"Your Excellency, Commander! Kurume's troops have sent a message saying that their troops have discovered the troops of the Pingyuan Army in Saga, and it is estimated that there are more than [-] troops!"

"Nani? More than [-] troops? Appeared in Saga?"

When He Hecao heard the news, he was shocked and said.


"How did they appear in Saga? Why didn't we get any news?"

He Hecao's face was a bit ferocious, how could he not be shocked by the appearance of an enemy in his back garden?

"I don't know, but according to our staff's guess, they should have come straight from Kojima City. All along, we have been concerned about the situation in the three directions of Dazaifu, Asahi, and Hita.

In addition, it has been snowing heavily now, so we don't pay much attention to the situation in these places.

They should have quietly advanced to Saga from here under such circumstances! "

Hehe Cao slapped the staff resentfully on the table at the words of the staff officer.

How do you say something?It's hard to guard against!

Yes, it is impossible to guard against.

He Hecao never expected that Ping Yuan's army would unknowingly see and touch Saga.

From the current point of view, they may have started to move forward a week ago.

"How many troops do we have in the court now?"

Kawai asked after forcing himself to calm down.

In the previous dynasty, there would be four divisions of little devils, with more than [-] people defending there.

The battle at Chaohui has been going on for half a month, and with the huge number of casualties every day, he can hardly figure out how many troops there are in the empire at Chaohui!

Chapter 373: Battle of Fukuoka [Five]

"There should be another [-] people!"

He Hecao's questioning made the staff a little unclear.

To be honest, the staff really doesn't know how many imperial troops there are in the court.If he was clear, he would have told He He.

"Nani? There should be another [-] people? I remember that there are [-] imperial troops in the court. There are still [-] people, which means that the court has lost [-] people in half a month?"

He Hecao's complexion quickly darkened.

[-] people, this is a little more troops than the two divisions.

So many troops were lost within half a month. This is a well-trained Class A division!

"When will our other follow-up troops arrive?"

Now Hehecao feels that his troops are very tense. First of all, the troops in Kurume can no longer be used. After all, more than [-] troops of the Pingyuan Army have already detoured to Saga.If Kurume's troops are transferred again, it may cause Kurume's fall!

"I don't know! The base camp called two days ago, because the weather continued to snow, and the transportation was very inconvenient. It is estimated that the follow-up troops will be transported after the heavy snow weather!"

The staff officer said with a very unsightly expression, and He Hecao's expression was not very good-looking either.

Although it is snowing heavily now, the Pingyuan Army's offensive has never stopped.

During this period of time, the attacks in the three directions of Dazaifu, Chaohui, and Hita continued.

Now with the passage of time, the Pingyuan Army in the direction of Dazaifu and Hita has also begun to slowly gain an absolute advantage. If no reinforcements arrive, they will fail!

"Give power to the base camp! Ask for tactical guidance. Say that we have reached a very critical moment, and all the standing divisions are fighting very hard! If there is no more reinforcements, we will be defeated!"


He Hecao was still not convinced, he refused to accept that he had failed like this, and wanted to wait for the arrival of reinforcements to win the round.

But will Wang Dayong give them this chance?

On February [-], [-], Wang Dayong ordered an army-wide counter-offensive, starting with the Fifth Group Army attacking the court.

Why did Wang Dayong choose this time?

Generally speaking, after the Spring Festival, the weather will gradually warm up.

And the snowy weather will pass slowly.

The Spring Festival in [-] was on January [-], and now the Spring Festival has passed for more than a week.

The weather is also starting to improve.

First of all, the heavy snow weather is finally gone.

The weather began to clear up. Under such circumstances, the air force of the Pingyuan Army could finally be dispatched.

And most importantly, the clearing of the weather allowed Han Ling to mobilize ten heavy bombing brigades, and [-] heavy bombers arrived in Kitakyushu.

With the range of the Type 29 heavy bomber, he can radiate the entire country in Kitakyushu.

The attack on February [-] was first started by these ten heavy bombing brigades.

Seven hundred and fifty heavy bombers took off in the morning and carried out heavy bombing on the North Korean meeting.

"Attention all planes, we will reach the sky above the destination in five minutes! Please lower the flight altitude and prepare to drop bombs!"

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