After the old man Zhao's son died, he left behind a six-year-old son and a daughter-in-law, as well as him and his younger brother.

Old man Zhao took his younger brother and daughter-in-law to the factory owner to ask for a pension.

As a result, the factory owner only gave Zhao old man half a month's salary to him, and said that since your son didn't come to work for half a month, it would be good to give you this half month's salary.Tell him to get out of here immediately.

Half a month's salary is not even enough for the burial.

But at that time, Old Man Zhao's son had just died, so he couldn't just put it there like that.

The workers who approached Mr. Zhao's son borrowed some money, and then buried his son with the help of those workers.

After the burial, old man Zhao took his younger brother and daughter-in-law to formally demand compensation.

After all, if compensation is not paid, how will their family live?My grandson is only six years old, what else can he do?

The old man Zhao's family came to ask for compensation, not only did not get the compensation, but also because the factory owner coveted the beauty of his daughter-in-law, because the daughter-in-law refused to comply, he was beaten to death.

Old man Zhao was about to go to the Public Security Bureau to sue him, that such an incident happened at the feet of the emperor.

It's just that the factory owner was even more ruthless. He hired some gangsters with money to block old man Zhao, and told old man Zhao that if he dared to file a complaint, he would kill his little grandson and make his old Zhao family have no descendants.

Now, Old Man Zhao is helpless.Now his son is dead, and his daughter-in-law is also dead.If the grandson dies again, his life is really meaningless.

Just when they left the factory owner's house and sighed in Yanjing, and the little grandson yelled that he was hungry and had no money, Han Ling met them.

Then Han Ling slowly got out the truth about the whole set of time from his mouth.

Three years ago, when Han Ling heard such a thing, Han Ling would have chopped the businessman with a knife.

Two years ago, Han Ling would choose to kill him all over the house.

Now, Han Ling will guess from this incident whether this phenomenon exists in all factories now.

The height is different, the mind is more mature, and the way of thinking about things is different.

The tragic experience of the old man Zhao's family reflects the current situation of all factories in Huaxia.

It is unspeakable for ordinary people to be threatened by those people.

And some low-level officials below may also have affairs with those factory owners.

So the people don't sue the officials and don't investigate. The officials below know about such things, but they just don't report them.

"Old man, don't worry! I believe the government will solve this matter for you soon!"

After Han Ling finished listening, he paid the bill and got up and said to Old Man Zhao.

After speaking, he turned and left.

He quickly returned to the government building, and then he said to one of his secretaries in his office: "Go and call me Tang Mengxiao, Minister of Public Security, and Zhang Chengling, Minister of Industry!" "

Seeing the silence on Han Ling's face, the secretary hurried to call.He knew that once Han Ling showed such an expression, it meant that there was anger in his heart.

After a while, Tang Mengxiao and Zhang Chengling appeared in Han Ling's office. Looking at Han Ling with a calm face, Tang Mengxiao and Zhang Chengling were a little confused. How did they get together this time?

One is the Minister of Industry, and the other is the Minister of Public Security. In terms of their functions and other functions, there should be nothing wrong with them?

"You guys are here! Meng Xiao, how are you sorting out the security system now?"

After a while, Han Ling asked.

Chapter 379: Wrath [Part [-]]

"Now we are still short of manpower. Our security training system has not been established for a long time. Now the security of the whole country has to be retrained. This is a huge project. We can't complete it all in a short time. Time will do!"

Tang Mengxiao didn't know why Han Ling asked this question, but she answered honestly.

"Hmm! I know this, you have to remember, you must prefer to avoid excess. As for how you did, I may not have known it before, but now I know."

After Han Ling said something inexplicable, he turned his attention to Zhang Chengling, Minister of Industry.

"Zhang Chengling, you are the Minister of Industry, how much do you know about the factories below?"

"I don't know what aspect the commander-in-chief wants to know?"

Zhang Chengling didn't know what Han Ling wanted to say, so he couldn't help asking.

"Which aspect? I want to know how each factory treats workers now!"

Han Ling glanced at him lightly and said.

"These are all in accordance with relevant laws and regulations!"

Zhang Chengling still didn't understand Han Ling's intentions.

"According to the relevant laws and regulations? I remember that your Ministry of Industry still has a task for the workers in the factory! Supplement and improve the laws and regulations of the working class, and report a series of problems that arise. Is it right?"

Han Ling asked again calmly.


Zhang Chengling seemed to feel why he was summoned.

"Well! It's good to know! Tang Mengxiao, Zhang Chengling, I'll give you two or three days to find out how the workers around Yanjing are treated and how to deal with the aftermath!"

Han Ling's words made Tang Mengxiao and Zhang Chengling's bodies tremble. The treatment of workers is not important.This is in accordance with labor law.

The key lies in the aftermath of the situation.

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