Although Yan Baichuan was known to the world for his doctrine of the mean in history.

But any overlord who can sit on one side, which one is not the blade of decisiveness?

Yan Baichuan in history wants to dance on three eggs, why is that?

Gein can't afford it!

I can't afford to mess with it, and want to protect myself, so I can only dance on three eggs.and

If you look at the history of the Central Plains War, Yan Baichuan was strong at that time, so he fought with our leader.

So after Yan Baichuan took office as Minister of Civil Affairs, he immediately started to pay close attention to this issue.

Now that the Guards Group Army is staying in the city, Yan Baichuan is not afraid of other things happening.

Moreover, Yan Baichuan was able to stand out on the stage of history, how could he not have some means?

As Yan Baichuan cooperated with the Ministry of Supervision's thorough investigation, a series of officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs also began to surface.

Then the Seventh Branch began to secretly investigate officials throughout the capital.

A number of officials began to surface, and those officials who surfaced were apprehended.

As time passed, nearly seven low-level officials in the entire capital were arrested. It can be said that their vitality was severely damaged, but Han Ling didn't care.

Instead of letting them sit in this position and harm the common people, it is better to arrest them.

But what pleased Han Ling to arrive was that the main problem was the corruption of low-level officials.

There are very few middle-level officials, not many!

Few of the top officials are corrupt.

This made Han Ling breathe a sigh of relief, and then the Ministry of Supervision began to conduct a thorough investigation across the country, and the offices of the Ministry of Supervision all over the country were also involved in the anti-corruption storm that swept across the country from the capital.

Among them, the seventh place has put a lot of effort into it.

The money hidden by many officials was found out one by one by the seventh office.

Spy machine, no kidding!

And it was in such a situation that on February [-], [-], Wang Dayong, who was fighting on Fukuoka Island, sent back a telegram.

After a fierce battle on January [-], Fukuoka Island, the devil empire, was finally occupied by Huaxia.

And the Battle of Fukuoka finally came to an end.

The battle lasted on January [-], and the Pingyuan Army successively invested more than [-] troops and more than [-] aircraft of various types.

From the beginning of the eight divisions with more than [-] people to the end, the Devil Empire has invested a total of more than [-] divisions, more than [-] troops, and more than [-] various aircraft.

In this battle, among the standing divisions of the Devil Empire, the first division, the fourth division, and the fifth division went out. These three standing divisions retreated from Xiaguan in time to be preserved, and the other thirteen divisions All standing divisions were annihilated.

Of the seventeen standing divisions in the Devil Empire, there was only one complete guard division left, and three incomplete first, fourth, and fifth divisions.

As for the reserve troops recruited behind the Devil Empire, as long as they were sent to Fukuoka Island, they were all wiped out.No one escaped.

Its front-line commander He Hecao was killed by a dive bomber.

Chapter 382 : The Devil's Empire's Answer

"My compatriots! We have won! This is a great victory. Since the First Sino-Japanese War, we Huaxia have finally landed on the mainland of the Devil Empire and defeated them from the front. This represents that this country that has oppressed us for decades has finally been defeated again. We stomp on our feet.

Just like in history, the Devil Empire will always be our foil.We are the real Asian overlords!

Today I am in a state of undeniable excitement.

Last night, when I received a telegram from Wang Dayong, I felt as if a flame was burning in my heart.

Today I"

Han Ling's speech was played on the radio, and there was excitement and excitement in the words.

And all the Chinese people who heard this broadcast showed a lot of joy on their faces.

The devil empire, the country that had oppressed them for decades, was finally suppressed by their own country again.

Battle of Fukuoka!

It's not just the beginning of a successful login, nor is it just as simple as successfully occupying a piece of land in the devil's empire.

His greatest significance lies in the annihilation of the thirteen standing divisions.

These are the elite troops that the little devil has trained for many years. It can be said that they are the elite force of the Devil Empire Army.

Moreover, in this station, the first additional reinforcements sent after the little devil were also divisions composed of supplementary troops from these standing divisions.

They can be said to be the most elite soldiers outside the standing division.

But hundreds of thousands were eaten.

In this battle, the little devil lost hundreds of thousands of army essence.

Later, they didn't have much strength to stop Huaxia's attack.

In the morning, Han Ling returned to the military headquarters after delivering a speech for more than an hour.

[-]:[-] in the morning, Yanjing, Xiyuan, the hall of the military headquarters

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