Now a situation has been created, that is, the price in Huaxia's grain market has always been stable.

When the price was high, Han Ling increased the distribution of grain to stabilize the market.

If the price is low, those farmers will lose money, so they should release less grain to keep the grain price stable at a relatively stable price.

Chapter 384: The Horn of Rise [[-]]

This kind of life is what the Chinese people have been looking forward to for a long time, and it is even something they have never seen before.

Especially those old people, they have experienced the end of the Qing Dynasty, the period of warlord melee, the period of the National Congress Party, and now they have entered the period of Han Ling's rule.

Among these four periods, the period of Han Ling's rule was the era when they woke up laughing from their dreams.

At the same time, they also hoped from the bottom of their hearts that Han Ling would continue to rule.

Han Ling is still very young, only 24 years old. According to the thinking of the common people in this era, it is not a problem to live another fifty years. [Han Ling will tell them, after the information base reaches a certain level, can he take medicine to prolong his life? 】

Fifty years!

Fifty years later, my sons will probably be old guys, and my grandsons will probably have sons.

And they believe that fifty years later, Huaxia will usher in another prosperous age in Han Ling's hands!

People don't care about your national affairs or anything.They only care about what is in their rice bowl, whether it is meat or rice bran.

They only care about what their next meal will be.

So under such circumstances, they naturally wanted to fully support Han Ling.

The Chinese people are boiling and telling each other.And what is Han Ling doing?

Right now he is meeting Carl!

"Dear General Han, I have to congratulate you. You are about to build a huge empire. I believe that the people of your country will live in happiness!"

Sir Karl still looks like a gentleman and aristocrat, but the anxiety on his brow betrayed him.

This thing has dragged on long enough!

Discussions in the country are also very intense.Later, if the King of England could not suppress the public opinion below and had no choice but to agree, I am afraid that this matter will be delayed!

"Hehe! This is nothing to be congratulated on. Our country still has a long way to rise! We need the help of all the friends of the free world to do this!"

Isn't it politics?

Anyway, I have stayed in this position for so long, combined with some things from later generations.

This kind of words, Han Ling just opened his mouth!

After Karl and Han Ling chatted and talked nonsense again, Karl finally couldn't help but tell the reason for his visit. Otherwise, he felt that if this nonsense continued, this Han Ling would probably be talking to him here all day. .

"Dear General Han! According to the instructions sent from China, we agree to grant your request and return all the Chinese national treasures to you!"

"Oh? Mr. Carl, I have to say, you have made a wise decision! I believe all Chinese people will thank you for your generosity!"

A smile appeared on Han Ling's face, these John Bulls finally agreed.

If you don't agree, after the beginning of spring, my buddies will send them to build the big railway.But it took so long to reply, if my buddies don't give you a little punishment, then I'm really sorry for myself.

"Then I wonder when General Han will be able to release our soldiers?"

Hearing Han Ling's words, Carl finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Carl! Don't worry about this question, we have to wait a few days!"

"Wait a few days? Why? Didn't we promise to return it?"

"Mr. Carl! There is a saying in this business that one pays the money and delivers the goods. If the cultural relics from our country are released before the arrival of your country's soldiers, I am afraid that the people of our country will not agree!

And as I said at the beginning, soldiers from your country need to pay for food in our country.After all, these are the finances of our country, and they are the crystallization of the sweat of our people. "

Carl's eyes widened at Han Ling's words.

At this time, he remembered that there seemed to be such a thing.

"Okay! Dear General Han, how much does our country need to pay for food?"

In the end Carl could only say helplessly.

He knew that he had said this before.It's just that the delay was too long, and their focus was on the cultural relics, so they ignored this.

"It's not urgent! You need to wait a few more days, after all, the calculations here are very complicated!"

The more Han Ling said this, the more Karl felt that Han Ling wanted to open his mouth like a lion this time!

"Okay! I hope General Han can hurry up!"

The negotiation between Han Ling and Carl is over, and the time will soon be February [-]th.

This day was the day when Wang Dayong commanded the troops to attack the little devil's Kyushu Island. At the same time, a major event also happened inside the little devil.

That is Uehara's death!

In the original history, the leader of the little devil, the leader of the army, did not die until November [-].

But this time there was an accident.

Yusaku Uehara in [-] is already seventy-seven years old.

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