The mustache we are fostering in country d is a lunatic.If you read the book "Mein Kampf" he wrote before, you can think about what kind of person this is.

What we have to do now is to develop and strive to develop.And in those countries, there are naturally people who challenge their authority. We, at this stage, just move a small bench and sit by and watch their performances. "

Chapter 372: Battle of Fukuoka [[-]]

Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing felt much more at ease when they heard Han Ling say this.

To be honest, they still have a feeling of disbelief now. They never thought that in just a few years, they, Huaxia, would be able to join the feast of the world and wrestle with all countries in the world.

This is something they never dared to think about before.

"By the way, Commander! I've seen that Karl keep looking for you these days. Haven't we talked about their captives yet?"

Mr. Zhan Ning was relieved of these before talking about other issues.

"A good deal? Huh! Those John Bulls are always thinking of good things. Didn't I set a condition before. They couldn't bear it.

Later, I changed the conditions and asked them to return all our national treasures. As long as this is done, I can release those soldiers and their governors.As a result, those John Bulls were only willing to return one-tenth of the national treasures they had robbed from us.

You said, did their heads twitch?That Karl always came to see me these days, so I asked him to tell him that I was not there.

Let them dry for a while before talking!When they figure it out, I will talk to them about this issue. "

Some time ago, after Wang Dayong started to take over the little devil's war, Han Ling just paid attention to the little devil's battle situation and didn't intervene.

At this time, he also had time to have a good talk with Karl about the captives.

Han Ling offered a condition before, but Karl and the others felt that the price was too high to accept, so they refused, hoping that Han Ling could reduce the price a little.

In fact, at that time, Han Ling did not think about making those John Bulls agree to the conditions he had previously proposed.

The reason why he put forward those conditions before was just to pave the way for the latter conditions.

What Han Ling really aimed at were the national treasures that were snatched back by the John Bulls.

Later, Han Ling changed the conditions, asking them to exchange all the national treasures of Huaxia.

As a result, these John Bulls still disagreed, and after repeated negotiations, the two parties were unable to reach a final agreement.

Karl had no choice but to keep asking the country for instructions, and the old Tang and the others in the country were unwilling to return those things.

And John Bull's king was unwilling to return those Chinese national treasures to China.

It was only after several rounds of negotiations that they agreed to return the tithe.

At that time, their conditions made Han Ling angry, and Han Ling simply stopped talking to them, and just said, "Come talk to me when you have made up your mind."

However, those prisoners have to pay for food and lodging here.If you can't come up with an answer within a certain period of time, these captives will be sent by Han Ling to repair the railway to earn their daily expenses.

In addition, if you agree, please don't forget the cost of food and lodging for these prisoners in China.

After Han Ling said such a sentence, he left.

And those John Bulls are also negotiating urgently.

But after discussing for a long time, Old Tang finally agreed, but their king disagreed.

Said that this is the property of their empire, and no one can return these properties to others.

And said that this is a shame that the empire has not experienced for hundreds of years.

Of course, these John Bull royals are just cursing.

They didn't have the right to remove Old Tang from his post, but this matter also caused trouble because of this matter.

The people on those John Bulls know that more than [-] of their soldiers were captured by Huaxia.

And now they are still negotiating with Huaxia.

It's just that the final result was unsatisfactory. They were reluctant to give up those inedible and unusable things, and they were unwilling to exchange their family members back.

As a result, twenty to thirty thousand families of the captured soldiers ran to the door of Old Tang's prime minister's residence to make a fuss.

In the end, he annoyed Old Tang so much, but is there any way to do this?

In fact, Old Tang also felt aggrieved, it's not that he disagreed.He agreed.

But these things, although they are said to belong to their country.But it is actually the private property of their royal family.

It was regarded as a treasure by those royal families.

His old Tang wanted to exchange these unedible, unclothable, and unusable things for those soldiers, the governor's mansion and various officials of the governor's mansion.

But their royal family disagreed.

No matter what happened here at John Bull, the war on Fukuoka Island, the home of the little devil, continued.

Chaohui is still in the hands of the little devils because of the firm resistance of the little devils.

But the continuous wars have drastically reduced the number of little devils in their court.

By now, they were almost unable to keep the court meeting.

And it was under such circumstances that a force of [-] suddenly appeared behind Kurume.

They are the [-]th Army and the [-]rd Army, these two armies.

Score, Kawai operation headquarters.

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