These officials who are wrapped in corpses are what he hates the most. Whether it is now or in future generations, this kind of officials are what he wants to kill.

"Yes! I understand!"

Seeing Han Ling's expression, how could Zhang Chengling not know that he was angry.At the same time, he also felt that this time, a group of people might be involved in the downfall.

I am afraid that many officials below know this kind of thing.But none reported.

Once Han Ling thoroughly investigates the matter, he finds that the officials know about it, but they don't say anything. According to Han Ling's temper, another group of people may be executed.

"Well! I'll leave this matter to you two. After going down, you said that the first thing to do is to clean up the inside. As long as you confirm who is involved, you can directly arrest them without evidence. Wait until the inside is cleaned up and the outside is checked. Take your time to find their evidence. I don't want to see some perpetrators still at large after this time!"

Han Ling didn't look at the two of them, but sat in his seat and said in a deep voice.

But both Tang Mengxiao and Zhang Chengling knew that this was a sign of Han Ling's anger.


Tang Mengxiao and Zhang Chengling left, taking Han Ling's warrant with them when they left.During the cleaning of the interior, as long as it is confirmed who is involved in the matter, it can be arrested.As for the evidence, wait until the matter is thoroughly investigated later to find evidence!

After the two left, Han Ling had someone call Yan Baichuan.

"Master! What's the matter with you?"

Yan Baichuan's authentic Shanxi dialect made Han Ling feel kind.

"Brother Baichuan, sit down! You read a document first, and you can talk after reading this document!"

Han Ling told Yan Baichuan to sit down and talk.

Yan Baichuan nodded, sat down and looked at Han Ling, feeling infinite emotions in his heart.

Three years ago, he was still the overlord, and he was just a small merchant.

Three years later, he was the leader of a country, and he was begging for food from his subordinates.

Although Yan Baichuan was feeling emotional, the movements of his hands were not slow, and he took the document handed over by Han Ling and read it.

And Han Ling was smoking one cigarette after another.

"Master! Is this true?"

Yan Baichuan asked in disbelief after reading it.

He knew Han Ling's methods, and he also knew Han Ling's methods of dealing with those corrupt officials.

Under such circumstances, the people below actually dare to act blatantly and recklessly, not to mention that this is in the capital city, at the foot of the emperor, are they really not afraid of death?

"Hmph! What are these people afraid to do for money?"

Han Ling snorted coldly, and said with suppressed anger in his heart.

"Master! I don't know if you came to me"

Yan Baichuan may have already guessed the meaning in his heart, but he is not sure yet!

"Baichuan! I'll tell you today. I don't trust the old officials now. After thinking about it, I think you, a fellow from the same town, are more reliable than them!

Although this incident has only involved the Ministry of Public Security and Industry so far, it actually involves a wide range of areas.I think many officials in various departments should know about it.

But they all kept it from us, and I guess many people were involved in this matter.

In a few days, I am going to issue a document. You go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to become a minister, and thoroughly investigate the interior of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I suspect that the bottom of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is already rotten.

After you arrive at the Ministry of Civil Affairs, you must clarify to me the affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.The current Minister of Civil Affairs, I will issue a document to transfer him away. "

Han Ling was talking, and Yan Baichuan was listening. At the same time, he also understood that Han Ling suspected that the people below were rotten, and he needed to thoroughly investigate how much of the current government was pure.

At the same time, Yan Baichuan also knew that this was an opportunity for him to get into Han Ling's eyes. As long as he did well this time, he believed that he would have a place in the Yanjing government in the future.

After Yan Baichuan left, Han Ling fell into deep thought again.

It was a while before he picked up the investigative report on the guard zone.

After looking at it for a while, he put down the file.

There are big problems in the garrison area south of the Yangtze River, but fortunately they have not resold military supplies.

Otherwise, no matter how many people participated this time, Han Ling would send them a bullet.

"Hey! Everything is difficult at the beginning! As long as this period of time passes!"

Han Ling rubbed his forehead and said wearily.

In the next period of time, this large-scale investigation by Han Ling started from the workers began.

After Tang Mengxiao returned to her Ministry of Public Security, she started her internal affairs.

First of all, he set his target on the security sub-bureaus below.

He knew that in the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Security, no one had participated in this matter.After all, if someone is involved, no matter how secretive it is, he can find some clues.

After all, he used to be the overlord of one party, how could he not have some ability.

After analyzing in this way, he began to focus on those security sub-bureaus that were closer to the factory.

Among these security sub-bureaus, Tang Mengxiao focused on the old security bureaus.

After continuous and in-depth investigation, the cold sweat on Tang Mengxiao's forehead grew more and more.

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