No way, Han Ling can't send two hundred airships over here!

This time it's a heavy bomber. I don't know how many aerial bombs will be used in a day. It takes [-] tons of aerial bombs for one take-off. This is just a bomb. If fuel is added, the daily consumption will be huge. Well, how can we do without more airships.

Fortunately, Han Ling has an airship to transport logistics supplies, otherwise, how many countries in the world can supply this consumption?

kindness!If there are more people transporting logistical supplies, then there is another kind of people.

That's the ground crew!

There are so many of these heavy bombers, and it would be impossible without a large number of ground crews from the country.

Anyway, Wang Dayong's increased bombing efforts were carried out when people were needed to give people and planes were needed to give planes.

Before, the little devils thought that the bombing was nothing more than that, but they could still endure this kind of bombing.

It's just that when the number of heavy bombers increased to [-], they felt that the end was coming.

Heavy bombers lowered the altitude to [-] meters, and heavy aerial bombs fell on the little devil like dumplings.

They were still talking about it before, thinking that the bombing by the Pingyuan Army was nothing more than that, but in the next second they knew what carpet bombing was.

There is a time limit for the bombing of the Pingyuan Army, and within what time must the bombing of the first echelon be completed.

When the time is up, they will evacuate immediately, and those who have not finished throwing the bombs will also leave.

It's just that the heavy bomber pilots of the Pingyuan Army have never had the habit of returning home with bombs.

Even if the time is up and their bombs haven't been dropped yet, they will never bring the bombs back to the airport. They will bring the war to the devils and their villages on the way halfway.

Amidst the cries of crying and crying, the button to drop the bomb was pressed.

When this spring came, it was the time of spring plowing, but the devil's land showed dry cracks.

Corpses were randomly placed in the field. They were all devils who were plowing in the spring, but they were suddenly bombed by the Pingyuan Army. Now they can only become a corpse, and they are placed irregularly.

As for the question of someone coming to collect his body, I believe that no one will come to collect his body until the war is over.

Including those devils and ordinary people, because they are already too busy to take care of themselves.

Every day during the day, the planes in the sky never stop, and one after another flies through the sky. I believe that under such circumstances, no one rushes to run around outside. It may not be that the plane launched a heavy bomb A machine gun bullet can take your life away.

Headquarters of Prince Xianyuan.

"Your Excellency! The Pingyuan Army has suddenly increased its bombing intensity in the past few days. According to our observations in the past few days, we found that the number of their heavy bombers will not be less than [-]. Every day, countless imperial warriors die in China. The bombing of the army, in addition, many civilians were affected by the war and died of the bombing!"

A staff officer stood behind Xianyuan and said with some grief.

Since the bombing has intensified, their casualties have also risen sharply.

The positions they built could hardly withstand the bombing of the Pingyuan Army.

Under the heavy aerial bomb of [-] kilograms, the blast hole dug is like a bubble that cannot withstand scrutiny.

Unless you can dig out an air-raid shelter more than three meters deep underground in one night, maybe you can survive the bombing the next day.

Otherwise, if you don't dig deep enough, even if the next bombing can't kill you directly, the power of the explosion can still shatter your internal organs and make you die in great pain.

Of course, if you can build a permanent two-meter-thick air-raid defense with cement and pray that you don't get bombed during the second day's bombing, you can hide in it on the third day.

It's just that in such a bombing, you can't move at all during the day, and you have time to get all the supplies at night.

Because they are bombed during the day, the little devil's logistics troops will not move, and they are also afraid of death.

We can only seize the time to deliver logistics supplies to various troops at night. As for the delivery of steel and concrete, where is the time to deliver them.

The logistics supplies of so many troops will exhaust them, and they are still transporting these things!

This bombing continued until March [-]th, when the Pingyuan Army stopped this money-burning behavior.

"Ordering the troops to prepare for the attack has been bombing for so long. It's been almost half a month. It's time for the troops to move."

Wang Dayong gave the order. He felt that the bombing could be over, and he could test the little devil's combat effectiveness!

Chapter 387: The Horn of Rise [[-]]

March [-]th, six o'clock in the morning.

At six o'clock in the morning on March [-]th, the sky was still pitch black, but the temperature was not as cold as before.Sometimes when the sun is out, it still feels warm on the body.

Wang Dayong stood in his headquarters, and a group of staff members were doing the final deduction, which was the last deduction before the attack.

According to Wang Dayong's scheduled attack time, there are still three hours.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the whole army officially launched an attack. Don't attack tentatively, just press the whole army directly.

For the past half month, those heavy bombers have plowed the little devil's position several times a day. According to the photos taken by the reconnaissance plane, Wang Dayong's staff concluded that the little devil's position has actually become a piece of scorched earth.

As for the hills that the little devil was defending, they were flattened by more than three meters in the past half a month.

According to the prediction of the staff department, the little devil has little resistance.

During the bombing for half a month, the little devils' ammunition and weapons were destroyed in large quantities. Now the little devils can be said to be a team short of guns and ammunition.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the sky began to light up, and the heavy bombers took off again.As if it was the same as yesterday.

They still flew towards the little devil with a large number of heavy aerial bombs.

After another burst of bombing and shelling, it was half past eight!

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