If you want them to surrender, never!

And at the end of the telegram, they clamored for a local decisive battle!

Chapter 383: The Horn of Rise [[-]]

February [-], [-], Yanjing, Xiyuan, Command Hall of the Military Headquarters

"Commander! We have issued orders to Qian Dajun's [-]th Army and Li Mingqi's [-]th Army according to your request a few days ago. They are currently being transferred, and I believe they will be able to land on the coast of the Devil Empire by boat soon!

In addition, General Wang Dayong in Fukuoka Island sent a telegram, saying that there was trouble in Fukuoka Island, and the resistance of those devils and imperialists was very fierce.Many times they will attack our army's garrison at night!By the next morning it was all gone again! "

In the command hall of the military headquarters, Bai Jiansheng was talking to Han Ling about the current problems.

"Well! Tell the Eleventh Army and the Twelfth Army to move quickly! Now I have received information that the little devil is about to turn the world upside down on Kyushu Island.

The emperor of the Devil Empire personally issued a call-up order for all the people, and even called on all citizens in the newspaper to resist our attack together!Although those people's combat effectiveness is not strong, but most of the ants kill the elephants.Too much quantity is also a nuisance for us!

As for the rebellion of those ghost empire people on Fukuoka Island, tell Wang Dayong that he would rather kill the wrong one than let it go!They can often attack our military bases at night, which shows a problem.That is, there are many people involved in it.

You must know that our army has [-] troops on Fukuoka Island, and the [-] troops are often attacked by surprise. This is not something that tens of thousands of people can do.Who would believe that the people from the Devil Empire above did not participate? "

When Han Ling conquered the devil empire, he never thought of making them surrender.

In history, if the U.S. imperialists had not thrown two cannonballs at them, they would not have surrendered, and they would have clamored for a decisive battle at home.

Now I don't have that kind of big gun battle, although there will be one later, but there is no information base that is only level [-].

Now if you want to take down the devil empire, you have to spend a lot of effort.

"Master! Then when will our troops on Fukuoka Island attack? Where will we attack from?"

This question had to be asked by Han Ling.This is related to the [-] troops, plus the attack of the two armies that are about to arrive.

Even Mr. Zhan Ning, the chief of the general staff, has no right to decide this kind of problem.

"This time I decided to divide the troops into two groups. One is under the command of Wang Dayong, under the command of the fifth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-second armies. Attack on their capital.

The other route was commanded by Qian Dajun, Commander of the Eleventh Group Army. He was a student of Mr. Zhan Ning. He had rich experience in commanding the battlefield through several previous battles and as the chief of staff.

He led the [-]th, [-]th, [-]rd, and [-]th armies, as well as the provisional first army. A total of [-] troops landed in Uwa by boat from Oita.Going hand in hand with Wang Dayong's troops, after taking down this island, they landed in Kobe, and also attacked the capital of the Devil Empire.

Besides, it's time to attack!

It is set on the [-]th, the Eleventh Army and the Twelfth Army are still on the way, and they must not be in time!But it doesn't matter, let Li Mingqi take a plane and land in Oita, first set up a headquarters in Oita, you can temporarily command the [-]rd, [-]th and the temporary first army, and more than [-] troops will land and attack! "

"Number twenty-fifth!"

Bai Jiansheng, Mr. Zhan Ning, and Zhang Hanqing all exclaimed when they heard Han Ling's decision.

February [-], [-], is February [-] in the lunar calendar.

On the second day of February, the dragon raises its head, commonly known as the Qinglong Festival. It is said that it is the day when the dragon raises its head, and it is also the day when the common people start spring farming.

Among the common people, this day can be said to be a big day for a good harvest in a year.

But when it comes to the military, especially in this period, at this time, the focus is on the implication of the three characters "dragon raising its head".

Since ancient times, the people of China have called themselves the descendants of the dragon, and now, at the time when the final attack on the devil empire will be launched, Han Ling is setting the date here. This is to tell the whole world: China, has this eastern power already risen? ?

On the afternoon of February [-], [-], Han Ling, as the current supreme leader of China, announced to the world that the Pingyuan Army will launch the final attack on the Devil Empire on the [-]th, and will use devils The blood of the imperial people has come to wash away the shame of thirty-eight years ago!At the same time, he announced to all the people in China that after defeating the Devil Empire, he will hold a coronation ceremony in the capital of the Devil Empire!

When the news came out, the world was shocked, and China was boiling!

Countless countries with interests in East Asia are clamoring that the wolf is coming everywhere. At the same time, among all Western countries, except for the countries with mustaches, other countries are secretly wary of China.

China's influence in East Asia is too great.

For thousands of years, China has always been the overlord of Asia and a big country in East Asia.For a long time, China was a superpower in the world, bar none!

And Huaxia is also the only country among the four ancient civilizations that can completely inherit the civilization.

The viability of Chinese civilization has amazing resilience, which can be seen from the fact that the other three ancient civilizations have died out one after another, and only China has survived under various difficult conditions.

And countless people in Huaxia rushed to tell each other to celebrate the big happy event of this day.

For a long time, the people of China were worried.

They worry about those officials coming to power.

They were worried that Han Ling would lose his power.

They worry that their lives will return to the same kind of poverty as before.

A person who is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, eating big fish and meat every day, if you let him eat bran and wild vegetables, can he bear it?It's no different from killing him.

This is how the Chinese people are now.

The area south of the Yangtze River has been included by the Yanjing government for a short time, and the changes have not been great.

But the people in the area north of the Yangtze River have been there for two or three years.

In the past two or three years, life has been getting better and better. Is there anyone who can't afford food now?

Who else eats the last meal without the next meal?

They are not thinking about filling stomach problems now, but thinking about how to make their lives better.

Han Ling's Hetao development project, the widespread use of agricultural machinery, and the continuous synthesis of food on the spacecraft synthesis system are put on the market.

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