract the little devil's attention! Otherwise, if we continue to fight like this, this is a kind of fueling tactic.

If we don't win the court meeting, our troops will not be able to deploy.You see, as long as we win the court meeting, we will enter the plain land of Kurume, and then our troops will be able to deploy.

Let them follow my orders now, and they will arrive soon when the Chaohui is about to be taken down. I want to see how many troops the little devil still has to fight me! "

The battle continued, the little devil wanted to defeat the Pingyuan army, and the Pingyuan army wanted to defeat the little devil.

Among them, the main battle locations of the two sides are Dazaifu, Chaohui, and Hita.

Among these three places, Dazaifu and Hita's Pingyuan Army are not as elite as the Fifth Army, so they are still fighting the little devils inextricably. Even if they have the advantage, the advantage is not great.

But in Chaohui, the Fifth Army relied on its fierce combat effectiveness to defeat the little devils.

Earlier, the little devil was unwilling to be beaten like this, and organized a wave of counterattacks, but was beaten back by the Fifth Army.

And then, the little devil can only hope to destroy the Pingyuan Army in street fighting.

There is a common view in the Pingyuan Army, that is, fighting abroad is better than fighting at home.


The reason is simple. In domestic operations, artillery units cannot fully exert their power.

After all, if the artillery troops make full use of it, it may cause many civilian casualties and huge losses.

They are all my own compatriots, my own people, I really can't bear it!

But it's different in China. The artillery unit can use it as much as it wants, and it's not their own people.

It's like the Fifth Army's North Korea meeting now.

The little devil thought that the Pingyuan army did not dare to bombard the city, and did not dare to use artillery troops to bombard the city.

But who knew that the Fifth Army didn't care about them. The heavy artillery division and various artillery regiments took turns bombarding the city throughout the day.

Veterans like them all know how powerful street fighting is. Street fighting is also the most brutal way of fighting. You don't want to blast the city into ruins.

Our own soldiers went in, they were unfamiliar with the place, and these islanders hated themselves.They must be helping the little devil, and there will be a lot of unnecessary casualties on their own side.

From the beginning of this war, the artillery units of the Pingyuan Army have never stopped.

And this also made the little devil's teeth itch with hatred, they didn't expect the Pingyuan Army to bombard the court so recklessly.

It was also under the unscrupulous situation of the Pingyuan Army that the casualties of the little devils rose in a straight line.

And it was under the circumstances of such a war that the Chinese Spring Festival in [-] was spent in the war.

The capital of China, Han Ling's home

"Hehe! It's not easy for Minghan to treat a guest to dinner. This time, Hanqing and I have brought our bellies!"

Lord Zhan Ning and Zhang Hanqing sat down after being greeted by Han Ling, and Lord Zhan Ning also said with a smile.

"Yes! It seems that I have invited a pair of plague gods!"

Han Ling also sat down and smiled.

Today's New Year's Eve, Han Ling and the female relatives of the three families were supposed to have dinner together.

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