But because there are still hundreds of thousands of Pingyuan troops fighting in the ice and snow of the little devils, Yasiqi and the others know that Han Ling and the others must discuss important matters today, so their family members set up a table in the house by themselves.

Han Ling and the others set up a table under the eaves, enjoying the snow and drinking while talking about state affairs.

As the saying goes, after three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Mr. Zhan Ning put down his chopsticks when he had eaten almost everything, picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine, and then talked about the current affairs.

Chapter 371: Battle of Fukuoka [[-]]

"Commander! Now that the New Year has passed, our hundreds of thousands of troops have landed in the little devil's home country for almost a month! You just made a plan for three to three years at the meeting a few days ago. If this war drags on for a long time I'm afraid it will have an impact on our domestic economy!"

Lord Zhan Ning put down his wine glass, looked at Han Ling and said.

"En! I know this, but there is no time to delay to bring down the little devil. Now the results of the presidential election in the United States have come out. And the mustache we fostered in country d has also come to power. Now we want to get rid of this small country, the little devil, and the following is Our big countries had a good time!"

Han Ling understands what Mr. Zhan Ning said, but he knows that if European and American countries are trapped in the quagmire of economic crisis and cannot get out, when their economies start to recover, they will re-focus on the East. At that time, it was not such a simple matter for Huaxia to take down the little devil.

"En! I think what Minghan said makes sense. This country is not big and has a lot of industrial capacity, but even if it is arrogant, it is still a shit stick. Disgusting people jumping up and down everywhere.

And I think, regardless of whether the little devil is a disgusting person jumping up and down, we should take their land. ;

The little devil is really important to our country.Some time ago, the national defense white paper formulated by Minghan stated that an island chain defense system should be established.

It can be said that it is a huge plan to start from the little devil in the north and go to Indonesia and other places in Southeast Asia in the south.In this defense system, little devils are an indispensable part, so I think Minghan is right.

The little devil must be shot down now, so that the night will not have long dreams! "

Zhang Hanqing put down the chopsticks in his hand, took a sip of the wine happily and said.

"Hehe! In fact, these are all one aspect. The other aspect is that once the island chain defense system is established, once a sea battle occurs in the future, we can keep the sea war out of the country without affecting our economy, Transport and wait!"

After listening to Zhang Hanqing's words, Han Ling added with a smile.

It's just that Han Ling's words made Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing stare at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Am I wrong?"

Han Ling felt a little baffled, why were these two looking at him like this?

"Minghan, you just said sea battle? What do you mean?"

Having reached their high position, they are sensitive to every word.

Although what Han Ling said was very cryptic, they felt that Han Ling's real purpose of building an island chain defense system might be the sea battle behind it.

And in Asia, the only ones who can fight China's sea battles now are the United States and those John Bulls.

However, John Bull's naval strength is strong, but now their warships are generally relatively old, and they have colonies all over the world, and their naval fleet has to be scattered all over the world.

It is not very possible to gather all of them to fight a naval battle with Huaxia.

And the main eyes of those John Bulls are on other places, and the interests around China are not very big, that is, India.

If it is India, it is the army's problem, so the navy's problem is not very big.

In addition, the last time China's East China Sea Fleet fought a sea battle with John Bull, which caused them heavy losses, and John Bull will probably avoid continuing a larger sea battle with China in the future.

Since it is impossible to have a large-scale naval battle with John Bull, the next step is to fight the United States.

The United States is protected by two oceans - the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it has interests in both the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

And judging from the ever-expanding navy, Han Ling obviously attaches great importance to the Pacific Ocean. Otherwise, why would he continue to expand the navy like this?

How old is this?In terms of total tonnage, the Huaxia Navy has already ranked first in Asia and second in the world.

In terms of total tonnage, it is only a little less than those John Bulls. This is because those John Bulls have more destroyers, more than two hundred destroyers.

But in terms of the quality of the battleships, the battleships in service of the Huaxia Navy have stabilized the battleships of all countries in the world, and are known as the world's number one.

Under such circumstances, if Han Ling had no idea about the Pacific Ocean, neither of them would believe it.

As for the Pacific Ocean, although it is said to be large, it cannot accommodate three naval powers.

If the little devil's naval fleet is wiped out this time, there will be two naval powers left in the Pacific, the United States and China.

People's ambitions are unlimited, no one would think that their territory is too small, and so is Han Ling.

In this way, the United States and China have a conflict of interest in the Pacific Ocean.

Mr. Zhan Ning and the others also thought of this, so they looked at Han Ling in surprise.

"Could it be that the commander-in-chief wants to drag America into the water?"

This is the idea of ​​Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing.

Looking at the expressions of Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing, Han Ling knew what they had thought.

"That's right! You guessed right. The Pacific Ocean is big, but it can't accommodate two naval powers. I have always believed that China is the overlord of the East and the Pacific Ocean.

If you want the country to be peaceful and the people safe, and if you want to have no foreign aggression, you have to eliminate all enemies that threaten you.Unfortunately, now I think that country on the other side of the ocean will be our enemy. "

"But Mingham, the industrial capacity of the United States is too terrifying. Although their industrial capacity seems to be declining due to the economic crisis, as long as they get out of the economic crisis, their industrial capacity will soon recover. And the most important thing is that all countries in the world No country can guess how strong the industrial capabilities of the United States are.

Now our country seems to have ranked first in Asia, but our industrial capacity is not enough!If we fight against the United States, we are afraid that we will suffer even more! "

Mr. Zhan Ning said with some concern.

"Haha! Mr. Zhan Ning, where are you thinking? How can we face the United States now? How long have we only started now?

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