Now it was destroyed, and there were no less than [-] shrapnel on the trunk that was no more than [-] meters high.

Chapter 388: The Horn of Rise [[-]]

"Goofy! What are you looking at, don't hurry up!"

A voice drew the sight of the Pingyuan Army soldier back.


After Gouzi replied, he continued to attack with the large army.

When the Fifth Army attacked, the [-] heavy bombers were not idle, and they continued to bomb the little devils behind.

Ammunition is like worthless things to the Pingyuan Army, and they keep throwing bombs on the little devil's head.

Amidst the little devil's wailing, they burst into ferocious smiles and returned home.

When Wang Dayong and Qian Dajun commanded the troops to attack the little devils, Han Ling, who was far away in Beiping, was preparing for the establishment of the country.

"Marshal! According to your instructions, we are going to build a political meeting hall in the Forbidden City as a new political meeting place in our country! In addition, we are also planning to invest about [-] million yuan in repairing other palaces. If we don't meet the deadline, It is estimated that the repairs will be completed around the beginning of May, and if you dare to meet the deadline, the repairs can be completed in mid-April! The construction of the Tai Chi Palace may take some time, and it is estimated that it will be completed by the end of May or the beginning of June!"

Fang Tu, the head of the secretarial department, who was jokingly called Shoufu outside, was reporting the situation to Han Ling.

To build a country, to be crowned, to be enthroned.

This imperial palace is indispensable. Originally, someone from below proposed to build a new imperial palace, but Han Ling rejected it.

The reason is very simple. If a new palace is to be built, the first thing is the cost, at least hundreds of millions of oceans.

This is only an initial preliminary estimate. Secondly, it may take a long time. It is impossible to build it without a year or two.

Third, if such a new palace is built, it will definitely affect the current economic development.

Although Han Ling refused to build a new imperial palace, he still planned to build a huge Taiji Palace in the Forbidden City, and planned to use it as the political hall of the new dynasty.

And there are other palaces that are also going to be repaired.

Han Ling said before that after defeating the devils, he will build a country. Now Wang Dayong and his boy have been fighting in Mine for half a month and have not made any progress. It seems that the war is very difficult.

But everyone from Han Ling to the military knew that it wasn't that the progress of the war was difficult, but that Wang Dayong hadn't started attacking yet, and was just bombing all the time.

"En! Remember! The construction of the Taiji Palace is our country's new political hall, which represents the face of our country. Although we cannot build a new palace, the specifications of this Taiji Palace can be higher! This matter, I will leave it to you Do it yourself! During this period of time, apart from our logistical problems in the devil army, you will mainly focus on this problem."

Han Ling thought about it and set such a task for Fang Tu.

"Yes! Commander! But Commander, I have one more thing to report to you!"

"What's the matter?"

"It's just now that the news that you are going to build a new palace is spreading wildly among the people. Some businessmen want to pay to build this Tai Chi Palace for you!"

Fang Tu was a little embarrassed when he said that, and at the same time he didn't know what to do with this matter.

This kind of thing has never happened in the past dynasties, but it did happen when they came to them. There is actually a businessman who wants to build this Tai Chi Palace for them.

"Want to pay for the construction of Taiji Palace for me?"

Han Ling's gaze was very strange, then he turned to look at Fang Tu and asked, "What's going on here?"

"According to the statistics made by the people below, these businessmen who want to donate money and materials to build the Tai Chi Palace for you are all emerging businessmen who have just emerged in the past two years, and they can be regarded as our rising stars.

Because of the policies you promulgated, they have made their business bigger and stronger in a short period of time.Now that I heard that you are going to build a new palace, they should come here with the idea of ​​repaying you. "

Since this kind of thing has happened, and it is something that has never happened in the past dynasties, Fang Tu will definitely figure out these things in the first time.

"En! The idea is good. Go down and count. Then count up the funds and various items donated by them, and then erect a few stone tablets outside the gate of Chengtianmen, and all the expenses for building Taiji Palace will be listed on it." Indicate the cost of building Tai Chi Palace to the outside world in a transparent way.

In addition, you can also let them participate in the construction of Tai Chi Palace.This is the will of the people, and we can accept it.But here you also need to pay attention to the flow of funds. If you find any corruption, I will ask you! "

"Yes! Master!"

Fang Tu left, and Han Ling sat alone in his office thinking about some current issues.

Now it will be mid-March, and the giant in a wheelchair in the United States has already taken office, and a series of policies he mentioned before to win votes have also begun to be implemented.

After a period of time, the matter of recruiting talents in the United States will not be as simple as before.

So far, I have recruited more than two million talents from the United States.

According to statistics, the youngest people here are all twenty-five years old, and the oldest are in their fifties.

They are all forced by life, and they are the kind of people who have problems eating.

Once the recruiters represented by Qihang Company set up a recruitment position, tens of thousands of people immediately applied for it.

Although Qihang Company asked them to come to China to work, for them, as long as they can have enough food, let alone come to China, even if they go to Senshan and old forests, there is no problem.

After all, people are starving to death, so how can they care so much.

But now that the cripple is on stage, in another year or two, recruitment will not be so easy.

After all, many people are unwilling to leave their hometowns if they can fill their stomachs. If they are in the United States, I believe it is still very easy. The key is to go abroad.

Han Ling rubbed his forehead.

Fortunately, three million have been recruited.

Three million talents of various types are placed in Huaxia, which is quite a lot this time. This can be seen from the second half of last year, when various industrial achievements began to improve significantly.

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