The soldiers of the Fifth Army are making final preparations before the attack, checking weapons and ammunition, and checking whether the equipment is normal.

For the soldiers of the Fifth Army, they couldn't wait any longer.After waiting for more than half a month, I can only see waves of bombers flying every day.

And they can only wait for the order from the headquarters in their own position. Yesterday, they finally received the order to attack.

"An order from the headquarters! Our division will be the first offensive echelon later on, and our division's mission is to attack! Keep attacking, as long as the headquarters does not issue an order, we will continue to attack, do you understand?"

A division commander stood in front of a group of officers and stated the requirements of the headquarters.


At nine o'clock in the morning, an infantry division of the Fifth Army took the lead in attacking.

Squads of dive bombers were like swarms of locusts. After the heavy bombers flew by, they drilled out of the clouds in the sky.

The advance division of the Fifth Army rushed towards the little devil's position with steady steps.

Slowly, it was getting closer and closer to the little devil's position.

There was no gunfire from the little devil's position, not even a single other sound.

Only the howling spring breeze was blowing constantly, and a soldier of the Pingyuan Army walked cautiously towards the little devil's position.

When the distance reached [-] meters, all the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army suddenly exerted their strength and began to sprint towards the little devil's position.

"Kill it"


"Allegiance to the Empire"

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army had just rushed to the position, and the screaming of birds began to sound.

Then, in the eyes of the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army, a little devil soldier with ragged clothes, a black face, and a thin figure emerged from some underground.

They hold various weapons in their hands.

There are those with samurai swords, some with rifles, and some with only a bayonet in their hands.

It can be said that the weapons in their hands can be described as varied.

The bombing in the past half month has destroyed all their heavy weapons, and even many soldiers' rifles have been blown up.

They can only hold a bayonet to defend against the enemy.

The fight has begun!

Another hand-to-hand battle has begun. The bombing for half a month has made the little devils miserable, and there is a serious lack of weapons, but their fighting will can be described as strong.

The little devils armed with the spirit of bushido, their spirit is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

They rushed up bravely, even if they knew that they would be smashed into a sieve by the Pingyuan army, they didn't hesitate at all.

Fearless behavior can erupt powerful combat power at some times, but more often than not, it cannot reverse the occupation.

Even the brave and fearless spirit can't resist the killing of bullets.

One by one bullets were shot into their bodies by soldiers of the Pingyuan Army.

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army all know that they are expected to fight for a day today. At this time, they can save energy and use bullets to solve the problem.

During the past half a month, the airship has been continuously transporting ammunition to provide strong support for the air force's bombing.

And what about shipping?

Countless transport ships are storing ammunition for the army, and various ammunition supplies are continuously delivered to soldiers.

This is a big battle. If you don't prepare enough weapons and ammunition, you are fighting, and suddenly you run out of ammunition.

So today, every soldier carries enough ammunition, even four more clips than usual.

As for their supplies, in order for them to carry more ammunition, Wang Dayong even allowed them to carry only enough food for two meals, leaving the rest of the space for ammunition.

If in a war, the food is eaten up, then rely on seizure!On the battlefield, you can't let the logistics troops prepare meals for you and deliver them to you with wooden barrels. That's unrealistic!

After all, the Bushido spirit could not withstand the bullets. In less than half an hour, all the soldiers on the little devil's first line of defense were killed by soldiers of the Pingyuan Army.

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army began to clean the battlefield with their weapons in hand. Cleaning the battlefield was not for the little devil's weapons.

But to see if there are any little devils alive.

If there is no death, just add another shot.

Rescuing enemy soldiers on the battlefield is impossible. Only a fool would do that. It is a fantasy.

Even American imperialism, which claims to be democratic and free, will not rescue enemy soldiers on the battlefield.

A soldier of the Pingyuan Army raised his foot after killing a little devil who was still alive but unable to move.

He touched the steel helmet on his head with his hand, and then grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground.

He could clearly see that there were no less than four shrapnel in this handful of soil.

He turned to look at a tree stump in the distance.

The wound on the top has been cut off, and it can be clearly seen that the wound is still very new, and the color of the bark is added.

It is not difficult to judge that this tree should have been a thriving young tree half a month ago.

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