
What aftermath?

Both of them seemed to have guessed something in their hearts.

Both Tang Mengxiao and Zhang Chengling hurried out to investigate the matter, and Han Ling also asked the seventh office to investigate the matter.

As the saying goes, without the right to investigate, there is no right to speak.

Han Ling had to investigate these things clearly.

Three days later, the seventh office put all the information they had collected on Han Ling's desk.

Two reports, one about the situation in the security area below.Another is the treatment of workers around Yanjing.

First of all, Han Ling looked at the situation of the workers.

The situation in the security zone cannot be resolved in a short period of time, and what needs to be resolved most at present is the problem of workers.

If people's livelihood is not resolved, people's support will be lost.

If the people's hearts are lost, it means that the ruling foundation is unstable.That's the real big deal.

Han Lingzai looked carefully at the information collected above, and after two hours, Han Ling finally read all of them.

Putting down the document, Han Ling took a sip of tea quietly. Although he looked calm, his eyes were full of anger.

At the same time, there is also disappointment with the old officials below. It seems that these old officials really can't be used.

From the information above, Han Ling knew that there were many more things like the old man Zhao's family.

Those factory owners took advantage of the loopholes in the law.

Afterwards, many families were separated from their wives and their families were destroyed. The method of these factory owners was to not move their children and grandchildren, and threatened them by this.

If you dare to sue the officials, I will let you die.

This is why there has not been an appeal incident so far.

And there are many workers who work in the factory. Some people's fingers were cut off, and half of the first station was cut off. The factory owner just gave them wages and ignored them, and drove them out of the factory, saying that they would not waste.

These people did not dare to sue the officials, because the factory owner said that as long as you dare to sue the officials, they will ask someone to kill your whole family.

Who would have known that Han Ling trembled all over when he saw this.

And who knows, Han Ling's only thought now is to ransack these people's homes and exterminate their clans.

"Master! Minister Tang and Minister Zhang please see me!"

"Let them in!"

Han Ling tried his best to speak in a flat tone, but the coldness revealed inside made the secretary feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Big guy!"

Seeing Han Ling sitting there, the two of them dared not speak after they shouted.

During these three days, they conducted an in-depth investigation on this issue.

It's just that the more they investigate, the more frightened they become, and the more worried they become.

This thing is really terrible.

In the past three years, according to their rough investigation, it was found that dozens of people had been dumped.

This is something that many workers down there know, and the number of workers who don't know it is unknown.

This is only a three-day investigation!

The three-day investigation found so many problems, do you think they are not afraid?

All along, Han Ling has repeatedly emphasized that people should be treated kindly, but at the feet of the emperor, such things happen again and again, who do you think is not angry?

The previous agricultural machinery incident had already derailed a large number of people, but this time the incident was even bigger, and they couldn't guarantee whether they would be able to secure their positions.

"What do you think of this matter?"

After a while, Han Ling asked lightly.

"Strictly investigate! Marshal, I think this matter not only needs to be strictly investigated, but also to sort out government officials! In addition, the security force needs to be strengthened and cleaned!"

Tang Mengxiao was also a soldier at any rate, and the decisiveness of a soldier still had traces on him.

He knows that this kind of matter is a big issue related to the foundation of the rule, and it must be strictly investigated, and whoever is implicated must be executed, otherwise the common people will be disappointed with the government.

"Well! That's the point! Meng Xiao, I'll leave the security system to you! Those who haven't finished their training, as long as they have two months, go to work immediately, and let the first batch of people who took the job before take them along.

Those old police officers who have been trained will undergo strict inspections, and all unqualified ones will be eliminated. "

Some people just can't get rid of eating shit, such as the old Zhi'an in the past.

There are people who have been trained, but their minds haven't changed, it's still the same.

So this time, Han Ling is going to start from the capital first, and slowly replace this group of old security officers.

"Zhang Chengling, the public security system is going to conduct a strict investigation and clean-up! After you go down, you will treat your Ministry of Industry the same way. I will send the Supervision Department to help you thoroughly investigate this matter. I don't believe that the officials below will not know!"

When Han Ling said the last moment, there was unstoppable anger in his eyes.

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