"Commander! This time the victory over the devil empire war, what do you plan to do next? Now that the hundreds of thousands of elites of the little devil have been eaten by us, the next battle may be easy!"

Seeing Han Ling walk in, Zhang Hanqing couldn't help laughing.

"How can there be such a simple thing! The resistance of the little devil has never been weak. You see, this is the telegram sent back in a hurry just now from the branch of the Devil Empire by the Seventh Office.

Last night, the base camp of the Devil Empire held an imperial meeting overnight. After a night of discussions, they decided to resist the whole people.

And this morning, their newspapers were clamoring for a decisive battle on the mainland.And many young people from all over the country began to join the army enthusiastically.And the most important thing is that I also got a piece of information! "

Han Ling sat down and shook his head and said, his expression became serious at the end.

Obviously, this matter is very important.

"Master! What's the matter?"

Bai Jiansheng, the deputy chief of staff next to him, couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Just now, when I got a telegram from inside the Devil Empire, I also got a telegram from Lao Maozi. Last night, it wasn't just the Devil Empire that held an imperial meeting overnight.

Lao Maozi also held a meeting overnight, and they decided to support the little devil with weapons and ammunition.

In the past two years, we and Lao Maozi have only been confronting each other in Siberia.Because we keep wrecking his roads and railroads.

Therefore, the big road plan of the bearded man has never been able to be truly implemented.Now they have thought of a way, that is to support the little devil and let the little devil weaken our strength. "

There is a saying that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.This sentence is even more a wise saying in the country.

And there is another famous saying, that is, there is no eternal friendship between countries, only eternal interests.

Don't look at the little devil and the old Maozi who fought a battle before, and even fought to the death.

But now because they have common enemies and common interests, the two of them are coming together again.

Lao Maozi decided to support the little devil.

"Huh? The old man wants to support the little devil?"

Zhang Hanqing couldn't help exclaiming when he heard the news.

"It's nothing strange! It's like this between countries. It's just that I didn't expect Lao Maozi to make a decision so quickly."

Only Mr. Zhan Ning said calmly.

"Well! We don't care who wants to support the little devil, but at present we are the navy that needs to kill the little devil.

Last month, our naval fleet was going to have a naval battle with the little devil, but because the Pacific Fleet had an aircraft carrier in service at that time, and the little devil also wanted to support the country, so there was no large-scale naval battle between the two sides ! "

"Aircraft carrier? Commander! You mean we have an aircraft carrier?"

This time, Mr. Zhan Ning also exclaimed.

That's right, there is indeed an aircraft carrier!

At the end of December [-], the production of the aircraft carrier was about to be completed.

But it was only then that Han Ling remembered that he hadn't prepared to clone the sailor yet.

So I hurried to prepare the cloned sailors.

At the beginning of January [-], five aircraft carriers could be said to have been produced.

The production has been produced, but these five aircraft carriers need [-] naval sailors.

And all the cloned soldiers produced during this period were transformed into naval sailors, which was enough.

When it was produced, it coincided with the time when our own naval fleet was about to engage in a naval battle with the little devil's naval fleet.

Based on the principle of maximizing the use of waste, Han Ling felt that there was no need to collide with the little devil's navy fleet so soon.

It's better to keep them for a while longer, when the aircraft carrier and battleship will train with them together, there are not many opportunities for this kind of training.

And now more than a month of running-in training, it should be almost the same.

After all, all the five aircraft carriers were controlled by clone soldiers this time.

As for Chen Houfu's sailors, Han Ling asked them to study with the clone soldiers for a while.

Wait until the next batch of aircraft carriers to have their share.

After the production of these five aircraft carriers, Han Ling produced three more.

All other construction slots are used to produce auxiliary ships.

After all, the aircraft carrier needs to be escorted by the fleet!

Although it is impossible to use battleships to escort them in a short time.

Now the aircraft carrier is still the main surface ship of the Huaxia Navy.

No matter what Han Ling decides, there are still some things that should be done.

On February [-], [-], the Chinese government sent a clear code message to the Devil Empire government, asking them to surrender the whole country immediately, otherwise they would launch an attack immediately.

Don't look at the fact that the Devil Empire has just lost hundreds of thousands of elites, and is dying of heartache.But when it comes to surrender, they have no such intention.

Not long after the Huaxia government sent the message, the Devil Empire government called back.

Calling the Huaxia government a vicious villain who invaded and invaded them without reason.

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