Now the Huaxia Air Force laughs at the little devil's air force for learning to fly from his teacher!

The planes of the little devils were shot down into the sky like targets one by one.

"Hehe! Look at how rampant you little devil is this time! Think you can wrestle with me with an army of [-] million?"

Wang Dayong was standing on a hillside, holding a binoculars, watching the smoke continuously rising into the sky in the distance, with a sneer on his face.

This time, when dealing with the [-] million army of little devils, Wang Dayong never thought of eating them in a few days, and this is unrealistic!

What does Wang Dayong want?That's bombing!

Blow up their morale first.

Now the little devils have gathered an army of [-] million, and this is the time when their morale is at its peak and their fighting spirit is high.

First sharpen their morale and their will to fight.

Otherwise, it would really take a lot of casualties to eat up the [-] million army.

And Wang Dayong is still waiting.

At present, among the devil's troops, he is the only Fifth Army among the seventeen elite armies.

The Eleventh Army and the Twelfth Army are still on the way.

When the two armies arrive, they will attack the little devil from two directions, one south and one north, and see how the little devil resists.

Little Devil Frontline Command!

This battle can be said to really be related to the life and death of the little devil, so this time the devil emperor also sent a very important figure, that is Prince Xianyuan!

This time, the devil emperor really paid attention to it, and sent out his chief of staff.

This is also something that can't be helped. They will train the second batch of supplementary troops with only about two million people.

There are [-] million here, and there are [-] in Kochi.

This can be said to be the most powerful force of the devil.

Although there are still one or two million recruits in the recruit battalion, their training has not even progressed to half.

So this time, no matter what, they can't just lose like this, otherwise they won't even be able to resist.

"Your Excellency! Since this morning, the Pingyuan Army has bombed us! According to our estimates, they used more than [-] artillery pieces of various types, and more than [-] bombers bombed us.

The Imperial Air Force was exhausted after initially resisting for a while.

Now our large army is under full bombardment from them.

Fortunately, although they have more bombers, because our troops are widely distributed, they cannot carry out full-scale carpet bombing, and we can persist.The only thing that worries us is the morale of the soldiers.If such bombing lasts for a long time, it may have a great impact on morale! "

A guy who looked like an adjutant stood behind Prince Xianyuan and said.

The old guy in Xianyuan stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, and said softly after a while: "I guessed that the Chinese army would do this! According to our information, they divided the [-]-odd army into Two routes! The route attacking us now has only over [-] troops.

But we have an army of more than [-] million.It would be foolish for them to let the infantry charge in the first place!Go down and tell the soldiers that they must endure for a few days for the great cause of the empire.In addition, I will send a report to the base camp. Now that the front line is difficult, morale needs to be improved urgently. Let the base camp recruit some women to come to the front line to condolences to the soldiers!Let the soldiers improve their morale! "


The old guy in Xianyuan is indeed capable, otherwise the devil emperor wouldn't let him take the position of chief of staff just because he was his uncle.

Chapter 386: The Horn of Rise [[-]]

No matter what kind of preparations the little devil has to make, Wang Dayong's bombing has been going on all the time.

It's just that Wang Dayong also discovered the problem of too few heavy bombers on his side.

Seven hundred and fifty heavy bombers sound like a lot, and they can bring nine thousand tons of bombs to the crowd of little devils at one time.

To be honest, [-] tons at a time sounds like a lot.

But there are [-] million little devils. On average, that means [-] little devils can only get [-] tons of bombs.

How much terrain would [-] people take up for a walk, but on this terrain there was only a mere [-] tons of explosives.

Therefore, Wang Dayong decisively asked the country to dispatch heavy bombers.

The current Pingyuan Army is no longer what it used to be.

In the past, whether it was heavy bombers or dive bombers, they had to be used sparingly, because the overall number was not large.

However, after two years of development, the Pingyuan Army Air Force has grown to a point where it cannot be added.

For example, it was easy to gather thousands of heavy bombers before, and Han Ling didn't even frown. From this point, it can be seen that the Huaxia Air Force has changed.

Wang Dayong's telegram was soon placed on Han Ling's desk.

For Wang Dayong's request, Han Ling gave instructions immediately.

Since [-] is too few, then [-], a total of [-] heavy bombing brigades, can take off [-] tons of aerial bombs to the little devil's head in one take-off .

The transfer of planes was still very fast. This time, in order to cooperate with Wang Dayong's bombing, Han Ling specially dispatched two hundred new-style airships to transport logistics supplies.

What is the carrying capacity of a new airship?

100 tons!The carrying capacity of an airship has reached a full hundred tons, and the speed is much faster than the old-fashioned airships before.

Twenty thousand tons of logistics supplies can be delivered to Wang Dayong at one time.

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