There is a saying that is good!

Only what you see is real.

The things reported by the officials below will always promote a theme, that is, to report good news but not bad news.

Among the things reported by many officials, the people will always be happy and the country will always be strong.You rarely see something else.

This is why Wei Zhenghui in the early Tang Dynasty became so famous, and Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty valued him so much.

Although Han Ling has a seventh office, the report from the seventh office is indeed true.

But what Han Ling saw was just a piece of paper, just a piece of empty language, and he couldn't really see it.

So he often comes out to inspect and understand the people's conditions, which is a very important thing for those in power.

When Han Ling came out, it was only after one o'clock in the afternoon, and not until two o'clock, but at this time, something happened to him.

Chapter 378: Wrath【中】

Speaking of this matter, Han Ling also felt that he was blaming himself.

Because there is a problem that he has not completely solved.

That's the worker's problem.

Although he promulgated labor laws before, how many labor laws have there been in later generations?

Can anyone remember them all?This is simply not possible.

So Han Ling directly based on his own memory and some problems discovered by the following people to make a labor law that is relatively rough compared to later generations, but relatively perfect now.

Well, after the labor law came out, Han Ling didn't pay attention to this matter in a short time.

After all, other things can be exhausting when pressed down.

But when he went to the street today, Han Ling discovered one thing, and that was a loophole in the labor law.

This matter has to start with Han Ling's entry into Yanjing.

Since Han Ling entered Yanjing, various large-scale constructions have been carried out throughout North China, and the establishment of factories is indispensable.

As mentioned earlier, Han Ling had just encouraged businessmen to build factories to enhance Huaxia's industrial capabilities.

Few people set their sights on heavy industry.

If they don't put it in heavy industry, where should they put it?

That is naturally light industry.

There is one thing that cannot be separated from the large-scale construction of roads and buildings.

That is cement!

And some businessmen took a fancy to the business opportunities here.

After the cement factory was established, those businessmen began to recruit ordinary people to work for them in the cement factory.

Under such circumstances, Old Man Zhao's son entered the factory.

Old man Zhao was the one Han Ling called old man just now.

The old man next to him is the younger brother of old man Zhang, and this little guy is the grandson of old man Zhao.

As we all know, the mud in the cement factory is very serious, and even if you wear a mask to enter the cement factory, it will cause great harm to your body.

In winter, workers in these cement factories will wear masks, after all, they are still warm!

But when summer comes, they will all take off their masks, after all, summer is too hot.

At this time, the factory owner should strictly require them to wear masks, but the factory owner did not do so.

Those workers don't seem to have thought of that either.

So I didn't care.Old man Zhao's son worked in the factory for two years.

Because in these years, the Yanjing government has been engaged in large-scale construction, and the workers inside can be said to soak in it every day, and there is not much rest time throughout the year, that is, to rest during the Chinese New Year.

Soaking in the factory for a long time caused the old man Zhao's son to suffer from lung problems.

At the beginning, Old Man Zhao's son didn't care.

After all, it is a farmer's family!

There is no family with three illnesses and two pains. Basically, it will pass after two days.

The old man Zhao's son also thought so, so he didn't go to the hospital, but kept coughing.

After a long time, the old man Zhao's son's body finally couldn't bear it anymore.

When I was at work one day, I suddenly coughed up blood.

Now his co-workers all know that coughing up blood is a big deal, and it can't be overcome in just two days.

So he was rushed to the hospital.

It's just that the time to send it was late, and I was sent to the hospital after coughing up blood. Do you think it's too late?

After staying in the hospital for half a month, Old Man Zhao's son finally passed away.

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